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Program Examples – Chapter 2

Type in the following program samples. Save them as python scripts with the suggested names. Run the scripts and compare the output against the expected output.

Program 2-6 (comment2 . py)

2 print('123 Ful1 Ci rcle Drive1) # Di splay the address

# Display the city, state, and ZIP.

Program Output

Kate Austen

123 Full Circle Drive

Asheville, NC 28899

Program 2-8 (vari abl e_demo2. py)

1 # Create two variables: top_speed and di stance.

2 top_speed = 160

3 distance = 300

5 # Display the values referenced by the variables

6 print('The top speed is')

7 print(top_speed)

8 print('The di stance traveled is')

9 print(di stance)

Program Output

The top speed 1s


The di stance traveled is


Program 2-11 (stri ng_variabl e . py)

1 # Create variables to reference two strings.

2 flrst_name = 'Kathryn'

3 last_name = 'Marino'

5 # Display the values referenced by the variables.

6 print(first_name, lastjame)

Program Output

Kathryn Marino

1 # This program demonstrates variable reassignment.

2 # Assign a value to the dollars variable.

3 dollars = 2.75

4 print('I have', dollars, 'in my account.')

6 # Reassign dollars so it references

7 # a different value.

8 dollars = 99.95

9 print('But now I have', dollars, 'in my account!')

Program Output

I have 2.75 in my account.

But now I have 99.95 1n my account!

Program 2-12 (stri ng_i nput. py)

1 # Get the user's first name.

2 first_name = input('Enter your first name:')



# Get the user's last name.



=input('Enter your last name:')




7 # Print a greeting to the user.

8 pr1nt('Hello', first_name, last_name)


Program Output (with input shown in bold)

Enter your first name: Vinny (Enter)

Enter your last name: Brown [Enter]

Hello Vinny Brown

1 # Assign a value to the salary variable.

2 salary = 2500.0

3 # Assign a value to the bonus variable.

4 bonus = 1200.0

7 # Calculate the total pay by adding salary

8 # and bonus. Assign the result to pay.

9 pay = salary + bonus


10 # Di splay the pay.

11 print('Your pay is', pay)

Program Output

Your pay Is 3700.0

Program 2-15 (sale_price . py)

4 # Get the item's original price.

5 original_price = float(input("Enter the item's original price: ”))

7 # Calculate the amount of the discount.

8 discount original_price * 0.2

10 # Calculate the sale price.

11 sale_price = orig1nal_price - discount


12 # Display the sale price.

13 print('The sale price Is', sale_price)

Program Output (with input shown in bold)

Enter the item's original price: 100.00[Enter]

The sale price is 80.0









# Get a number of seconds from the user.

total_seconds = float(1nput('Enter a number of seconds:'))

# Get the number of hours, hours = total_seconds /I 3600

# Get the mi nutes =

# Get the seconds =

number of remaining minutes. (total_seconds // 60) % 60

number of remaining seconds.

total_seconds % 60

# Di splay

print('Here is the time 1n hours, minutes, and seconds:') print('Hours:', hours)

print('Minutes:1, minutes)

print('Seconds:, seconds)

the results.

Program Output (with input shown in bold)

Enter a number of seconds: 11730Enter)

Here Is the time 1n hours, minutes, and seconds:

Program 2-18




# Get the deslred future value. future_value = float(1nput('Enter the desired






# Get the annual 1nterest rate = float(input('Enter

# Get the number of years years


the annual interest



that the money will

int(input(!Enter the number of years the money will grow: 1))

# Calculate the amount needed to deposit. present_value future_value / (1.0+ rate)**years

# Display the amount needed to deposit.

print('You wi11 need to deposit this amount:' 5 present_value)




the desired future value: 10000.0[EnterJ

the annual interest rate: 0.05Enter]

11 grow: 10 [Enter]