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CSSE7610 Concurrency: Theory and Practice Semester Two Final Examinations, 2019


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Semester Two Final Examinations, 2019

CSSE7610 Concurrency: Theory and Practice

Question 1.                             15 marks

Consider the following algorithm for the critical section problem.  The Doran-Thomas algorithm is a variant of Dekker’s algorithm.

Doran-Thomas algorithm

Boolean wantp <false, wantq <false

Integer turn <1



Loop forever

p1:         non-critical section

p2:        wantp <true

p3:         if wantq

p4:                  if turn = 2

p5:                              wantp <false

p6:                              await turn = 1

p7:                              wantp <true

p8:                  await wantq = false

p9:         critical section

p10:      wantp <false

p11:      turn <2

Loop forever

p1:         non-critical section

p2:        wantq <true

p3:         if wantp

p4:                  if turn = 1

p5:                              wantq <false

p6:                              await turn = 2

p7:                              wantq <true

p8:                  await wantp = false

p9:         critical section

p10:      wantq <false

p11:      turn <1



(a) Provide a proof by induction that the algorithm ensures mutual exclusion.  If you require other invariants in your proof, they must appear as lemmas and also be

proved by induction.                                                                                 (5 marks)

(b) Use Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) to state that the algorithm is deadlock-free.

Argue informally whether the algorithm satisfies this property.              (5 marks)

(c) Use Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) to state that the algorithm is starvation-free.     Argue informally whether the algorithm satisfies this property for two processes. Argue informally whether the algorithm satisfies this property for n processes.

(5 marks)

Question 2                           15 marks

A queue is a first-in-first out (FIFO) data structure with operations: enqueue, to add an element to the tail of the queue and dequeue, to remove an element from the front of  the queue (or throw an exception if the queue is empty).  Consider the following          concurrent linked-list implementation of a queue in Java.

public class ConcurrentQueue<T> {

class Node<T> {

T item;

AtomicReference<Node> next;

Node(T item) { this.item = item; }


private AtomicReference<Node<T>> head =              new AtomicReference<Node<T>>();

public void enqueue (T item) …

public T dequeue () throws EmptyQueueException … }

(a)  Provide the code for a simple implementation of the enqueue and dequeue methods

for a concurrent queue. (6 marks)

(b)  A simple implementation of a concurrent queue does not scale well. Explain why this is the case. Provide explanations of two different approaches that could be used to

improve the performance of a concurrent queue.                                       (9 marks)

Question 3                          10 marks

Let P1, P2 and P3 be three tasks. Is the earliest deadline first (EDF) scheduling algorithm   feasible for the following timing constraints? Provide a scheduling diagram which shows the first two times P3 is scheduled.

D1 = p1 = 8, e1 = 4, r1 = 0

D2 = p2 = 10, e2 = 2, r2 = 0

D3 = p3 = 12, e3 = 3, r3 = 2

where Di  is the (relative) deadline, pi  is the period, ei  is the execution time, and ri  is the release time of process Pi .

Question 4                        10 marks

A disk scheduling algorithm has the head start at one end of the disk and move towards the other end. When the head is moving up, it services requests at or above the current position, then reverses direction and services all requests at or below the current            position.  The head continuously scans back and forth across the disk.

The head can be called to a destination by calling request(i).  The request moves the head to the destination i.  After it has finished servicing the request, it is released by  calling release().

The monitor will require two condition variables: upsweep when moving up and              downsweep when moving down.  A request must place itself in the correct queue: if the current position < destination, wait in upsweep or if the current position > destination,     wait in downsweep.  If the current position = destination, wait in upsweep or downsweep depending on the current direction.

Design an algorithm for a monitor that simulates the disk scheduler.