关键词 > ECE5882/6882

ECE5882/6882 Assignment 2020


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Part 1:5 pts.


(a) 1 pts. Find the small signal gain of the amplifier and calculate the output voltage if the input voltage (vi) is 1 mV.

(b) 2 pts Calculate NF if the amplifier is driven by a 50Ω source (Rs=50Ω).

(c) 1 pts Discuss the linearity of this amplifier by comparing with the common

emitter configuration in exercise-3 of Lecture-2. Explain which one is more linear using the gain equations. Also mention how this amplifier will become non-linear.

(d) 1 pts Following part (a), if two of this amplifier is cascaded together, what would be the total gain and the total noise figure of the amplifier?

Part 2: 5 pts.

Design the amplifier with an input matching network (MN) and configure the output parallel Lc/Cout circuit with the load RL such that the amplifier provides a gain higher than 15 dB at 500 MHz.


MN: Matching

Network Circuit







RS =50

LE = 0.5 nH

RE= 20 

CE= 0.1uF

Figure RF amplifier with matching circuit

a)    2 pts. As indicated in the circuit, design a matching network (MN) circuit using   Smith Chart to match the source to the input impedance of the amplifier (ZL). The amplifier should operate at 500 MHz (fs = 500 MHz).

b)    1 pts. For the matching circuit, plot the ratio of the voltage at the output of the   MN circuit to the input voltage from 0 to 1.5 GHz by (vL/vs vsf ). Also find the  matching network parameters such as bandwidth, gain and quality factor Q from simulation. For this part, simulate only the Matching Network portion with the   amplifier’s input impedance ZL.

c)    2 pts. Simulate the complete circuit and plot the ratio of the voltage at the output of the RF amplifier to the input voltage from 0 to 1.5 GHz (vout/vs vsf ). Report   gain at 500 MHz?

Note-1: You will receive an additional 1 pts for this part if T or π match circuits are selected and correctly used in the circuit.

Note-2: Spice file or data sheet for BFQ65 can be found online. It is also fine to   use any other transistor in the LT spice library. An ideal transistor is not accepted.


Submit your report via the link provided in the Moodle before 11:59 pm, September 16.

You are also required to submit your circuit (only schematic file, LTspice or ADS is fine).