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DATA 2100 Minor Homework Flowcharting


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DATA 2100 Minor Homework


100 points


In this assignment, students will develop their flowcharting skills on a couple of exercises. In doing so, students will learn how to think logically about a problem to create a process for use in its resolution.


Draw each of the following flowcharts, include your drawn diagrams in a Word document, then submit your Word document. Be sure that your diagrams are legible in Word (e.g., that we can read everything and that it’s clear whether something is a rectangle, parallelogram, or diamond). Do not submit multiple documents. Organize your submission in accordance with the numbering given below. Be sure the information in your document is presented clearly and unambiguously. Also, include your name on your document (within the content of the document itself).

Hint: Be sure to consider whether there are implied inputs and outputs in each of these processes and whether a given step might constitute an input or output.

1. Create a flowchart that maps the following process, then include it in your submission (50 points):

a. You hear a noise in the basement.

b. You go down to the basement to see if everything’s okay, as determined by the number of mice that you see.

c. If you see more than 10 mice, you leave the house immediately because that’s just too many mice (thus the process ends).

d. If you see 0 mice, you go upstairs because, other than the fact that you’re imagining basement noises, everything’s obviously totally okay (the process ends).

e. If you see any other number of mice, you blow your whistle to frighten them away, then go back upstairs, wait ten minutes, then go back down to the basement to see how many mice there are.

i. Continue blowing your whistle, running upstairs, waiting, then going back down to the basement until there are either 0 or more than 10 mice.

2. Create a flowchart that maps the following process, then include it in your submission (50 points):

a. You get a request to write a SQL query (like in the major and minor SQL Queries assignments).

b. You then input into Microsoft Access a query that you think will provide the output requested.

c. You execute the query and receive output from Microsoft Access.

d. If the query coincides with the output requested, continue on to the next problem.

e. If the query doesn’t coincide with the output requested, go back and try the same query again.

f. Count how many queries you’ve entered correctly.

g. Continue the process until all queries are written successfully.

h. Once all queries are written successfully, scream out the window the number of queries you inputted so that everyone (within earshot) knows.