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CSCI 3160: Designing User Interfaces Fall 2022


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CSCI 3160: Designing User Interfaces

Fall 2022 

Project Topics

Project groups will select one of the following topics to work on in the course. Your group will iteratively design a product that addresses the challenges posed by the topic.

Jogging With Friends

Outdoor recreational jogging is a healthy activity enjoyed by people of different ages,           backgrounds, and levels of fitness—but sometimes it can be difficult to organize a time and place to jog with friends. Jogging With Friends is a system that can bend space and time so that (1) people in different locations jogging at the same time can feel as though they are    jogging together, and (2) people jogging the same trail at different times can feel like they    are jogging together.

Citizen Scientist Annotator

Flora, fauna, and formations, oh my! Citizen Scientist Annotator uses the power of                crowdsourcing to annotate our natural environment with observational data such as location, shape, frequency, and extent of profusions of plants, animals, and geological formations.      The Citizen Scientist Annotator makes annotation of natural phenomenon fun, simple, and    unobtrusive.


We live in a time where ever-increasing amounts of personal data are collected and           monitored. While surveillance is monitoring from above , sousveillance is monitoring from   below. Sousveiller keeps track of and alerts you to what is being captured (e.g. , image,      credit, identification), and how (e.g., webcam, shopping transaction, RF beacon), while you conduct your daily activities in public and commercial spaces. Sousveiller tracks what is     monitored, when, where, and by whom—allowing you to make informed decisions in your  everyday life.

STAR: Story Toolkit for Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is an exciting medium for locative narratives, that is, stories that are   experienced by moving through neighbourhoods, homes, historic sites, or other places.   Authors need support to determine where to situate story content and events, to organize their audio and graphical content, and to test their stories. STAR makes planning,            structuring, and testing locative augmented reality stories easy for non-technical authors.