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Draft Paper Submission Econ 345


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Draft Paper Submission Econ 345

Due: November 7th, 2022, 11:59pm

Expectation: You will submit a completed draft of your research paper. All of the required sections will be present, and each section will have a meaningful contribution. If you are working as part of a group, you must also submit your time tracker for this milestone. You need to upload your submission to Brightspace before the deadline. Late submissions will be subject to a penalty. You will need to complete the honour pledge before you will be able to submit your draft paper.

Getting your draft ready:

The intended audience for your papers is undergraduate economics students. You should be writing at a level that students in 345 can understand.

Please review the “Writing an Honours Paper” resource posted on our course page for more information. You are writing an empirical paper. Your paper will be significantly shorter than an honours thesis, though the sections and their purposes will be the same.

Remember, you may have 5 pages of writing. Tables and figures are not included in your page count.

What to include:
Title Page and Table of Contents

Introduction: What is your paper about? What are the goals of your paper? Give enough background information to get your reader up to speed. (Briefly) What do you find?

Literature Review: Highlight research/findings related to your research question. Discuss what they found and how it relates to your research.

Data: Where is your data from? How was it collected? What variables are you including? How are they measured? How many observations do you have? This is likely a good spot for a good summary statistics table or useful figure.

Methods: What are you trying to measure and how are you going to do it? This is where you present and explain your model. Any sources of bias should be discussed (which of our assumptions do or do not hold in your model).

Results: What do you find? How can your results be interpreted? Are they causal?  Include results table with regression output.

Conclusion: Briefly restate your motivation, approach, and findings. Discuss how future research could add to your discussion.

References: APA list of citations. Alphabetical. Hanging Indent.

Getting Help:
Need help getting your data into R or have questions about the code to run your model?

· Post on the R Questions Discussion Board

· Come to the paper writing group (Details will be posted on our course page)

· Review the labs and remember that you can google your questions

Want to discuss your model or draft paper?

· Join our course Zoom link during my office hours  

· Send me an email ([email protected])

Want to discuss your model, draft paper, chat with peers, or get R support in person?

· Come to the Econ 345 Writing Group! Watch for an announcement about timing and location