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CS 1027 Computer Science Fundamentals II Assignment 2


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CS 1027

Computer Science Fundamentals II

Assignment 2

Learning Outcomes

In this assignment, you will get practice with:

    Working with doubly linked lists

    Inheritance and overriding methods

    Using the instanceof operator

    Casting within an inheritance hierarchy

    Throwing exceptions


London has been divided on the subject of building a light rail transit system to complement the  city bus system. A rail system would allow passengers to ride around the city much more quickly than they can on the buses. A rail system typically has a few lines (routes) along the main          corridors of the city on which the trains would travel back and forth.

In this assignment, you are implementing a computer simulation of a transit system prototype. In this program, a transit system will be formed as a series of Stations on which passengers can    get on or off a train and the Stations are connected to each other in a doubly-linked-list type of   mechanism. Some Stations, called InterchangeStations. are connected in more than one line.    They are the kinds of Stations in which passengers can get off one train and on to another train going in a different direction. A TransitLine (route) typically contains several Stations – some of  which are InterchangeStations that are connected one by one along a specific path.

This program has a visual component to help you see the transit system once you implement the required classes and their methods. An example of a finished system is shown here:


Provided files





The LTCTests.java file will help to check if your java classes are implemented correctly. A  similar file will be incorporated into Gradescope's auto-grader. Passing all the tests within LTCTests.java does not necessarily mean that your code is correct.

Classes to Implement

For this assignment, you must implement three (3) Java classes: Station, InterchangeStation, and TransitLine. Follow the guidelines for each one below.

In all of these classes, you may implement more private (helper) methods, and in some of the files, it is strongly encouraged that you do. However, you may not implement more public        methods except public static void main(String[] args) for testing purposes (this is allowed and encouraged). You may not add instance variables other than the ones specified in these         instructions nor change the variable types or accessibility (i.e. making a variable public when it should be private). Penalties will be applied if you implement additional instance variables or   change the variable types or modifiers from what is described here.


This class is used to represent a single Station in the transit system. It behaves like a node in a doubly-linked list. That is, a Station will have variables pointing to the previous and next Station

so that they are connected in both directions.

The class must have these private instance variables:

    private static int nextID = 0

    private int id

    private int stnNo

    private String name

    private Station prev

    private Station next

    private int x

    private int y

The class must have the following public methods:

    public Station(int stnNo, String stnName, int x, int y) [constructor]

o Initialize the instance variables stnNo, name, x, and y with the corresponding     parameters. Set prev and next to null. Set id to the value of the static variable     nextID and then increment nextID (this allows each subsequent Station object to be given a unique ID in increasing order).

    public int getID(), public int getStnNo(), public String getName(), public Station getPrev(),

public Station getNext(), public int getX(), public int getY()

o Getters for each of the instance variables

    public void setPrev(Station stn), public void setNext(Station stn)

o Setters for the prev and next instance variables

    public String toString()

o Returns the string containing the stnNo and name, formatted like this: Stn: 33 (Oxford)


This class is used to represent an InterchangeStation, which means a Station on 2 or more        transit lines. This kind of station allows passengers to switch from one line to another. This class must be a sub-class of the Station class.

The class must have these private instance variables (in addition to the ones it inherits from Station):

    private Station[] prevs

o Since this Station is on multiple transit lines, we must hold an array of prevs

Stations so that it can have a previous for each line for which it is being used     private Station[] nexts

o Since this Station is on multiple transit lines, we must hold an array of nexts

Stations so that it can have a next for each line for which it is being used The class must have the following public methods:

    public InterchangeStation(int stnNo, String stnName, int x, int y) [constructor]  o Call the super (Station) constructor with the corresponding parameters

o Initialize prevs and nexts to have 2 spots each (this may have to increase later)      public Station getPrev(), public Station getNext(), public void setPrev(Station stn), public

void getNext(Station stn)

o These methods are from Station but don't make sense for InterchangeStation since there is more than one prev and/or next station. Therefore, throw a       StationException saying "InterchangeStation cannot use _______" with the    corresponding method name in the blank in each of these methods.

    public Station getPrev(char lineLetter), public Station getNext(char lineLetter), public

void setPrev(Station stn, char lineLetter), public void setNext(Station stn, char lineLetter)

o These are the getters and setters that will be used instead of the previously      explained overridden ones. These ones have a parameter lineLetter which is a character representing the line on which to get/set the previous or next Station.

o For example, consider an InterchangeStation stn on lines A and C.     stn.getNext('A') would return the Station after stn along the A line, and

stn.getNext('C') would return the next one on the C line. stn.getNext('B') should return null since this Station is not on the B line.

o Determine the line "num" by subtracting 65 from the lineLetter (65 is the ASCII code for A, 66 is the code for B, etc.), so this num will be 0 for 'A', 1 for 'B', etc. This will be used as the index in the prevs and nexts arrays.

o Expand the capacity of the corresponding array (prevs or nexts) to num+1 (if it is out of the bounds of the existing array). For example, if a Station is on Line A and later added to Line C, the original arrays would just be 1 element while it is on      Line A alone, but then would have to expand to 3 (num for C is 2 so the arrays     need 2+1 = 3 spaces now) when added to Line C.

o * Please see the example in blue for a clarification on how this works.

    public Station[] getPrevArray(), public Station[] getNextArray()

o Return the corresponding array

    public String getPrevString(), public String getNextString()

o Build and return a String containing the prevs / nexts showing the stnNo of the prev or next station for each line and __ (two underscores) for any null             connection within the array.

o Note that the array(s) are only increased when needed in the getters/setters     described previously, so some InterchangeStations will have null spots in place of transit lines on which they are not laying, while others will not have a null      because the arrays didn't need to increase to contain them.

o * Please see the example in blue for a clarification on how this works.

    public String toString()

o Return the String of the same format as the Station class, but after that, add " on Lines: " and list the letters representing the lines on which this InterchangeStation is laying. For example:

Stn: 48 (Highbury) on Lines: C D

* Example to clarify how the prevs and nexts arrays are supposed to work

Consider three InterchangeStation objects with numbers: 15, 30, and 45 in a transit system that has three lines: A, B, and C.

Stn 15 is on lines A and B, Stn 30 is on lines B and C, and Stn 45 is on lines A and C.

Stn 15's prevs and nexts arrays would be of length 2 since it's not on line C and thus would not have to expand to 3 (even though there is a 3rd  line in the system). Thus, Stn 15's                     getPrevString() might be something like: 74  92. [74 on the A line, 92 on the B line].

Stn 30's prevs and nexts arrays must be of length 3 since it is on line C so they need to contain info about their line C connections in index 2 (3rd element) of those arrays. It is not on line A so the first element will be null. Thus, Stn 30's getPrevString() might be something like: __  63  28 [nothing on the A line, 63 on the B line, 28 on the C line].

Stn 45's prevs and nexts arrays must also be of length 3 since it is on line C. It is not on line B so the second element will be null. Thus, Stn 45's getPrevString() might be something like: 57 __  88 [57 on the A line, nothing on the B line, and 88 on the C line].

Note that an InterchangeStation could be at the end of a line, so it may not have a previous or  next Station even on the lines that it is laying. For example, suppose Stn 15 is at the end of line B, then it's getNextString() might be something like: 37 __ [37 on the A line, nothing after it on  the B line]

Note also that an InterchangeStation can be on ANY number of lines. It should not be limited to just 2 lines.


This class is used to represent a line (route) in the transit system. Each line contains some       number of Stations (including some InterchangeStations) that are connected in both directions.

Each line is labelled with an alphabetical letter, 'A', 'B', 'C', etc.

The class must have these private instance variables:

    private char lineLetter

    private Station firstStn

The class must have the following public methods:

    public TransitLine(char letter, Station first) [constructor]

o Initialize both instance variables from the given parameters

    public char getLineLetter(), public Station getFirstStn()

o Getters for the two instance variables

    public boolean hasNext(Station stn)

o Determine if there is a Station after the given Station stn. If it is an                       InterchangeStation, then you have to use the lineLetter to check if there is a next Station specifically on the line specified by the letter. Otherwise, just check if

there is a next Station. Return true if there is a next Station, or false otherwise.     public void addStation(Station stn)

o Start at the firstStn and traverse to the last added Station. Hint: use the hasNext() method above in a loop to continue stepping through the TransitLine until there is no next Station on the line.

o From the last added Station on this line, add the given Station stn by connecting both the previous and next links so that it is doubly-linked.

    public String toString()

o Return a String containing the Line letter and the list of the stnNo's of the Stations on the line. It must be formatted like this:

Line C:  27  19  48  32  81

Marking Notes

Functional Specifications

    Does the program behave according to specifications?

    Does it produce the correct output and pass all tests?

    Are the classes implemented properly?

    Does the code run properly on Gradescope (even if it runs on Eclipse, it is up to you to

ensure it works on Gradescope to get the test marks)

    Does the program produces compilation or run-time errors on Gradescope?            Does the program fail to follow the instructions (i.e. changing variable types, etc.)

Non-Functional Specifications

    Are there comments throughout the code (Javadocs or other comments)?     Are the variables and methods given appropriate, meaningful names?

    Is the code clean and readable with proper indenting and white-space?

    Is the code consistent regarding formatting and naming conventions?                            Submission errors (i.e. missing files, too many files, etc.) will receive a penalty of 5%     Including a "package" line at the top of a file will receive a penalty of 5%

Remember you must do all the work on your own. Do not copy or even look at the work of another student. All submitted code will be run through similarity-detection software.

Submission (due Thursday, October 27 at 11:55 pm)

Assignments must be submitted to Gradescope, not on OWL. If you are new to this platform,

seethese instructionson submitting on Gradescope.


    Please only submit the files specified below.

    Do not attach other files even if they were part of the assignment.

    Do not upload the .class files! Penalties will be applied for this .

    Submit the assignment on time. Late submissions will receive a penalty of 10% per day.     Forgetting to submit is not a valid excuse for submitting late .

    Submissions must be done through Gradescope. If your code runs on Eclipse but not

on Gradescope, you will NOT get the marks! Make sure it works on Gradescope to get these marks.

    You are expected to perform additional testing (create your own test harness class to do

this) to ensure that your code works for other dice combinations as well. We are       providing you with some tests but we may use additional tests that you haven't seen before for marking.

    Assignment files are NOT to be emailed to the instructor(s) or TA(s). They will not be

marked if sent by email.

    You may re-submit code if your previous submission was not complete or correct,

however, re-submissions after the regular assignment deadline will receive a penalty.

Files to submit




Grading Criteria

Total Marks: [20]

Functional Specifications:

[2] Station.java

[3] InterchangeStation.java

[2] TransitLine.java

[10] Passing Tests (some additional, hidden tests will be run on Gradescope)

Non-Functional Specifications:

[1] Meaningful variable names, private instance variables

[1] Code readability and indentation

[1] Code comments