Lab4 _Cross_correlation_and_Spectral_Analysis_Problems

March 24, 2021

1 Cross-correlation (8 marks, 4/4)

It has been shown that noise records at two seismic stations, when cross-correlated and stacked, are very closely associated with the Green’s function between these two seismic stations (i.e. given a delta force at one station, the displacement recorded at the other station). On Quercus, two files are given: one is a vertical component seismogram at PHL (Park Hill) and the other is a vertical component seismogram at MLAC (Mammoth Lakes). Both are records for one day (24 hours) on February 1, 2003. Sampling rate is dt = 1.0 seconds.

1. Take the cross-correlation (using FFT) of these seismograms using the record at PHL as x(t) and that at MLAC as y(t) and plot . Zoom in your plot between [-240; 240] seconds.

2. Bit conversion is often used for the cross-correlation Greens function approach. It simply changes any positive numbers to 1 and negative numbers to -1 (numpy sign() function). Apply this to the data at PHL and MLAC and compute their cross-correlation. Compare the results against those from the previous step. Does bit-conversion work in this case to preserve the phase information of the true cross-correlation? (Note the amplitude of bit-converted cross-correlation is of no meaning).

Hint: for discrete cross-correlation using fft:

suppose x = [x0 x1 ... x(N-1)]; y = [y0 y1 ... y(N-1)]

note conv(x,y)=v=[v0 v1 . . . v(2N-2)], and notice the relationship between convolution and cross-correlation

also note how the fourier transform of the cross-correlation is related to X(w)*Y(w)

if we first pad the end of each x and y array with N-1 zeros, convolution theorem sug-gests that we can interpret the inverse transform of X*(w)Y(w) as the result of a con-volution (length 2N-1), w, interpreted as:

w = ifft(. . . ) = [w[lag = 0] w[lag = 1 dt] . . . w[lag = (N-1) dt] w[lag = -(N-1) dt] . . . w[lag = -1 dt]]

we then must apply fftshift to center the time shift/lag axis at 0

the point of this fft approach is that it’s much faster than directly convolving; you can check against np.correlate(x, y, mode=‘same’)

“zoom your plot to [-240, 240]” is in reference to the time lag axis in the above process

Hint: you can load the ascii file into Python by genfromtxt function:

tmp = np.genfromtxt(‘MLAC_data.txt’)

mlac = tmp.flatten()

2 Normal Modes from Long Period Seismometer (7 marks, 1/2/2/1/1)

Background: The solid earth ‘rings’ like a bell after being struck by a great earthquake. These are the normal modes associated with internal structures (density and elastic moduli) of the Earth, and the excitation amplitudes of these modes are determined by the earthquake source mechanism. The frequencies of these normal modes of oscillation are very low, usually between 0.1 milliHertz (mHz) and 10 mHz. It is hard to see them above 10 mHz because these higher frequency modes attenuate quickly, or the frequency spacings are too small to be identified individually. Because the Earth is a complex structure, with twisting, breathing, and more complex spatial structure in its modes, the modal frequencies are not simple multiples of a single fundamental as is the case for a guitar string. They are labelled with a notation (e.g. like for spheroidal modes or like for toroidal modes) based on the spherical harmonic spatial distribution that the mode corre-sponds to, in the same way that the electron wavefunctions for the Hydrogen atom are labelled. Geophysicists measure these frequencies because they can be used to invert for models of the Earth’s internal seismic velocity and density structures. With very high-resolution data, one can even see splitting of these resonances due to the Earth’s rotation and elliptical shape, in a matter analogous to the Zeeman splitting of atomic spectral lines. You can also optically detect similar phenomenon (‘helioseismology’) going on in the sun, from which one can also test models of the sun’s interior. (More descriptions can be found on any introductory solid-earth geophysics book). Here we examine three days of very long period seismic data recorded on the horizontal direction at station NWAO (Narrogin, Western Australia) after the devastating , Mar 11th, 2011 Honshu, Japan earthquake. Data nwao.vh1 (VH channel, dt = 10 sec) is given as an ascii file with two columns: time and velocity (in counts from the digitizer).

1. Plot the raw data with a time axis in hours.

2. Plot the power spectrum of your raw data as a function of frequency (in mHz) without any windowing.

3. Plot the power spectrum of your raw data after

removing the minor linear trend in the same way as Lab 3, and subsequently

applying a hanning window (where N is the length of the data file)

4. Plot on top of each other the power spectra from 2 and 3 between [0.1, 2.6] mHz, and com-ment on the difference.

5. Using plt.annotate(. . . ), identify any normal modes you can see. Use the provided modes.pdf (Table 1) to help guide your identification.