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SA 510.104.01 Economic Development: Problem Set#2


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SA 510.104.01 Economic Development: Problem Set#2

Problem Set is due on Nov 9 at midnight. Please typeyour answers, convert to PDF and upload on canvas. Usual rules & penalties applyfor late submissions. No submissions will be accepted after midnight, Nov 11.

This problem set requires you to read three published journal articles that are debating the reason why Indian children are short? You are required to read the papers, understand the debate, summarize it (as per the guidelines below) and then present your take on the debate.

There are no right or wrong answers here. But when you present the summary, it should be accurate and when you present your critical review it should be backed up with economic logic. More information below.

DO NOT CUT-AND-PASTE FROM THE PAPERS. That will amount to plagiarism. After reading from the papers you are required to present your own summary and your own understanding.

No numerical grades for this problem set but ü-,   ü,   ü+.

Answers should be between 2-4 pages, 12pt, Garamond font, single spaced.

Start by reading the papers in the following order:

1.  Coffey, D., & Spears, D. (2019). Neonatal Death in India: Birth Order in a Context of Maternal Undernutrition.

2.  Jayachandran, S., & Pande, R. (2017). Why are Indian children so short? The role of birth order and son preference. American Economic Review, 107(9), 2600-2629.

3.  Spears, D., Coffey, D., & Behrman, J. (2019). Birth Order, Fertility, and Child Height in India and Africa.

Now answer the following questions:

Question 1

1a: What is the main thesis or argument in paper #1 and why is it important. 250-300 words

Let me help you with this so that you can answer the remaining questions as well. Do not just say “Later born siblings in India have a steep survival advantage”. Explain in simple language what does “ steep survival”advantage means. Also explain why this is important in a global context.

1b: How does paper #1 show evidence for their main argument. 250-300 words

What data do they have access to? Explain in words the main regression they run and the main coefficient of interest.

Don’t just say they regress NNM on birth order. NNM does not mean anything unless you tell me what it means. Don’t forget to mention the unit of observation.

So say something like:

“The outcome variable is a dummy whether child i born to mother m died before 30 days. s stands for the survey number, or the survey in which data was recorded. The dummy is therefore an indicator for Neo natal mortality (the probability of dying within 30 days of birth). The main dependent variable is birth order of child i born to mother m. Higher birth order corresponds to later born children of the same mother. The main coefficient of interest is the interaction of birth order with an India dummy, that let’s us test whether the relationship between Neo-natal mortality and birth order is different in India as compared to the rest of the world.

To control for other factors that might bias this relationship, the authors also include controls for … .. They find that … .. which implies ….”

1c: What is the main mechanism behind the result that paper #1 finds and how do the show evidence for it. 250-300 words

Question 2

2a: What is the main thesis or argument in paper #2 and why is it important. 250-300 words

2b: How does paper #2 show evidence for their main argument. 250-300 words

2c: What is the main mechanism behind the result that paper #2 finds and how do the show evidence for it. 250-300 words

Question 3

3a: What is the main thesis or argument in paper #3 and why is it important. 250-300 words

3b: How does paper #3 show evidence for their main argument. 250-300 words

3c: What is the main mechanism behind the result that paper #3 finds and how do the show evidence for it. 250-300 words

Question 4

There are essentially two teams here: Coffey and Spears (CS) and Jayachandran and Pande (JP). Who do you think is right and why? 500-600 words

The why is more important than who. You can choose whichever team you think is right, but you’ll need to justify it based on the evidence they present.