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FALL 22 EC516 Problem Set 06


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FALL 22 EC516 Problem Set 06

Due: Sunday October 30 (Before Midnight) on Blackboard Learn

Problem 6.1

(A) Suppose that the analysis window for the TDFT  Xw [n,ω)of  x[n] is a 16-point signal    w[n] such that w[n] is nonzero for 0 ≤ n ≤ 15. For what positive integer values of L can we definitely say that  Xw [nL,ω) loses information about the signal   x[n] . Justify

your answer.

(B) Let  Xw [n,k]= Xw [2n, 2πk / 8). Here  x[n] = ej ( n4) and  w[n]= u[n]u[n 8] .  Sketch

Xw [6,k] as a function of k. Justify your answer.

Problem 6.2

(A) Throughout this problem, let  x[n] be an arbitrary 200-point signal whose TDFT is given as Xw [n,ω). The analysis window is given by w[n]= u[n]u[n 100] and the discrete      TDFT of  x[n] is specified as  Xw [n, k]= Xw [100n, 2πk / 200) for  0 k 199 and zero       otherwise. For what values of n is it guaranteed that  Xw [n, 0]= 0 regardless of the         actual values of the 200-point signal  x[n] ? Justify your answer.

(B) Throughout this problem, let  x[n] be a signal with discrete TDFT  Xw [n, k] given as:

Xw [n, k] = x[2n + p]e  when 0 k 7

(a) Sketch the analysis window  w[n] and specify the temporal-sampling factor L and the frequency-sampling factor M for  Xw [n, k] . Justify your answers.

(b) If  x[n] = 0 for  n > 0, does it follow that  Xw [n, k]= 0 for  n > 0 ? Justify your answer.

Problem 6.3

Let  Yv [n, k]= Yv [n, 2πk /10) represent the discrete TDFT of a signal  y[n] with respect to an

analysis window   1 −  ejn +δ[n] . Is it true that αYv [n, k]= y[n] for some

real number α whose value is independent of n? Justify your answer

Problem 6.4

Throughout this problem, let  x[n] be an arbitrary 200-point signal whose TDFT is given as          Xw [n,ω). The analysis window is given by w[n]= u[n]u[n 100] and the discrete TDFT of  x[n] is specified as  Xw [n, k]= Xw [100n, 2πk / 200) for  0 k 199 and zero otherwise. Is it true that

x[n] = Xw [n, k]? Justify your answer.

Problem 6.5 (MATLAB)

You may use MATLAB or any other software package/language to answer the questions in this problem. Throughout this problem, use x[u] = sin(0.125u + 0.1){n[u] − n{u − 64)}.

(a)  Generate and display a plot of the signal x[u] .

(b)  Generate and display a plot of the magnitude of the 64- point DFT of x[u] .

(c)  Generate and display a plot of the magnitude of the 128-pont DFT of x[u].

(d)  Generate and display a plot of the magnitude of the 512-pont DFT of x[u].

(e)  Please comment on the differences between the plots in the previous three parts of this problem.