关键词 > COMP2411

COMP2411 – Database Systems


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COMP2411  Database Systems

Submission Deadline: 1st Stage – 22-OCT-2022 | 2nd Stage – 19-NOV-2022 Weighting: 10% | 20%

Project Title: Library Management System (LMS)

Description of the library management system (LMS) is as follows:

LMS offers a user-friendly way of issuing books and also viewing different books and titles           available under a category. You are required to create a Database Application and use SQL queries that enable quick retrieval of the required information.

The library system should have the following features:

1.   A book catalogue with search by name, author and category of the books. Note there may be more than one copy of each book, and a book may even be published by different         publishers.

2.   The ability to deactivate a patron’s account if he/she does not return books after a specific period of time passes.

3.   Records of books checked out as well as placed on hold (i.e. “reserved” by a patron to make sure the book is there when he/she gets to the library to check it out).

4.  Notifications when the desired book becomes available and reminders that a book should be returned to the library.  Both could be sent by email and/or when patron logs in to the LMS.

5.   Provide analysis report to management to review the system.

(Note: You may have your assumptions/suggestions to decide what kind of the analysis report to be generated. For example, tofind out the peak hour(s) ofthe library so that management could arrange enough manpower, etc.)

What to do and submit?

1.   You are required to form a group of FOUR to SIX (4 ~ 6) and confirm a Group Member     List on or before 30-SEP-2022 and send the list to Alvin (alvin.[email protected]) through email.  In addition, this group project is divided into TWO stages.

2.   For the First Stage, each group should submit the following on or before 22-OCT-2022 (Saturday) to the Blackboard:

a.   According to the description of the Library Management System, provide an ER    diagram to define clearly for all necessary entities, for example, which entities are “weak” or strong” as well as the relationships (especially the many-to-many         relationship and the N-ary relationship) among the entities.

(Note:  You should have your assumptions to design your database application.)

b.   Based on the ER diagram, generate a relational schema for the Library Management System.

c.   A project plan or a project schedule should be prepared and submitted.

3.   For the Second Stage, the following materials are required and submitted to Blackboard on or before 19-NOV-2022 (Saturday):

a.   A Project Report in Microsoft Word format or PDF format.

b.   A User Guide” to show how to setup and use the application.

c.    Source code file(s).

d.   Testing data file(s).

e.   A soft copy of the presentation file.

f.    Sample(s) of the analysis report(s).

g.   A FIVE minutes (at most) video demonstration (presentation) which is to introduce and demonstrate your application (see part 4).

h.   Contribution of Work A list to indicate/describe the workload of each member.  The list should be signed by all group members to show your consensus.

i.    Peer Evaluation Form Each member should complete the Peer Evaluation Form and submit it to Blackboard.

4.   Demonstration – Each group should prepare a task list and testing data to test their          application.  The task list and the testing data should be included in the submission.  For the video, it is to show how your group complete all the required tasks in brief.  For example,   how to set up the proper environment, how to initialize the application, and so on.  In          addition, all members should present here, and the length of the video is at most FIVE         minutes long.  (Note: A random selection ofthe group presentation would be introducedfor the demonstration. Most likely a Teams meeting is to be arrangedfor that presentation.)