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DUE DATE:  NOV 14 (M-W section) / NOV 15 (T-R section)

QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS WITH SPSS                                         

Your assignment is to run the SPSS tutorial distributed in class. You should run the tutorial  and complete the assignment in one of the College of Journalism and Mass                   Communication’s computer labs. If you have access to SPSS elsewhere, you are welcome to run the tutorial there. The SPSS Tutorial (in .pdf format) and the data (InternData-               revisedFall2020.sav) files are saved in the Files->Homework #2 - SPSS area in Canvas. You will need to download the files from there. The tutorial and assignment should take no longer     than 30 minutes or so.

As you run the tutorial, save your output in the MyData file. When you’ve completed the        tutorial, save the output as a PDF. Then, use the output to fill in the answers to the questions below. Interpreting the output from the various procedures is fairly straightforward. But if    you have any trouble, a review of Chapter 29 in the Jugenheimer et al. (2014) text should help clarify things. Keep in mind that this assignment involves both descriptive statistics and       inferential/bivariate statistics. To correctly answer most of the questions, you will need to     conclude whether or not your results are statistically significant, and also provide the          appropriate statistical information. You have seen an example of each of these problems in   class. Be sure to provide a printout of your SPSS output along with your answers to get  full credit. This assignment is worth 50 points.

1.   Descriptive Statistics

Enter the mean scores for variables V02 to V10 in the spaces below:

V02     ______________

V04     ______________

V06     ______________

V08     ______________

V10     ______________

V03      _____________

V05      _____________

V07      _____________

V09      _____________

On the average, do you think most students had what we would consider a “successful” internship? Why or why not?



2.   Chi-Square

Is there a statistically significant relationship between sex and choice of major? Answer yes or no in the space below and include the appropriate statistical information to      support your answer.



__ _______________________________________________________________

3.   Comparing Means

Who was more likely to say they treated their internship like a real job, interns who       received some form of monetary compensation for their time or those who didn’t? What is the null hypothesis? Based on the results of your analysis, answer this question below and include the appropriate statistical information to support your answer.




4.   Bivariate Correlations

Is there a statistical relationship between students’ academic performance and their    agreement that their internships had positive characteristics and outcomes? What is an example of a relevant null hypothesis in this case? Based on the results of your analysis, answer this question below and include the appropriate statistical information to        support your answer.