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CSSE2002/7023 — Semester 2, 2022 Assignment 2


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CSSE2002/7023 — Semester 2, 2022

Assignment 2


The goal of this assignment is to implement and test a set of classes and interfaces1. These classes will be distinct from the classes implemented in the first assignment but will cover similar topics.

Language requirements: Java version 17, JUnit 4.


All work on this assignment is to be your own individual work.  As detailed in Lecture 1, code supplied by course staff (from this semester) is acceptable, but there are no other exceptions. You are expected to be familiar with What not to do” from Lecture 1 and https://www.itee.uq. edu.au/itee-student-misconduct-including-plagiarism.  If you have questions about what is acceptable, please ask course staff.

Programming for Engineers

Please carefully read the Appendix A document.  It outlines critical mistakes which you should circumvent in order to avoid losing marks.  This is being heavily emphasised here because these are critical mistakes which must be avoided.  If at any point you are even slightly unsure, please check as soon as possible with course staff!

All times are given in Australian Eastern Standard  Time. It is your responsibility to ensure that you adhere to this time-zone for all assignment related matters. Please bear this in mind, especially if you are enrolled in the External offering and may be located in a different time-zone.


In this assignment you will be developing a simple simulation of a busy fast food pizza business, building on a code model system centred around Inheritance and Interfaces.

You are working in collaboration with a fictional second team; who are developing the GUI.

For assignment 2, you will develop the code based on the supplied JavaDoc and will focus on splitting your development strategy, so that you are working on one part of a bigger project. Your task will rest on ensuring that the code you write will function correctly when it is connected to the already in development GUI system.  You will fixate on developing the hierarchy of pizza creation and the infrastructure surrounding the creation of various types of pizzas. The pizzas will be ordered in three ways:

1. Default Pizza - A plain pizza with a selection of sauces, crusts and cheeses.

2. Custom Pizza - A pizza designed by using available topping ingredients; includes all plain pizza attributes

3. Menu Pizza - A pizza ordered from off an external loaded menu; includes all plain pizza attributes

Your code will be designed to connect with an external codebase which will remain unknown to you. Your completed code will accept an order, process the order and return a completed order to a specified input and output specification, detailed in the Javadoc.

Specification update

You are required to start working on the project right away. Nevertheless, in one weeks time, an update to your project specification will be uploaded. This will be provided on Friday the 14th October, 2022.  In this addendum to the specification, additional works will be added to the current specification tasks. This will reflect the real pressures and target outcomes experienced in real-life projects. A Blackboard notification will inform you of this important addition/change to the specification when it is released.


Based on your first assignment, your reputation as a software engineering force is growing ex- ponentially.  With this, your successes have been noted by many a noble and notable business establishment and none more famous than the world renowned Dr.  Java’s Pizza Parlour.

Dr.  Java Jewowski (known  colloquially  and  internationally  as  DJ), the founding father of Dr. Java’s Pizza Parlours has noted your talents and admires your software engineering prowess.  DJ is keen to commission your famous skill-base and has requested your help. While it is recognised that you are newly developing company, DJ’s wants to try you out with an initial starting project.

The pizza ordering system is needed to assist DJ’s pizza company, with their migration to an all digital system.  You will be working towards providing the input mechanism for the future GUI, that is also in parallel development.

Your task is to utilise the JavaDoc specification provided to produce the application required by Dr Java’s Pizza Parlour. You are also required to produce adequate and appropriate JUnit testing, to enable the project to be successfully tested by the receiving GUI development team.

Supplied Material

This task sheet.

• Code specification document (Javadoc).2

• Gradescope, a website where you will submit your assignment.3

• In this assignment you are expected to create the entire project, without a template.  No framework is supplied and you are expected to develop the packages and classes from the specification provided. You must be meticulous with your naming, to ensure that you spell and character case check every class package, name and method.  Any deviation could cost you marks, as the automatic testing will fail. This represents the real life expectation when interfacing with ready made code-bases.  Take extra care to avoid the critical mistakes de- scribed in Appendix A. Ensure that each of your files are:

is in the correct directory (do not change this!)

has the correct package declaration at the top of the file (do not change this!)

has the correct public class or public interface declaration. Note that you may still need to make classes abstract, extend classes, implement interfaces etc., as detailed in the Javadoc specification.

As the first step in the assignment (after reading through the specifications) you should create the packages described and populate them with empty classes, which are named precisely as they are described.


Code specifications are an important tool for developing code in collaboration with other peo- ple. Although assignments in this course are individual, they still aim to prepare you for writing code to a strict specification by providing a specification document (in Java, this is called Javadoc).

You will need to implement the specification precisely as it is described in the specification docu- ment.

The Javadoc can be viewed in either of the two following ways:

1. Open https://csse2002.uqcloud.net/assignment/2/in your web browser. Note that this will only be the most recent version of the Javadoc.

2. Navigate to the relevant assignment folder under Assessment on Blackboard and you will be able to download the Javadoc .zip file containing HTML documentation. Unzip the bundle somewhere, and open doc/index.html with your web browser.


1. Fully implement each of the classes and interfaces described in the Javadoc.

2. Write JUnit 4tests for all the methods in the following classes:

• CustomPizza

(in a class called CustomPizzaTest)

• Topping

(in a class called ToppingTest)


The 100 marks available for the assignment will be divided as follows:








Functionality according to the specification




Conformance to the specification




Code style: Structure and layout



By course staff

Code style: Design review




Whether JUnit tests identify and distinguish be- tween correct and incorrect implementations

The overall assignment mark will be A2   = FT + CF + SL + CR + JU with the following adjustments:

1. If FT is 0, then the manual code style review will not be marked. CR will be automatically 0.

2. If SL is 0, then the manual code style review will not be marked. CR will be automatically 0.

3. If SL + CR > FT, then SL + CR will be capped at a maximum of FT.

• For example: FT = 17,CF = 5,SL = 7,CR = 12,J = 13 ⇒ A2  = 17 + 5 + (7 + 12) + 13.

⇒ A2  = 17 + 5 + (19) + 13. Limitation will now be applied.

⇒ A2  = 17 + 5 + (17) + 13.

The reasoning here is to place emphasis on good quality functional code.

Well styled code that does not implement the required functionality is of no value in a project, consequently marks will not be given to well styled code that is not functional.

Functionality Marking

The number of functionality marks given will be

Unit Tests passed

FT = Total number of Unit Tests · 50


Conformance is marked starting with a mark of 5.

Every single occurrence of a conformance violation in your solution then results in a 1 mark de- duction, down to a minimum of 0.  Note that multiple conformance violations of the same type will each result in a 1 mark deduction.

Conformance violations include (but are not limited to):

• Placing files in incorrect directories.

• Incorrect package declarations at the top of files.

• Using modifiers on classes, methods and member variables that are different to those specified in the Javadoc.   Modifiers include private, protected, public,  abstract,  final,  and static. For example, declaring a method as public when it should be private.

• Adding extra public methods, constructors, member variables or classes that are not de- scribed in the Javadoc.

• Incorrect parameters and exceptions declared as thrown for constructors.

• Incorrect parameters, return type and exceptions declared as thrown for methods.

• Incorrect types of public fields.

Code Style

Code Structure and Layout

The Code Structure and Layout category is marked starting with a mark of 10.

Every single occurrence of a style violation in your solution, as detected by Checkstyle  using the course-provided configuration4, results in a 0.5 mark deduction, down to a minimum of 0.  Note that multiple style violations of the same type will each result in a 0.5 mark deduction.

Note:  There is a plug-in available for IntelliJ which will highlight style violations in your code. Instructions for installing this plug-in are available in the Java Programming Style Guide on Blackboard (Learning Resources → Guides). If you correctly use the plug-in and follow the style requirements, it should be relatively straightforward to get high marks for this section.

Code Review

Your assignment will be style marked with respect to the course style guide, located under Learn- ing Resources → Guides. The marks are broadly divided as follows:


Marks Allocated





Code Design


Programming Practices


Note that style marking does involve some aesthetic judgement  (and the marker’s aesthetic judge- ment is final) .

Note that the plugin available for IntelliJ mentioned in the Code Structure and Layout section cannot tell you whether your code violates style guidelines for this section. You will need to man- ually check your code against the style guide.

The Code Review is marked starting with a mark of 0.  Each section will make a judgment with penalities are then applied where applicable, to a maximum of 15.


How it is marked


Misnamed variables


Non-meaningful or one-letter names

. String temp;  // bad naming

. char a;  // bad naming

. int myVar, var, myVariable;  // all bad naming

Variable names using Hungarian notation

. int roomInteger;  // bad naming

. List<Gate> gateList;  // bad naming (‘gatesis better)


Javadoc comments lacking sufficient detail


Insufficient detail or non-meaningful Javadoc comments on (any) classes Insufficient detail or non-meaningful Javadoc comments on (any) methods Insufficient detail or non-meaningful Javadoc comments on (any) construc- tors

Insufficient detail or non-meaningful Javadoc comments on (any) class vari- ables


Lack of inline comments, or comments not meaningful


There needs to be sufficient comments which explain your code so that someone else can readily understand what is going. Someone should not need to guess or make assumptions.

Lack of inline comments, or comments not meaningful in methods Lack of inline comments, or comments not meaningful in constructors Lack of inline comments, or comments not meaningful for variables etc.

Code Design

Code design issues


Using class member variables where local variables could be used Duplicating sections of code instead of extracting into a private helper method

Having functions that exceed 100 liens in length

Class content is laid out in a way which is not straightforward to follow Methods are laid out in Classes or Interfaces in a way which is not straight- forward to follow

Method content is laid out in a way which is not straightforward to follow Variables are not placed in logical locations