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EMET8002 Semester 2 2022 Quiz 2


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Quiz 2

EMET8002 Semester 2 2022

Question 1 - Approximately 600 words [7 marks]

This question does not require you to undertake any analysis yourself. Rather, you are     being asked to critique an existing paper on “The impact of COVID- 19 on racial inequality in business earnings” by Fairlie (2022). The paper is available at the following link:


You can download a PDF version of the paper directly, or if you are off-campus you may

need to enter your ANU e-mail address on that page and it will be emailed to you (see


Answer the following questions in your own words.

1a) What are the research questions and what data is used to test those questions? Include a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the data used in this paper. [2 marks]

1b) What are the main data analysis techniques used to test those research questions (from part a)? Describe at least one of those techniques in detail. [3 marks]

1c) How could the analysis be extended using a different model or technique? [2 marks]

Question 2 [6 marks]

These questions are based on the content from our guest lectures in Weeks 9 and 11. Choose one best answer for each question.

2.1 The bias-variance trade off does not apply in machine learning problems when –

a-   The machine learning models used are complex

b-  Data has missing values

c-  Linear regressions are used

d-  None of the above

2.2 Cross-validation can be used to compare different machine learning models.

a-   True

b-  False

2.3 One advantage of using a decision tree over linear regression model is that a decision tree model will always produce more accurate predictions than a linear regression model.

a-   True

b-  False

2.4 Why was the expansion of the Medicaid program in Oregon so exciting to economists?

a-   It provided affordable health care to all vulnerable individuals in Oregon.

b-  It provided a large sample size so that economists could use quantile regressions to

address endogeneity.

c-   It enabled causal inference because it was a natural experiment based on lottery


d-   It was a large-scale program that successfully reduced emergency department visits in


2.5 Difference-in-difference methods are a special case of random-effect models.

a-   True

b-  False

2.6 RCTs cannot be used to establish causal inference.

a-   True

b-  False

Question 3  Approximately 600 words [7 marks]

This question requires you to undertake your own analysis. For one of the datasets used in the computer labs this year:

3a) Identify a dependent variable that could be estimated by a binary, ordered or multinomial logit model. Which of these models would you recommend for estimating this variable?        Justify why you would choose this model over the other. [2 marks]

3b) Describe an economic research question that can be analysed with the model and the dependent variable that you chose in part (a). State your null and alternative hypotheses. Remember to back up your research question with existing literature and/or theory (2-3  references). [2 marks]

3c) Estimate a model with no more than five independent variables to test your research question from part (b). Present your findings in a Table and interpret the sign and the      statistical significance of the coefficients. Do you find evidence to support your research hypothesis? Explain. [3 marks]

Include your Stata code (log file) in your assignment submission.