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IS5312 Analytical Programming with Python


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IS5312 Analytical Programming with Python

Project Description

Updated on October 17, 2022

1    Project Objectives

In this project, you will practice manipulating data files, processing data, conducting exploratory data analysis, and making predictions based on data. This project has two objectives:

1. By conducting this project, students can review and comprehensively practice most Python programming skills learned from this course:

• Numbers and variables

• Input and output

• Relational operations

• Strings

• List and tuple

• Set and dictionary

• If-else control flow

• For and while loop control flow

• File processing

• Functions

• Module/Package

• Class

• Numpy

• Pandas

• Visualization/Matplotlib

2. We also include tasks a little beyond the above listed points but still with reasonable difficulty level, specifically, Task 3.5. The rationale is that when programming, it is very usual to come across new problems you have never seen before, especially considering the rapid development of programming technology and tools. Hence, it is necessary to train students to solve new problems creatively. Task 3.5 is designed to induce students to train their creative problem solving skills when facing new programming tasks. With the help of references from books, papers, and Internet, students can solve these tasks successfully.

2    Data Description

This project has two data files.

1. The first data file named cadata .txt is on California housing prices in 1990 (Kel- ley Pace and Barry1997). This dataset includes variables such as the population, median income, and median house value for each block group in California. Block groups are the smallest geographical unit for which the US Census Bureau publishes sample data, and each block typically has between 600 to 3000 people. For each row after the brief introduction, this file contains variables in this order1:

(a) block group ID

(b) median house value

(c) median income

(d) housing median age

(e) total rooms

(f) total bedrooms

(g) population

(h) households

(i) latitude

(j) longitude

These values are stored with the scientific notation.

2. The second data file named ocean proximity .csv describes how far the houses in these block groups are from the ocean (adapted from Sepulveda (2022)). There are five types of labels, namely <1H  Ocean, Inland, Island, Near  Bay, and Near Ocean. For each row except for the first row, this file contains variables:

(a) block group ID

(b) ocean proximity

3    Tasks

This project consists of five sequentially connected tasks. Each task is based on the result of the preceding task and lays foundation for the succeeding task, as shown in Figure 1.  Each task counts 20% of the total score. You need to write Python programs to finish these tasks and manual manipulations do not count in your score.

For those tasks labeled by Optional, students can freely decide to do or not. The optional tasks do not count in the total score. But successfully finishing the optional tasks will obtain a grade

bonus of 10% for each task.


Figure 1: Connection between Tasks

3.1    Read data from txt file (20%)

1. (6%) Please write code to read data stored in the file named cadata .txt.

2. (8%) Please delete the brief introduction content at the first several lines of the file and only keep those data for the variables.

3. (8%) Please store the remained data into a list with each row being an element.

3.2    Pre-processing data and store new data into CSV file (20%)

1. (5%) In the file cadata .txt, for each line, variables are separated by Tabs.  Now please replace Tabs with commas for each line. As a result, the data in each line will become comma-separated.

2. (5%) Please create a new CSV file named cadata .csv, with the first line being the names of these variables in the file cadata .csv. These variable names are separated by commas as all. For the names, please see the data description of the first file named cadata .txt.

3. (5%) Please convert the data read from cadata .txt from the scientific notation to nor- mal numbers or fractions with four decimals after the point. For example, the number in

the scientific notation 3 .2200000000000e+002 should be converted to 322.0000.

4. (5%) Please store these lines into file cadata .csv. The lines in the file cadata .csv should be corresponding to the lines in cadata .txt except for the brief introduction part.

3.3    Combining data from two sources (20%)

1. (6%) Please read data from both files named cadata .csv and ocean proximity .csv.

2. (8%) Please combine the two datasets based on matching the variable block  group

ID. This means all variables with the same block  group  ID are combined together.

3. (6%) Please store the combined dataset into a new CSV file named data for analysis .csv. The first line of the new CSV file contains variable names. In each line, data or names           are separated by commas.

3.4    Exploratory data analysis (30%)

1. (7%) For variables median  house  value, median  income, and households, conduct the descriptive statistics. In detail, the mean, the variance, the mode, and the skew of those variables are calculated.

2. (8%) For the three variables housing  median  age, total  rooms, and population, please draw a histogram for each variable. These histograms are to show how the val-       ues distribute among their value intervals.  Hint:  please refer to the Python package       matplotlib. Here is a tutorial link from W3Schools: matplotlib  histogram       tutorial.

3. (8%) Please draw scatter plots to preliminarily explore the relationship between variables and median  house  value. Specifically, you should draw these scatter plots:

• median  income and median  house  value

• total  rooms and median  house  value

• population and median  house  value

Hint: please refer to the Python package matplotlib.  Here is a tutorial link from

W3Schools: matplotlib  scatter  tutorial.

4. (7%) The above results should be shown in table in pretty print style.

3.5    Partitioning data and predicting housing prices (10%+20% optional)

1. (10%) Partitioning data set into train data set and test data set. To be objective, systematic sampling should be used when partitioning data. The train data set should be about 80% of all data points and the test data set should be 20% of them.

2. (Optional,  10%) Students should program to predict the median  house  value based on other variables in the file data for analysis .csv. Please construct the prediction model as a function/functions and call the function(s) when make prediction. The prediction model can be linear  regression, logistic  regression or any other feasible one. The students are required to utilize at lease one self-constructed model for prediction.

3. (Optional,  10%) Evaluating the prediction results.  The student should compare the prediction value and the real value, and then calculate the mean  squared  error (MSE) of the prediction. Here is the formula of MSE:


where m is the number of cases in the test set, f(xi ) is the predicted value of case i in the test set, and yi is the real value of median  house  value of case i in the test case.

Hint:  you may want to seek help from various online resources on Python packages regarding to regressions.

4    Submission Files

To obtain scores of the project, you need to submit these files:

1. A  .py file containing all your source codes by the order of tasks.  Or A Jupyter file containing all your source codes by the order of tasks. To name this file, please follow this format: studentName StudentNumber project code .py. For example, if you are CHAN Wai Ting and your student No. is 55664332, then your submitted source code file should be named as CHANWaiTing 55664332 project code .py. Please put all source codes into one file for the ease of grading.

2. The two CSV files generated during Tasks 3.2 and 3.3.

3. A report on the results of exploratory data analysis (Task 3.4) and median  house value prediction (Task 3.5), with four pages at most. To name this file, please follow this format: studentName StudentNumber project report .pdf. For exam- ple, if you are CHAN Wai Ting and your student No. is 55664332, then your submitted

report file should be named as CHANWaiTing 55664332 project report .pdf.


R. Kelley Pace and Ronald Barry.   Sparse spatial autoregressions.   Statistics  & Probabil- ity Letters, 33(3):291–297, May 1997.  ISSN 0167-7152.  doi:  10.1016/S0167-7152(96) 00140-X.  URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S016771529600140X.

Daniel Sepulveda. Housing. Kaggle, September 2022. URL https://www.kaggle.com/ datasets/kathuman/housing.