关键词 > STAT3515Q

Design of Experiments: STAT 3515Q



Design of Experiments: STAT 3515Q

Spring 2021

General Instructions:

• This is an individual Project.

• Save the project under the file name LastName-FirstName-Project.pdf

• Submit the typed PDF file (no hand written accepted for grading) through HuskyCT by April 19, 2021, at 11:59 pm.

Max Points: 



• Choose a paper from a journal, or a newspaper article that or any other source that involves a designed experiment and statistical analysis.

• You must choose a paper for which the data is available. Choose something that you find interesting.

• Describe the design of the experiment (research hypothesis, response variable, factors, design, etc.)

• What were the conclusions of the experiment?

• Do you have suggestions, comments, or criticism about the analysis?

• If time permits, a class presentation (5-7 PowerPoint slides).

The project must include

• Description of the research question(s)

• Description of data-what and how collected

• Presentation of design of experiments & statistical analysis of data including

– what design of experiments & analyses were used and why?

– results containing a small number of tables or graphs

– the appropriateness of the assumptions underlying your methods should be addressed.

– conclusions

• Limitations of analysis/data;

• Further questions and suggestions.

Detailed format of the report submission:

Title Page:

• Title/Author/Name of the Institution/Date.


• a list of key words that describe the project and identify the major research concept.

• main objectives,

• design of the experiment used,

• summary of most important results,

• major conclusions.

Introduction : address the answers for the following questions

• What is the research problem?

• Why is it important?

• What type of statistical analyses/ design of the experiment(s) are you going to implement?


• Source of dataset and brief description of the dataset and variables contained.

Statement of Problem and Statistical Analysis Approach

• Clear & repeatable description of how you tackled the problem.

• Describe statistical methods of the design of the experiment used

 Give results - models, parameter estimates, confidence intervals, interpretation of estimates, confidence interval, ANOVA tables, checking assumptions, transformations, etc. as appropriate.


• Actual findings, significant output of tests & analysis

• Include problems encountered.

Summary & Conclusions

• Restate problem, approach & results

• Conclusions you drew (& why)

• Utility of results

• Subject for further study



• Customized SAS outputs along with SAS codes

• Dataset.