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PSY3033 Statistical Methods in Psychology II 2022-2023, 1st Term


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PSY3033 Statistical Methods in Psychology II

2022-2023, 1st Term

1. The timestamp of your submission in Moodle will be counted as your final submission time.      Marks will be deducted for any late submission without prior approval and/or a valid reason. A  7-day grace period (1st to 7th days after the stipulated deadline) will be given to students.             Assignment submitted within the grace period will be penalized. Assignment submitted after the grace period (i.e. the 8th day onwards) will NOT be accepted.

2. Please TYPE your answer. Handwritten answer is NOT accepted.

3. When you answer the question, DO NOT simply put down the SPSS output. NO mark will be given to any SPSS output without your own interpretation. Do NOT print out all SPSS output unless you are told to do so.

4. Statistical results should be reported in APA style. As a general rule of thumb, “use two or three decimal places and report exact values for all p values greater than .001. For p values smaller    than .001, report them as p < .001” . You may visit the following link (https://www.scribbr.com/ apa-style/numbers-and-statistics/) for more tips on how to report numbers and statistics in APA style.

5. Use α = .05 whenever appropriate.

Question 1 (14 points)

According to the study of Ye (2010), watching medical television shows may result in increased concern about personal health. To replicate the results of this study, a researcher administered a survey to measure television viewing habits and health concerns such as fear of developing the diseases and disorders seen on television. Students are classified into three categories based on their television viewing patterns: (1) Little or none medical TV shows; (2) Moderate medical TV shows; and (3) Substantial medical TV shows and health concerns are measured on a 10-point scale with 0 indicating “none” .  The dataset “hw1-q1-2022.sav” of this study can be downloaded at Moodle.       Using the data, answer the following questions.

a.   Test the assumption of homogeneity of variances. Can we assume equal variances among the three groups? (2 points)

b.   Is the test result consistent with Ye’s study (Ye, 2010) that watching medical TV shows may result in increased concern about personal health? Run an appropriate statistical analysis in   SPSS using the data provided to compare the mean differences in health concerns among the three groups and support your answer with appropriate statistical evidences. Using Tukey’s  HSD test to adjust for the inflation of Type I error rate for multiple comparisons whenever    appropriate. Also, estimate the effect size of television viewing habits (8 points)

c.   Using linear contrast, conduct the appropriate tests and complete Table 1 (2 points)

Table 1

Results of Planned Comparisons


t(157)               p (two-tailed)

1.  None or little  vs. Moderate

2.   Moderate vs. Substantial

d.   The research assistant has consulted his supervisor if he had to adjust the α value of each

test of contrasts by using Bonferroni method in order to control for the inflation of overall    Type I error rate before he compared the p-value with the adjusted α . His supervisor replied that the conclusion drawn based on the tests of planned comparisons would remain the same whether they adjusted the α by using Bonferroni procedure or not. Do you agree with the      supervisor? Why? (2 points).

Question 2 (16 points)

A cognitive psychologist would like to use a computer program, SynWin (Barlett, Vowels,             Shanteau, Crow, & Miller, 2009) to assess cognitive skills of the participants. A pilot study was     conducted to examine the practice effect on cognitive performance in SynWin and find out the      number of trials needed before the performance peaked and leveled off. 40 undergraduate students were recruited to complete four sessions of tests on SynWin. The data hw1-q2-2022.sav” for this study can be downloaded at Moodle.

a.   Using SPSS, plot a graph to summarize the change in cognitive performance across the four trials (Reminder: Don’t forget to label the axes appropriately) (2 points)

b.   (i) Test the assumption of sphericity (2 points); and (ii) estimate the degree of sphericity (1 point).

c.   Overall speaking, was there any significant change in cognitive performance on SynWin over the five trials? (3 points)

d.   Using repeated contrasts, examine the change of cognitive performance on SynWin from trial 1 to trial 4 and comment on the practice effect on cognitive performance. (7 points)

e.   Based on the findings in this study, if you were the cognitive psychologist, which trial of  data would you use as a formal assessment of cognitive ability of the participant. Why? (1 points)

Question 3 (20 points)

A market research company is helping an ice-cream company to investigate the consumers’ attitude towards three new chocolate flavors (peach chocolate, mango chocolate, and strawberry chocolate). 20 male and 20 female customers were recruited in the study and they were asked to taste three new chocolate flavors. After each tasting, the participants were asked to rate the taste of the ice-cream on a 10-point scale (1 = poor; 10 = very tasty). The order of the presentation of the flavors was              counterbalanced among the participants. The data set hw1-q3-2022.sav” can be downloaded from  Moodle. Using the data, answer the following questions:

a.   Using SPSS, create a mean plot to summarize the data. (Reminder: Don’t forget to label the axes appropriately) (1 point)

b.   Conduct the analysis to test if the males and females have different preferences for the ice-  cream flavors. Write a paragraph to demonstrate how the results of this analysis would         appear in the research report. In your paragraph, you should include: (i) the type of analysis that you have done; (ii) test of sphericity; (iii) results of the test of the interaction effect; (iv) results of the main effects (only if interaction effect is not significant); (v) results of simple  effect of flavors and pairwise comparisons (with Bonferroni adjustment) if appropriate; and (vi) your conclusion about the ice-cream preferences for males and females. Use APA style  when you report the statistics. (19 points) (Reminder: report the effect size as well when you report the statistics)