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Interaction Design


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Interaction Design

Instructions for CA3 Individual Assignment

October 2022 Semester


This assignment constitutes 30% while the class presentation constitutes another 10% of the overall assessment. The total marks for this assessment is 100 marks.

Case Study:

The vast advancement of technology has improved efficiency and convenience in day to day lives, especially in workforce industries. Countries that implement any form of technological innovation in existing manual workflows/processes will definitely benefit from   it.   Not  only   improvements  to  existing  workflows,  with   new  technology implementation,   it   creates   more  job   opportunities   that   works   around   these implementations. That’s where Singapore is one example of constant technological innovation to its various industries, making its workforce effective and efficient, and creation of new employment opportunities.

As quoted in a published overview statement by trade.gov Singapore is one of the most wired countries and technologically advanced Information and Communications Technology (ICT) markets in the world.  Singaporeans are highly digitally connected, avid users of technology and voracious consumers of data.   In  December 2021, wireless broadband penetration rate was 196.1% while mobile penetration reached 158.8%.

Singapore is a matured market and an early adopter of new technologies and solutions and  offers world-class  ICT  infrastructure  and  a vibrant  ecosystem  of technology partners. Singapore views  ICT  investments as a source of economic and social development and aims to be a Smart Nation. ”

You may read more on the published overview provided on the following link:

https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/singapore-information-and- telecommunications-technology

The individual task:

Study and research on the case study provided above. Write a research report (with the use of diagrams or images if necessary) with words not exceeding 5000 words. In your research report, you are to satisfy the following pointers:

1.  Referring to the case study, pick an industry of your preference. Explain the problem space that the industry is facing and propose a technology solution . Examples  could  be  mobile  applications,  smart  devices,  software,  cloud solution, etc.

Side note: The problem could be related to efficiency, processes, challenges. Include evidence from published articles/online source.

2.  Based on point 1, list and explain at least TWO (2) possible interaction types and THREE (3) possible interface types available in your proposed technology solution.

3.  When it comes to development processes, a Lifecycle model is necessary to capture and track a set of activities. Research and propose a Lifecycle model that fits well with your solution development.

Side note: You are able to propose any Lifecycle model from other sources.

4.  It’s common for any technology solution to generate large amount of data. Thus, data gathering sessions are mandatory. In order to ensure success, explain how you will tackle the FIVE (5) key issues that requires attention. Also, choose ONE (1) main data gathering technique and propose how it will be conducted.

Side note: List examples of the kinds of data that would be generated from your solution.

5.  Once the data are gathered, analysis must be conducted. List and explain at least TWO (2) analytical frameworks that you can adopt for qualitative study .

6.  Select and generate a Low-Fidelity prototype of your preference.

Side note: You are to generate the prototype in (.ppt or pptx) format and submit it as a separate file.

For all pointers, you are required to relate and reference to the case study. Also, it is recommended that your explanation/illustration are as detailed as possible.

A  marking  rubric for this  research  report can  be found  in the appendix of this assignment. Do note that the marking rubric is a guideline on how your research report will be evaluated.

Assessment Marks Allocation


Component Assessed

Marks Allocation


Research  report  to  satisfy  all  pointers.  The breakdown are as follows:

Point 1: 10 marks

Point 2: 10 marks

Point 3: 20 marks

Point 4: 20 marks

Point 5: 30 marks

Point 6: 10 marks





Assessment Topics

Topics 1 to 17


Submitting Assignment

All assignment files are to be zipped into a folder with your full name, student number, institution name, the module name and CA3. Example                      “full_name_student_no_sim_id_ca3” .

Students should keep a copy of assignment submitted.

Penalty Marks for Late Submission of Assignment

By one day: 20% to be deducted from total marks.

More than one day: submission will NOT be graded.

Important Dates of CA3 Assignment

CA3 Individual Assignment Deadline: 11 November 2022, 11.59 am

Zip all assignment file. Submit your assignment via Canvas. All assignment files must be submitted in order to be graded.

Lecturer Contact

You should contact your lecturer via your SIM email whenever you have any issue about your project.