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ECE 6254: Final Project Guidelines


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ECE 6254: Final Project Guidelines

1 October 2022

A major component of this course consists of an in-depth project on a topic of your choosing. These projects will be done in groups of 3 (possibly 2 or 4 with permission) students. The project will have separately graded components, including a 2-minute poster presentation and a written report.  The posters will be presented live in class1.  I will randomly call on teams to present live during class on November 29th, December 1st, and December 6th. The written report will be due the on the last day of class: December 6th.

The topic for the project is up to you—you may choose to center your project around a particular problem/dataset that you have encountered in your research or elsewhere online, you could do a more theoretical investigation, analysis and/or comparision of a machine learning algorithm/system, or you might instead choose to do a more in-depth investigation of some area of machine learning not covered in this course. Please feel free to consult early and often with Prof. Heck and the TAs regarding the choice of the project topic.

Note that the project is worth 25% of your overall grade, and is to be graded out of a total of 25 possible points, as described in the sections below.

Poster Presentation (10 points)

Your project poster (in PowerPoint2) must be submitted to Canvas no later than Wednesday, November 23rd by 11:59 PM. I will project these posters in-class so teams can present their poster.

The presentation should be modeled after a standard scientific/technical poster presentation. You can decide how to divide up the presentation.  It can be one presenter or several—whatever makes the most sense.

The presentation must be concise (i.e., practice) and no more than 2 minutes. I will strictly enforce the 2-minute limit and will cut you off mid-sentence if necessary. The poster should cover the following:

Need: a short 1-2 sentence attention grabbing introduction that motivates the project

Approach: concisely describe the approach your team took

• Experiments: what are the main results of your project

 Conclusions: what conclusions can you make from your project

Final Project Report (15 points)

The final report for the project should be submitted by 11:59 PM, Tuesday, December 6th. The report (in PDF format) should be uploaded to GradeScope using group submission.  Each report must be written in Latex and use the IEEE Conference template (https://www.overleaf. com/latex/templates/ieee-conference-template/grfzhhncsfqn) and can be a maximum of 5 pages including 4 pages of text and figures and 1 page of References. I will read/grade only the first 5 pages of your report, so do not exceed this limit.  If you have accomplished a lot, it may sound difficult to fit everything into this page limit but concisely summarizing the result of a complex project is a tremendously important skill.

Please see pages 24-36 of this document for guidelines on how to write a good paper (https://                www.e-nformation.ro/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/IEEE-How-to-write-a-basic-technical-paper_ .pdf). As described in the document, the final report must contain the following elements:

• Title and Authors (project members)


Index Terms (Keywords)



• Results/Discussions/Findings



• Specific contributes per team member: Indicate which team member(s) were primarily responsible for which portions of the project.

The final report will be graded out of 15 possible points, which will be assigned as follows.

• Professionalism [3 points]

 Is the report attractive, legible, and free of typos/grammatical errors?

  Does it make appropriate use of figures?

• Overall writing quality [3 points]

 Is the report clear and easy to read?

 Are all concepts adequately defined?

  Do all ideas flow together in a clear/logical manner?

• Technical merit [9 points]

 What is the overall quality of the work performed for the project?

 Is the problem particularly novel/interesting?

 Is the approach taken appropriate and well-justified in the report?

 Are there aspects of the project that are particularly creative/original?