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MTH3170 (3175) Network Mathematics (Advanced) Assignment 2


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MTH3170 (3175) Network Mathematics (Advanced)

Assignment 2

1.    (a)  Prove that every graph G with n vertices and minimum degree 6(G) >  is connected.  [15 marks]

(b)  Show that this result is best possible by nding, for every even integer n > 2, a discon- nected graph G on n vertices with minimum degree 6(G) =  .

[5 marks]

2.  For a tree T and positive integer k, let G(T, k) be the graph obtained from T by adding an edge vw whenever distT (v, w) ≤ k.

(a)  Find a tree T with maximum degree 3, such that G(T, 2) is not 3-colourable.

[5 marks]

(b)  Prove that G(T, 2) is 4-colourable, for every tree T with maximum degree 3.

[5 marks]

(c)  Find a tree T with maximum degree 3, such that G(T, 3) is not 5-colourable.

[5 marks]

(d)  Prove that G(T, 3) is 6-colourable, for every tree T with maximum degree 3.

[5 marks]

3. Which of the following graphs are planar?  Explain your answer in full.

[20 marks]





4. A matching M in a graph G is maximal if M ∪{e} is not a matching for each edge e ∈ E(G)\M. Let Q be the 4-dimensional hypercube.














(a) Draw a maximal matching M in Q with exactly 6 edges.

[5 marks]

(b) Draw the flow network N associated with Q, and show the flow in N associated with M.

[5 marks]

(c) Apply the labelling algorithm presented in lectures to N, starting with the flow from part

(b), to compute a maximum flow in N. For each augmenting semi-path in N found by the algorithm, state the corresponding augmenting path with respect to the current matching. What is the value of a maximum flflow? What is a minimum cut?

[5 marks]

(d) Using the maximum flow in N found in part (c), determine a maximum matching in Q and draw it.

[5 marks]

5. (MTH3170 only)

Apply the algorithm presented in lectures to determine shortest paths from vertex r to every other vertex in the following edge-weighted graph. Show all steps.

[20 marks]








6.  (MTH3175 only)

Let G be the intersection graph of a set of closed intervals in the real line.  That is, V (G) = nX1 , . . . , Xn } where Xi  = [Xi , ri] and XiXj  e E(G) if and only if Xi ∩ Xj   0 and i  j .  Here [Xi , ri] is the closed interval nx e R : Xi  ≤ x ≤ ri }. The following example shows the graph and the corresponding set of intervals.

(a) Prove that the chromatic number of such a graph G equals its clique number.

[10 marks]

(b) Let T be a tree and let T1 , . . . , Tn   be subtrees of T.   Let G be the intersection graph of T1 , . . . , Tn .  That is, V (G) = nT1 , . . . , Tn } where TiTj   e E(G) if and only if Ti  ∩ Tj     0 and i  j .

Prove that the chromatic number of such a graph G equals its clique number.  Explain how the first question is related to the second question.

[10 marks]