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CSE 8B: Introduction to Programming and Computational Problem Solving - 2 Assignment 6


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CSE 8B: Introduction to Programming and Computational Problem Solving - 2

Assignment 6

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Due: Wednesday, November 9, 11:59 PM

Hi again! Be sure to start this assignment as EARLY as possible! This document may be long, but a majority of the methods required are relatively simple to implement. You got this!

Learning goals:

Develop further mastery of POJOS (Plain Old Java Object) classes with getters/setters.

Practice inheritance by defining multiple superclasses and subclasses.

Apply knowledge of polymorphism in several methods.

NOTE: This programming assignment must be done individually. Paired programming is NOT allowed for this assignment.

Your grade will be determined by your most recent submission. If you submit to Gradescope after the deadline, it will be marked late and the late penalty will apply regardless of whether you had past submissions before the deadline.

If your code does not compile on Gradescope, you will receive an automatic zero on the assignment.

Coding Style (10 points)

For this programming assignment, we will be enforcing the CSE 8B Coding Style Guidelines. These guidelines can also be found on Canvas. Please ensure to have COMPLETE file headers, class headers, and method headers, to use descriptive variable names and proper indentation, and to avoid using magic numbers.

Part 0: Getting started with the starter code (0 points)

1.   Make sure there is no problem with your Java software development environment. If    there is any, then review Assignment 1, or come to the office/lab hours before you start Assignment 6.

2.   First, navigate to the cse8b folder that you have created in Assignment 1 and create a new folder titled assignment6

3.   Download the starter code. You can download the starter code from Piazza Resources → Homework assignment6.zip. The starter code should contain nine     files: Assignment6.java, Cereal.java, Item.java, Nonwearable.java, Pants.java, Phone.java, Shirt.java, Store.java, and Wearable.java. Place the starter code     within the assignment 6 folder that you have just created

4.   Compile the starter code within the assignment 6 folder.  You can compile all files using  the single command javac *.java and you should get a series of compiler errors since you have not implemented the classes yet.The objective of this assignment is to get the classes working by implementing the class methods  and testing them.

5. You will be turning in all of the original files included in Assignment6.zip.

Part 1: Overview


A new type of store has opened up in the basement below the basement of the UCSD CSE    Building! Walking in, the store seems pretty weird, and you can’t really tell what type of store it is … It strangely only sells four specific categories of Items: Pants and Shirts (Wearables), and Phones and Cereals (Nonwearables).


For this programming assignment, you will be implementing the classes shown in the following UML diagram.

Each rectangle in the UML diagram represents a class, and each directional arrow represents an

inheritance relationship from a subclass to a superclass. Notice how Store is unrelated to Item and

Items subclasses.

Before you start programming, please take some time to review the starter code and to read the instructions below CAREFULLY. Some methods are already implemented for you, but you will   still need to supply those methods with a method header for coding style points. You should fully understand the purpose of each variable and the usage for each method before you implement  anything.

NOTE 1: you must NOT change any data field or method signature in the starter code. As such, do NOT add any additional parameters to methods, and do NOT import any Java packages.      Feel free to add any helper methods if desired.

NOTE 2: You must implement and comment on everything with a TODO. Do NOT forget to adhere to the CSE 8B style guidelines.

NOTE 3: You can assume that all inputs will be valid. For example, all ints and doubles will be non-negative.

Be sure to compile your code often, so that you can catch compile errors early on! Recall, to compile multiple Java files, use:

>  javac *.java

You will be implementing methods in every provided Java class, with the Store class having the majority of the functionality of this program.

Notice how each member field is declared private.

Recall: This means that the member is only visible within the class, not from any other class. In other       words, you will need to use accessors (i.e., getter methods) and mutators (i.e., setter methods) to access and modify, respectively, these private members. You must also use the this keyword to modify and    access member variables hidden by local variables.

Part 2: Item.java (0 points)

First, you need to implement the class called Item. This is the superclass of most of the other    classes in this assignment (as seen in the UML diagram). The Item class defines the default      behavior of methods (e.g., the method equals, which is later overridden by subclasses) of all     the subtype classes in this assignment. Although this class is worth 0 points, you will not be able to complete the rest of the classes without this class working.

The Item class has four data fields:

1. private String name

2. private double price

3. private String highLevelType

→ must be string literal "Wearable", "Nonwearable", or "Untyped Item" (described below)

4. private String type

→  must be string literal "Pants", "Shirt", "Phone", "Cereal", or "Item" (described below)

Notice how each member field is declared private. This means that the member is only visible within the class, not from any other class. In other words, you will need to use accessors (i.e., getter methods) and mutators (i.e., setter methods) to access and modify, respectively, these private members. You must also use the this keyword to access member variables hidden by local variables.

There are two highLevelType classes of Items: Wearable and Nonwearable. The type member describes the more specific type of an Item. There are four type” classes: Pants,

Shirt, Phone, and Cereal. As seen in the UML diagram above, Pants and Shirt “ is-a” Wearable, and Phone and Cereal “ is-a” Nonwearable.

First, in Item.java, complete the getters and setter to access and mutate, respectively, the data fields. You may notice that there are a lot of getters, but the only getters/setters that you have to implement are:

1. public String getName()

2. public String getType()

3. public double getPrice()

4. public String getHighLevelType()

5. public void setPrice(double price)

You also need to implement the following constructor:

1. public Item(String name, double price, String type, String highLevelType)

●   This constructor sets the corresponding instance variables of the object to what the caller of the constructor passed in as arguments. Remember, you must use the this keyword to access member variables hidden by local variables.

Then, implement the following method:

1. public boolean equals(Item item)

●   This method must return true only when the current object (referring to this        object - this entire writeup will use the same terminology for this) and the input     item have the same name, price, highLevelType, AND type. Otherwise, it must  return false. By implementing the equals method, it allows the user of the class to compare Item objects on deep equality (similar to deep copy for arrays).         Rather than just checking for equality of reference, it will compare equality by      checking the contents of the object instead. q

Part 3: Wearable.java and Nonwearable.java (10 points)

Wearable and Nonwearable are two subclasses of Item. Notice the Wearable and     Nonwearable classes both extend Item, telling Java to create the superclass/subclass

relationship. Complete all remaining constructors and methods in those classes. The no-arg       constructors and toString() methods are already provided to you. You can use the given        implementation of the no-arg constructor as guidance for the other constructor. Remember, you must NOT change the existing signature or the fields.


The Wearable class has two fields:

1. private double warmth

→ an integer denoting the warmth of this wearable item. The greater this field is, the warmer the Wearable object is.

2. private String fabric

a String denoting the type of fabric this wearable item is made of

Implement the following constructor and methods:

1. public Wearable(String name, double price, String type, int warmth, int fabric)

●   This constructor must set the name, price, type, and highLevelType in its     superclass (HINT: use super to call the superclass constructor!) from the         constructor parameters and setting the highLevelType to the string literal        "Wearable". Then, set the warmth and fabric members using the remaining constructor parameters. Remember, you must use the this keyword to access member variables hidden by local variables.

2. public int getWarmth()

●   Simple getter method that returns the warmth instance variable.

3. public String getFabric()

Simple getter method that returns the fabric instance variable.

4. public boolean equals(Item item)

●   This method overrides the equals() method in Item. This method checks         whether the current Wearable object is considered equal to the input Item. This method must return true only when the current object has the same name,       price, highLevelType, type, warmth, AND fabric. Otherwise, it must  return false. (HINT: use the equals() method from the superclass!)  Remember, you must use the super keyword to access a method in the superclass hidden by a method in the current (sub)class.

(Note: When overriding a superclass method, remember to use the @Override    annotation (see lecture 10, slide 33). You will be using the override annotation for all overridden equals() methods throughout this assignment.)


The Nonwearable class has one field:

1. private int maxNumUsages

→ an integer denoting the number of times a Nonwearable item can be used before it expires. For example, an arbitrary Shirt may be worn a maximum of 120 times.

Implement the following constructor and methods:

1. public Nonwearable(String name, double price, String type, int maxNumUsages)

●   This constructor must set the name, price, type, and highLevelType in its   superclass (HINT: use super to call the superclass constructor!) from the       constructor parameters and setting the highLevelType to the string literal      "Wearable". Then, set the maxNumberUsage member using the remaining    constructor parameter. Remember, you must use the this keyword to access member variables hidden by local variables.

2. public int getMaxNumUsages()

Simple getter method that returns the maxNumUsages instance variable.

3. public boolean equals(Item item)

●   This method overrides the equals() method in Item.  This method checks        whether the current Nonwearable object is considered equal to the input Item.  This method must return true only when the current object has the same name, price, highLevelType, type, and maxNumUsages. Otherwise, it must return      false. (HINT: use the equals() method from the superclass!)  Remember, you must use the super keyword to access a method in the superclass hidden by a method in the current (sub)class.

Part 4a: Pants.java and Shirt.java (10 points)

Pants and  Shirt are two subclasses of Wearable (since they are things you can wear).

Complete all remaining constructors and methods in these classes.


The Pants class has one field:

1. private int waistSize

→ an integer denoting the waist size of a pair of pants

Implement the following methods:

1. public Pants(String name, double price, int warmth, int fabric, double waistSize)

●   This constructor must set the name, price, type, warmth, and fabric in its        superclass (HINT: use super to call the superclass constructor!) Then, set the    waistSize member using the remaining constructor parameter. Remember, you must use the this keyword to access member variables hidden by local             variables.

2. public double getWaistSize()

Simple getter method that returns the waistSize instance variable.

3. public boolean equals(Item item)

●   This method overrides the equals() method in Wearable.  This method checks whether the current Pants object is considered equal to the input Item. This      method must return true only when the current object has the same name,       price, highLevelType, type, warmth, fabric, and waistSize. Otherwise, it   must  return false.(HINT: use the equals() method from the superclass!)        Remember, you must use the super keyword to access a method in the             superclass hidden by a method in the current (sub)class.


→ a String denoting the size of the shirt. It can only take on values of "Small",            "Medium", or "Large". We have provided constants in the starter code so that you can remain consistent with the autograder.

Implement the following methods:

1. public Shirt(String name, double price, int warmth, String fabric, String size)

●   This constructor must set the name, price,  type, warmth, and fabric in its  superclasses (HINT: use super to call the superclass constructor!) from the    constructor parameters. Then, set the size member using the remaining       constructor parameter. Remember, you must use the this keyword to access member variables hidden by local variables.

2. public String getSize()

Simple getter method that returns the size instance variable.

3. public boolean equals(Item item)

●   This method overrides the equals() method in Wearable. This method checks whether the current Shirt object is considered equal to the input Item. This      method must return true only when the current object has the same name,       price, highLevelType, type, warmth, fabric, AND size. Otherwise, it must  return false. Remember, you must use the super keyword to access a method in the superclass hidden by a method in the current (sub)class.

Part 4b: Phone.java and Cereal.java (10 points)

Phone and Cereal are two subclasses of Nonwearable (since they are things you cannot wear).

Complete all remaining constructors and methods in these classes.


The Phone class has two fields:

1. private double cpuSpeed

a double denoting the speed of the phone in gigahertz.

2. private boolean includesCharger

a boolean denoting whether the phone comes with a charger or not (e.g., iPhones).

Implement the following constructor and methods:

1. public Phone(String name, double price, int maxNumUsages, double cpuSpeed, boolean includesCharger)

●   This constructor must set the name, price,  type, and maxNumUsages in its       superclass (HINT: use super to call the superclass constructor!) from the           constructor parameters. Then, set the cpuSpeed and includesCharger      member using the remaining constructor parameters. Remember, you must use the this keyword to access member variables hidden by local variables.

2. public double getCpuSpeed()

Simple getter method that returns the cpuSpeed instance variable.

3. public double getIncludesCharger()

Simple getter method that returns the includesCharger instance variable.

4. public boolean equals(Item item)

●   This method overrides the equals() method in Nonwearable. This method       checks whether the current Phone object is considered equal to the input Item.  This method must return true only when the current object has the same name, price, highLevelType, type, maxNumUsages. cpuSpeed, and                            includesCharger. Otherwise, it must  return false. Remember, you must use the super keyword to access a method in the superclass hidden by a method in the current (sub)class.


The Cereal class has one field:

1. private int calories

an int denoting the amount of calories that is contained in the cereal

Implement the following constructor and methods:

1. public Cereal(String name, double price, int maxNumUsages, int calories)

●   This constructor must set the name, price, AND type in its superclass (HINT: use super to call the superclass constructor!) from the constructor parameters. Then, set the calories member using the remaining constructor parameter. Remember, you must use the this keyword to access member variables hidden by local variables.

5. public int getCalories()

Simple getter method that returns the calories instance variable.

6. public boolean equals(Item item)

●   This method overrides the equals() method in Nonwearable.  This method      checks whether the current Cereal object is considered equal to the input Item. This method must return true only when the current object has the same name, price, highLevelType, type, maxNumUsages, AND calories. Otherwise, it      must return false. Follow the same hint for the previous equals methods above!

Part 5: Store.java (50 points)

Finally, the cool part! You are now an employee of the UCSD CSE Basement-Basement store,  with your main job being to keep track of inventory (not selling items!). You will be implementing a Store class with various unique methods to help you keep track of all the Items in the store.

Store Basic Methods (5/50 points)

The Store class has one field:

1. private ArrayList<Item> itemList

→ an ArrayList containing Item objects. Please refer to the ArrayList documentation and the lecture 11 slides for more information about ArrayList methods. Recall: an    ArrayList is like an array except that it could change size as you and/or remove        elements from it.

First, implement the Store constructor and simple getter method.

1. public Store()

●   The no-arg constructor must initialize itemList to an empty ArrayList of Item elements.

2. public ArrayList<Item> getItemList()

Getter method for itemList.

Next, implement a method called addToItemList overloaded with two different implementations.

1. public void addToItemList(Item item)

Adds item to itemList (a single Item)

2. public void addToItemList(Item[] items)

Adds each Item in items to itemList (can be multiple Item objects)

Now, we will start implementing the meat” of the Store class - 3 methods with unique functionality. This is where you will be applying your knowledge of Polymorphism.

Method 1 - compareBangForBuck (15/50 points)

The first method is compareBangForBuckDate. The method signature for it is:

public static int compareBangForBuckDate(Item item1, Item item2)

Goal: Given two Item objects, item1 and item2, determine which item is more the one that is more “worth it.”

-    Return 1 if item1 is more worth itthan item2

-    Return 0 if item1 and item2 have the same “worth”

-    Return -1 if item2 has more “worth” than item1

Notice how every item in the store has a price. We calculate an items worth as follows:

1.   If the Item is of type Phone, then its worth is calculated as its cpuSpeed divided by its


2.   If an Item is of type Cereal, then its worth is calculated as its calories divided by its


3.   If an Item is of type Wearable (Shirt or Pants), then its worth is calculated as its warmth divided by its price.

An item1 is more worth it than item2 if item1 has a higher “worth” than item2.

Concrete Example:

Suppose we have a Phone (item1) with cpuSpeed == 5.0 and price == 215.63         Suppose we have a Phone (item2) with cpuSpeed == 3.57 and  price == 180.65       The method returns 1 (positive one) since the worth of item1 ≈0.023 and the worth of item2 is


You should not be rounding the results you get when computing the worth of your items but if you do, make sure it is at least accurate to the fifth decimal pass in order to pass the             autograder.

Important Note: item1 can be either Wearable or Nonwearable. The same applies for item2. Make sure to handle all of these cases!

Method 2 - generateAndApplyDiscount (15/50 points)

The second method is generateAndApplyDiscount. The method signature for it is:

public int generateAndApplyDiscount(double discountRate)

Goal: Select a random Item from this Store object’s itemList and apply a discount on it.

To select a random Item from the itemList, you can generate a random index. Use the          Math.random() method to generate a random number in the range [0, itemList.size()), i.e., 0 inclusive and itemList.size() exclusive. Remember that Math.random() generates a random number (double) greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. You should use this to           generate a number in the required range. Typecast the double value to an integer and return the generated random number as an int from the method.

Once you have selected an Item, set its price to the discount price, computed using the       discountRate parameter. You set the discounted price by multiplying the discount rate and the original price together to produce a new price. Return the index of the Item that was selected from ItemList . See the example below.

Concrete Example:

If the selected Item is at index 2 in ItemList and has the price 6.4, and discountRate is 0.5 the new, discounted price for the Item is 3.2. The int 2 is returned.

If the selected Item is at index 2 in ItemList and has the price 10, and discountRate is 0.3 the new, discounted price for the Item is 3.0. The int 2 is returned.

Method 3 - containsMatchingPantsAndShirt (15/50 points)

The third method is containsMatchingPantsAndShirt. The method signature for it is:

public boolean containsMatchingPantsAndShirt()

Goal: Return a boolean denoting if the store contains at least one pair of matching” Pants and Shirt. A pair of Pants and Shirt is considered to be “ matching” according to the         conditions below:

1.  The waistSize of the Pants is greater than or equal to 21 but less than or equal to 30 and size of the Shirt is "Small"

2.  The waistSize of the Pants is greater than or equal to 31 but less than or equal to 40 and size of the Shirt is  "Medium"

3.  The waistSize of the Pants is greater than or equal to 41 but less than or equal to 50 and size of the Shirt is "Large"

Concrete Examples:

If itemList contains 1 pair of Pants, 1 Phone, and 1 Cereal for a total of 3 items, then return false because there is no potential Shirt to be paired with the Pants.

If itemList contains 2 pairs of Pants (one of waistSize 25 and one of waistSize 36), 1        Phone, and 1 Cereal and 1 Shirt of size "Large" for a total of 5 items, then return false   because there is no matching Pants of waistSize [41, 50] to be paired with the "Large" shirt.

If itemList contains 2 pairs of Pants (one of waistSize 25 and one of waistSize 50), 1 Phone, and 1 Cereal and 1 shirt of size "Large" for a total of 5 items, then return true because the Pants of waistSize 50 can be paired with the "Large" shirt.

Part 6: Compile, Run and UnitTest Your Code (10 points) Just like in previous assignments, in this part of the assignment, you need to implement your own test cases in the method called unitTests in Assignment6.java.

In the starter code, a test case is already implemented for you. You can regard it as an example to implement other cases. Recall, the general approach is to come up with different inputs and  manually give the expected output, then call the method with that input and compare the result  with expected output.

You are encouraged to create as many test cases as you think to be necessary to cover all the edge cases. The unitTests method returns true only when all the test cases are passed.      Otherwise, it returns false. To get full credit for this section, you must create at least four test cases that cover different situations (including the one we have provided) for the three Store methods - compareBangForBuckDate(), generateAndApplyDiscount(), and containsMatchingPantsAndShirt(). In other words, you will need to create at least three more tests that test these methods, with at least one test for each.

To compare ArrayLists by the equality of contents, you must use the List equals method. See the given unit tests for examples.

If a test is not passing, try temporarily printing the result of your method(s) and comparing them to the expected output. Notice that we have already implemented the toString() method with the @Override annotation for all classes. These toString() methods will help you debug       when you call System.out.print on any Item objects. Notice also that we have defined a       method you can use called printItemArray(Item[] itemArr) for printing out an Array of     Items. Please take a look at the comments under the TODO section in the unitTests method for suggestions on how to test the Store methods!

You can compile all the files present in the starter code and run your unit tests from main()   using the following commands: (Make sure you are in the correct directory, else navigate to the starter code using cd )

> javac *.java

>  java Assignment6

Remember that writing unit tests will help you find bugs in your code and ensure that it is correct for different inputs. So you can have idea of what you may want to test more extensively, here is a reminder of what&n