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COMP-2560: System Programming (Fall 2022) Lab09


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COMP-2560: System Programming (Fall 2022)


Week 09

Parallel Programming

The main objective of this lab will be to write a program that can have more processor’s share, hence executes

and finishes faster, by creating multiple child processes for doing parts of the program in parallel.

UNIX’s kernel shares a processor to multiple processes based on their niceness. Initially, a process is given a

nice number NZERO which is a non-zero number. A process could choose to run with lower priority by increasing its nice value (being more generous) and reducing its share of the processor. To raise its priority and have more share of processor, the process should decrease its niceness (being meaner). We asked you about nice value in Lec09 assignment. In this lab assignment, however, we want to practice on a better alternative. We want to create multiple processes (children) to achieve a program’s task. Although the kernel still gives the same processor share to each process, our parent process including its children receives more processors share overall: 1 share for the parent and 1 share for each child. For example, a parent process with 3 children will receive 4 processor shares.

Step 1. Sequential Run

Let’s write a program that does the four main math operations +, -, *, / on two input numbers:

The above program is a typical example of a sequential program that runs from the first line to the last run under

a single process. In total, it should do 4 steps to finish.

Step 2. Parallel Run

However, a better way would be to create 4 child processes and give each one a math operation. The parent process can then wait for the children to achieve the result. If we have multiple processors (not in this course), the child processes can do the math operations in parallel. Hence, the parent process can finish after 1 step (4 operations in parallel becomes 1 step.) In this course, we have a single processor. So, there is no parallel run. But still, 4 child processes can have 4 processor shares and finishes faster.

Let’s create one child process for each math operation using the fork() system call:

In our program, we have to check whether the child is created. Otherwise, the parent should do the task. A sample

run of the above program produces:

If we add another math operation, we have to copy-paste the same lines of code for creating a new child process. Replicating the same lines of code is not desirable (why?). Better programming would be to use a for loop that iterates based on the number of math operations and creates the child process at each iteration:

You may wonder what ?: operator is. This is a ternary operator (it accepts three operands) and is called the Elvis

operator        since       it       looks       like       Elvis       Presley’s       hairstyle.       Read       more       here:


A sample run of the program will be the following where 4 different child processes do the math operations separately (PIDs are different):

Step 3. Scalar Matrix Multiplication

From math, we know that we can multiply a number a to a matrix An×m where each element of A is multiplied

by a, that is: a * ai×j. For example, 5 * [] yield [ ] = [ ]. We can break

the multiplication task into subtasks per row and create a child to do the multiplication for each row. In our example, we need a child to do the 5 * [1    2    3] and another one for 5 * [4    5      6].

In the below program, we first ask the user to input the size of the matrix A, and then we ask her to fill out the matrix:

As seen, we allocate the matrix dynamically using the heap space. So, we cannot access the matrix element using the index operator []. We have to find the element of the matrix manually. To do so, we need to know how C program stores a 2D matrix. Memory is a 1D array of bytes. C compiler must convert the 2D matrix into a 1D

1    2     3

find the element at row i and column j, A[i, j], you have to pass i rows, each of which has 3 elements, (i * 3), and then move j columns forward. So, A[i, j] should be rewritten as *(A + (i * 3) + j).

Then, we ask for a number from the user with which we want to multiply the matrix:

Now, we can create a child process per row and leave it to the child to do the multiplication:

And finally, we wait() until all children are done. Then, we print out the final result:

Let’s have a look at a sample run:

As seen, the children have done their work correctly by multiplying each row by 2, but when the parent prints

out the final result, there is no change to the matrix! Why?

Step 4. Lab Assignment

You have to:

1)  Explain the problem with the program in step 3

2)  Fix the problem when creating a child process per column.

Hint: a possible solution would be using afile to store the resultsfrom children. However, if a singlefile is used and all the children wanted to write in a singlefile, issues raise!

The sample code for steps 1, 2 and 3 have been attached in a zip file named lab09_ hfani.zip.

1.1.      Deliverables

You will prepare and submit the program in one single zip file lab09_uwinid.zip containing the following items:

(90%) lab09_uwinid.zip

-  (10%) problem.pdf/jpg/png =>why the program in step 3 is not working properly.

-  (60%) matrix_mul_col.c   =>fixed the problem in step 3 for column-based child creation

-  (20%) results.pdf/jpg/png =>the image snapshot of your program run

- (Optional) readme.txt

(10%) Files Naming and Formats

Please follow the naming convention as you lose marks otherwise. Instead of uwinid, use your own account name, e.g., mine is[email protected], so, lab09_hfani.zip