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MATS68301 Principles of Polymers – Coursework 2022


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MATS68301 Principles of Polymers  Coursework 2022

Each student must submit an independently written report  plagiarism will be dealt with in                 accordance with University of Manchester regulations. All coursework must be submitted to                 Blackboard by 12:00 UK (midday) on Friday, 11th November 2022. Late work will be subject to the      department penalty policy. Submit your answers using the online text boxes at the submission link.     You can save your answers and return later by pressing Save All Answers but you must press Save      and Submit to submit your answers before the deadline. You can make additional submissions before the deadline  only the last one will be marked.

Feedback will be provided in accordance with University of Manchester policy; i.e. marked answers will be returned through Blackboard within 15 working days after the submission deadline. (Note   that working days are Monday-Friday inclusive only).

1.   A sample of semicrystalline syndiotactic polymer with Tg  = 100 °C and Tm  = 200 °C is             produced by cooling very slowly from above the Tm  down to 25 °C. The Young’s modulus    (stiffness) is measured immediately at 25 °C. Qualitatively describe and briefly explain how the following independent modifications might change the Young’s modulus at 25 °C:

i.       Changing the polymer from syndiotactic to atactic                                              4 marks

ii.       Instead cooling very quickly from above the Tm  down to 100 °C, then cooling slowly  to 25 °C.                                                                                                                        4 marks

iii.       Changing to a random copolymer with 50 mol% of a monomer which on it’s own      would produce a syndiotactic homopolymer with a Tg  of 120 °C                       4 marks

(12 marks total)

2.    For thermoplastic extrusion:

i.        Describe the temperature changes relative to Tm of a polymer during the extrusion  process, starting with solid granules at room temperature.                               4 marks

ii.        Describe how heating or cooling is achieved at each step                                  3 marks

iii.        Explain why the profile of the part might be different to that of the die.        4 marks

(11 marks total)

3.    In the context of free-radical polymerisation:

i.        Describe the effect of exact termination mechanism on molecular weight     2 marks

ii.        Describe the effect of initial initiator concentration on molecular weight, and state  TWO assumptions required for your answer to be valid.                                    4 marks


i.        State the conditions for which the equation                    can be used to

predict the number average degree of polymerisation, , considering particularly

polymerisation mechanism and monomer reactivity.                                          3 marks

ii.       Assuming the equation above is valid, calculate the extent ofreaction, p for a            polymer with number average degree of polymerisation, = 100 for an RA4 + R’B4    polymerisation.                                                                                                            4 marks

(7 marks total)