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CSC 172 (Data Structures and Algorithms), Fall 2022, Project #2


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PRoiEcr #2 (HuFFMAN CoDiNG)

CSC 172 (Data Structures and Algorithms), Fall 2022


This project covers a lot of topics, which includes but not limited to, priority queues, maps, and trees. Also you will learn how to read and write binary files. Most importantly, you are going to learn Huffman coding, a lossless compression algorithm and an optimal method for symbol encoding.

Project Description

Huffman encoding is one of the most popular lossless compression algorithms that works fairly well on any text file. In fact, this algorithm can be applied to any file. It can reduce the storage required by a half or even more in some situations. At the end of the project, you will impress yourself implementing this excellent algorithm! This particular project can be used to even encrypt and decrypt files (provided you keep the frequency file hidden).

In this project, you have to write a program that allows the user to compress and decompress files using the standard Huffman algorithm for encoding and decoding.

Overview of the Program Structure

We will provide four Java files to start with:


(source: https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/code/edu/princeton/cs/algs4/BinaryIn.java.html)       This class provides methods for reading bits (one or many) from a binary input stream. The binary input stream can be produced from a filename.

The methods of interest are:

public   boolean   readBoolean () ;

public   char   readChar () ;


(source: https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/code/edu/princeton/cs/algs4/BinaryOut.java.html) This class provides methods for writing 1-bit boolean or 8-bit char to an output stream such as a file.

The methods of interest:

public   void  write ( boolean  x ) ;

public   void  write ( char  x ) ;

public   void   flush () ;  //  Really   important .  Flushes   the   binary   output stream ,  padding   0 s   if  number   of  bits   written   so  far   is  not   a         multiple   of  8.


Huffman .java  contains Human interface which you must implement.

You  are  not  allowed  to modify  this  file .

This interface contains two methods:

public   void   encode ( String   inputFile , String   outputFile , String   freqFile ) ; public   void   decode ( String   inputFile , String   outputFile , String   freqFile ) ;


This class implements Huffman interface (given in   Huffman .java ).  All modifications that you make must be limited to this le.  Feel free to add new methods and variables, and import any packages as required.  The only requirement is implementing  encode  and  decode  methods correctly. We will test your submission on this two methods only.

source code

You can download the zip le fromhttps://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/pawlicki/csc/172/Fall2022/proj2upload.zip

Extract the tar file. The resulting directory should contain four java files and 2 sample files to test your code. Both  BinaryIn .java  and  BinaryOut .java  files contain main methods to play with the functionality of these two classes.

Your Task


This is the only file where you need to do any modification.

Implement  encode  and  decode methods .

Input arguments for  encode  method:

│  inputFile: The name of the file to be encoded

outputFile: The name of the encoded file. This is the compressed file (produced after encoding)

freqFile: The name of the frequency file. This file stores the frequency of each character present in the input file. Each row contains a 8 digit representation of the char and its frequency separated by ‘:’. A sample row may look like:   11001010:40  where ‘11001010’ is the character which has appeared 40 times in the input file.

Input arguments for  decode  method:

│  inputFile: The name of the already encoded file.

outputFile: The name of the decoded file you want to produce. This is the file to be written after decoding.

freqFile: The name of the frequency le created while encoding. Use this file to construct the Huffman Tree and perform decoding.

A sample invocation of encode and decode methods

You can test your code with the provided sample les,  alice30 .txt and  ur .jpg . For your convenience, I have already added the following code snippet to the  HuffmanSubmit .java  le.

Huffman     huffman  =  new   HuffmanSubmit () ;

huffman . encode ( " ur . jpg " ,   " ur . enc " ,   " freq . txt " ) ;

huffman . decode ( " ur . enc " ,   " ur _ dec . jpg " ,   " freq . txt " ) ;

The encoded le ur.enc is input to the decode method

In encode method, we write ’freq.txt’ and in decode method we read the same file.

│ The output file generated in decode method should have a different name than the file you started with (in this example, ur.jpg vs. ur_dec.jpg). This is just to ensure that decoding, both ur.jpg and ur_dec.jpg are the same. On linux and mac, you can use ‘diff’ command to check if they are the same.

│ Important: Encoding and decoding are not required to be done at the same time. For example, I encode a file today. close the program, and tomorrow, I should be able to decode the file. Also, the same program should be able to encode and decode multiple files during the same run, i.e., each encode and decode is independent.

How to submit

Zip (archive)  HuffmanSubmit .java  and a README le together and save it as  Proj2 .zip  . Upload the le to Blackboard. Your README le should include any specific instruction which is useful for the project. Make

sure your source le are properly commented so that user can browse your code without difficulty. You will lose points for submitting any additional le or directory.

Grading Details

│  Proj2 .zip  file must contain only two les, HuffmanSubmit.java and README. (10 pts will be deducted for not following the direction)

Frequency file correctly generated: 30 pts

 encode()  method performs correctly: 30 pts

  decode()  method performs correctly: 40 pts

(For getting any credit for decoding, your encoding must work correctly)

You should thoroughly check your code for encoding and decoding before submission.


Thanks to Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne for providing  BinaryIn .java  and  BinaryOut .java  les.

Tips and Suggestions

Note: We will update this section based on questions from the students.

When writing the bit patterns to the encoded file, you do not write the ASCII characters ‘0’ and ‘1’ (That

would rather increase the file size), instead the bits are written as true/false (0/1) using the write(boolean) function given in BinaryOut.java.

Frequency le is a regular text le. So, you really do not need to use BinaryOut for that

│ If you prefer tar le over .zip le, you can download it from: https://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/ pawlicki/csc/172/Fall2022/proj2_upload.tar

│  You are allowed to submit only one le HumanSubmit.java. So, you can create a Node class inside

HumanSubmit class.

Refer: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/nested.html