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Math 170A, Fall 2022 HOMEWORK #5


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Math 170A, Fall 2022


Homework problems that will be graded (Q1 - Q5, 30pts in total):

Q1. Let A be an n × n matrix and denote by A∥F  the Frobenius norm of A. Recall that

the Frobenius norm has the following equivalent definition:

||A||F(2)  =工 |aij |2  = trace(AT A).


a) Show that ||A||F  = ||UA||F  for any orthogonal n × n matrix U .

b) Show that ||A||F  = ||AV ||F  for any orthogonal n × n matrix V .

Q2.  Conclude, with the help of Q1 above, that ||A||F  = 4 σi(2), where σ 1  σ2  ... 

σn  ≥ 0 are the singular values of A.

Q3. Let A ∈ Rn ×m , n ≥ m.

a) Use the SVD of A to deduce the SVD of AT A.

b) If m = n and A is full-rank, use a) to show that ∥AT A∥2  = ∥A∥2(2)  and κ2 (AT A) = κ2 (A)2 .

Q4. Work this exercise using pencil and paper. You can use MATLAB to check your work.

Let A be the following exterior (or outer) product of two vectors:

A =  「(l)    · [ 1   1 ]

Note that A is 3 × 2. Answer the questions below; you can do so without ever forming A explicitly.

a) What is the rank r of A?

b) Think about the ”sum of rank one matrices” expression for the SVD of A, then consider the reduced SVD of A: A = Ur Σr VrT . What are the sizes of Ur , Σr , and Vr ?

c) Use the fact that the columns of Ur  and Vr  are orthonormal to figure out Ur ,Vr , and Σr .

Q5. Run the attached low rank approximation .m MATLAB code.

a) Explain line by line what the code does (you might need to google some of the commands).

b) Explain what the algorithm, as a whole, does.

c) Note that the approximation gets better as we increase k . Even when k = 32, the resulting approximation looks reasonable. What is the advantage to use/store the k = 32 approximation instead of the original image? What is the disadvantage?