关键词 > ECON-SHU218

ECON-SHU 218 International Trade and the Chinese Economy Fall 2022


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International Trade and the Chinese Economy

Fall 2022

The essay will be an 8-page (at most) double-spaced analytic essay (excluding references, appendix, and figures and tables)

Topic: choose one from the following

▪ Does China’s trade growth hurt the U.S.?

▪ Should developing countries embrace free trade?

Your essay should contain:

▪ Why do you think this is an interesting and important question?

▪ How are you going to answer the question?

▪ Workers, firms, farmers, etc.

▪ Long run, short run ▪ Data sources (feasibility) ▪ Theoretical logic ▪ Any challenges?

Useful Data Sources

❑ WITS (World Integrated Trade Solution): https://wits.worldbank.org/ 

❑ COMTRADE: https://comtrade.un.org/ 

❑ World Bank: https://data.worldbank.org/ 

❑ OECD: https://data.oecd.org/ 

❑ US Bureau of Labor Statistics https://www.bls.gov/developers/ 

❑ The China Archive: https://oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/handle/1969.1/176457