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Syllabus for STA 261 Statistics Fall 2022

Course description: Service course.  Descriptive statistics, basic probability, ran- dom variables, binomial and normal probability distributions, tests of hypotheses, regression and correlation, analysis of variance. Emphasis on applications. Note: Credit for graduation will not be given for more than one of STA 125, ISA 125, STA 261, STA 301, or STA 368.

Class format: You will be given a printout of the handout on the day we start covering it. We will be expected to participate in class. We will use both the whiteboard and the projector simultaneously as needed.

For technology, we will use the book companion’s website www.ArtofStat.com, StatCrunch, and www.random.org.


Email Communication: When you email me, please write in the subject or on top of your message STA 261 HE. Since I teach three different classes, it will help me to answer your question quicker if I know right away which class you belong to.

Grading Summary: Your final grade will be computed as follows:

Three Tests

39% (13% each)

Discussion board & lecture participation


Homework (MyStatLab)


Chapter Quizzes (MyStatLab)


Final Exam


Grading Scale: Numerical score may be converted into letter grade using the follow-


Above 97% A+ 77-79% C+

Below 60% F

93-96% A

73-76% C

90-92% A-

70-72% C-

87-89% B+

67-69% D+

83-86% B

63-66% D

80-82% B- 60-62% D-

You will be given an in-class pre-test on the first day of the class.

The three tests and the final exam will be held in-class and on paper.

Absence: If you do get sick, please do not come to class. Please inform me via email. You will not be penalized for missing classes and due dates on assignments.  Each case will be discussed and dealt individually.

If you have symptoms consistent with covid-19 or you have had recent exposure, please follow the Miami University guidelines and report your illness & absence at https://www.miamioh.edu/covid19/testing/index.html https://www.miamioh.edu/covid19/general-faqs/index.html#quarantine

Important Dates:

Last day to drop a class without a grade, Credit/No Credit change deadline: Friday September 9th.

Last day to drop from a course with a grade of W, Last day to change to/from Audit : Monday October 24th.

Fall break: Friday October 7th to Sunday October 9th

Final exam week: Monday December 5th to Friday December 9th

Exams: There will be three tests given throughout the semester and a cumulative final exam. There will be no make-ups given without prior permission from the instructor. If you have any valid reason for missing the exam, you should discuss alternative arrangements with me before the exam. If you miss an exam due to an emergency or illness, please email me as soon as possible.

The tentative exam schedule is as follows:

Test #1 Test #2 Test #3


Friday September 16th (Week 4)

Friday October 14th (Week 8)

Friday November 11th (Week 12)

To be announced

During exams, the following are prohibited: other electronic devices, books, notes, any other resources. You are allowed to use a Calculator and a 2-page cheat sheet.

Homework: Homework will be for a grade and completed online. You will be given at least a week to complete each assignment.  After the due date, you will still be able to complete the assignment with 10% penalty for each question you did not answer correctly nor complete.  Multiple assignments could be due on the same week.  They can be accessed on Canvas under the Modules tab, MyStatLab, in MyStatLab All Assignments or MyStatLab Homework .

Do not wait until the last day it is due to work on the assignment. You should work on it once we cover the material in class.

While working on the homework assignment, always have your class notes open. It will save you a lot of time.

Chapter Quizzes: You may complete each MyStatLab (MSL) chapter quiz up to 2 times before the due date with the highest score recorded in the MyStatLab Gradebook. Quizzes will have a 40-minute time limit. They can be accessed on Canvas under the Modules tab, MyStatLab, in MyStatLab All Assignments or MyStatLab Quizzes & Tests. Each MSL chapter quiz will NOT be accepted late.  The lowest two MSL chapter quiz grades for the semester will be dropped.

Grade Dispute: Graded exams will be posted on Canvas to the students. If a student wishes to discuss the exam grade, it must be done within two weeks following the date of the exam and outside the class meeting time.

Discussion board & lecture participation: You are required to post your answers and expected to look at and learn from another student’s post on the discussion board. The discussion board is intended to assess your knowledge of the content of the course as well as an opportunity to interact with your classmates.

During lecture, you will be randomly asked to participate, by providing a short answer of a question.

Attendance Policy: You are expected attend the lecture.  Your discussion board and lecture participation, and the completion of homework assignments on MyStatLab will be used as class attendance.

Mandatory meeting: If you receive a failing grade on a quiz, a test, or has a low homework average grade, you will be required to meet with me (the instructor) as soon as possible on Zoom during office hours or agreed appointed time to discuss them.

Technology Policy: You are only allowed to use a laptop and other mobile devices for class purposes. You are prohibited to working on homework assignments, texting, or using any social media during class time.

Students with Disabilities may request reasonable accommodation.   Student Disability Services  (SDS) registration should be completed prior to the provision of accom- modation. To register, please go to SDS website www.miamioh.edu/sds or Student Accessing Miami (SAM) website www.miamioh.edu/sam or contact SDS office, Middletown Campus at Location: Johnston Hall, room 14A, Phone: 513-727-3431, Email: [email protected].     Students who have completed SDS registration are encouraged to meet online with faculty during the first week of class to discuss accommodation plans for the course.

Student Counseling Services: Miami University’s regional campuses provide students with confidential counseling services free of charge.

Remote counseling appointments are available. Email or call to meet with them.

Hamilton campus:  Claire Ruberg, Email:  [email protected], Phone:  513-785-3211, Location: Rentschler Hall, room 127.

Middletown campus: Nancy Ferguson, Email: [email protected], Phone: 513-727-3431, Location: Johnston Hall, room 14 https://miamioh.edu/regionals/student-life/counseling-services/index.html

Tutoring and Learning Center: Individual tutoring, peer tutoring, and peer mentoring are available for free. Please contact [email protected] for an appointment, Twitter: @MiamiOHRegTLC.

Hamilton campus: Rentschler Hall, room 102, Phone: 513-785-3139

Middletown campus: Johnston Hall, room 002 https://miamioh.edu/regionals/academics/tutoring-learning-center/index.html.

Library: Miami students have access to materials and services at Miami libraries on the Oxford, Middletown, and Hamilton campuses. You can check out and return books, laptops, and other technical equipment. Computers are available for use in the library.                     The opening hours for Rentschler Library, Hamilton campus are: Monday through Thursday

from 8 AM to 7 PM, Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM.

The opening hours for Gardner-Harvey Library, Middletown campus are:  Monday through Thursday from 8 AM to 7 PM., Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM. https://www.lib.miamioh.edu/about/locations/hours/

TRIO SSS: TRIO Student Support Services is a program for eligible Miami Hamilton and Middletown students seeking a bachelor’s degree.  Our certified life/academic coaches can support you with academics, building your student resume, career planning, guidance on applying for graduate school, a community of fellow students, and much more.  TRIO also offers a $1000 scholarship to eligible selected students.

Hamilton campus: Rentschler Hall 104,    Middletown campus: Johnston Hall 008 Read more about TRIO SSS at:

https://miamioh.edu/regionals/academics/trio/index.html or watch our short video at https://youtu.be/6s_N-PhpN-U to see why you should apply.

Cheating will not be tolerated. See Miami’s Student Handbook for the actions taken if cheating is discovered.

Academic Integrity Statement: Students are expected to follow university guidelines available under Academic Regulations at www.miamioh.edu/policy-library/students/undergraduate/index.html.

Duty to Report

As an instructor, I have a duty to report. This means I am required to promptly report to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator ([email protected] or 513-529-1870) any information a student shares with me regarding harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct and in- terpersonal violence, or retaliation. A report does not initiate an investigation. It engages a discussion of your resources, supportive measures, and options available. If students want to speak with someone confidentially, they can speak with Student Counseling Services, Student Health Services, and an advocate with Women Helping Women.

Speaking with a confidential resource person does not preclude students from making a formal report to the University if and when they are ready.



For more information, please visit https://miamioh.edu/campus-safety/sexual-assault/ and https://www.miamioh.edu/diversity-inclusion/oeeo/index.html.

Miami Plan

STA 261 is one of the classes that satisfy the Mathematics/Formal Reasoning requirement of the Miami Plan.  The goals of the Miami Plan will be accomplished in several ways.  In order to see how to apply the methods learned in the class to other application fields, we will use examples from a wide variety of fields.  We will work on effectively communicating analysis methods and results in both written and oral presentations. Lastly we will develop deductive reasoning skills while studying probability and inductive skills while studying the science of statistics.