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SLAT7855 Quantitative Research Methods: Research Project


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SLAT7855 Quantitative Research Methods: Research Project

Research Project

Your Research Project is marked out of 40 points following the marking criteria in the rubic available via the ECP.  Write an R Notebook (Rmd) containing a research project report of no longer     than 2000 words (excluding references) which

      .    states a research question,

.     poses a hypothesis,

.    describes and visualizes the data that you use to answer the research question,

.    details the statistical analysis of the data, and

.     provides a critical evaluation of the analysis.

The R Notebook containing the research project report as well as a rendered docx or pdf of the R Notebook need to be submitted by Monday, Nov. 7, 2022, 4pm, via Turnitin.

Purpose: To undertake in-depth research project of a specific topic in the language sciences (it may  be connected to the literature review you have already undertaken for your Annotated Bibliography assessment) and to practically apply the conceptual knowledge and the methods which were             presented in this course to a data set that you have to find yourself.

Your task is to write a research report consisting of the following sections:

1. Introduction: This section should briefly introduce the topic of your research project and clearly state the research question and hypothesis.

2. Data: This section should provide information about the data collection or the data source     and describe, tabulate, and visualize the data that you use to answer your research question. The description and tabulation of the data should provide the descriptive statistics to              summarize the nature and parameters of the data.

3. Methodology: This section should describe and justify the statistical method(s) that you use to answer your research question.

4. Statistical Analysis: This section shows how you implemented the statistical method.

5. Conclusion: This section should provide a summary of the finding of the analysis, show how or if the research question has been answered, state if the hypothesis was rejected or          substantiated, and provide a critical evaluation of the analysis and its limitations.

Please refer to the rubic (available via the ECP) for details.

If you are sick/absent, see Section 5.3 “Late submission”.