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Ecos3005: Tutorial 5

For discussion Week 6

Question 1:  Collusion

Two firms produce identical products.  Market shares are determined as in the Bertrand model.  Each period over an infinite horizon, they simultaneously set prices.  Each firm has a constant marginal cost of c and no fixed costs.  Suppose the monopoly price is pm . It takes two periods to detect and respond to a rival deviation.

The firms consider the following (grim-trigger) strategies to collude:


p =

'(c       otherwise

1. Give two possible reasons that detecting a rival’s deviation can be difficult (so that it takes two periods rather than one).

2. Find the critical discount factor (level of patience), 6* , such that if both firms are more patient (ie 6 ≥ 6* ), then the cartel can be sustained using the above trigger strategies.

3. Suppose 6 < 6* . Are there any subgame perfect Nash equilibria to the repeated game? Explain.

Question 2:  Collusion

Two firms produce identical products.  Each period over an infinite horizon, they simultaneously set prices. Market shares are determined as in the Bertrand model. Each firm has a constant marginal cost of c and no fixed costs. Suppose the monopoly price is pm .

The firms consider the following strategies to collude. If both firms set p = pm  last period, then set p = pm  this period.  If either firm cheats by setting p  pm , then punish for 1 period by setting p = c, then return to p = pm  thereafter. More formally


p =

'(c       otherwise

Find the critical discount factor (level of patience), 6* , such that if both firms are more patient (ie 6 ≥ 6* ), then the cartel can be sustained using the above strategies.

Question 3:  Collusion

n firms produce identical products. Market shares are determined as in the Bertrand model. The lowest priced firm captures the whole market. If k firms set the lowest price, then each firm receives a market share of 1/k .

Each period over an infinite horizon, the firms simultaneously set prices.  Each firm has a constant marginal cost of c and no fixed costs. Suppose the monopoly price is pm . The firms consider the following (grim-trigger) strategies to collude:


p =

'(c       otherwise

1. Find the critical discount factor (level of patience), 6* , such that if all firms are more patient (ie 6 ≥ 6* ), then the cartel can be sustained using the above trigger strategies.

2. As the number of firms increases, what happens to the critical discount factor 6* ? Explain intuitively why this is the case.