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BA240 Project – Regression Analysis

1. a) List independent and dependent data, labeling each with name and variable.  Sample size should be 30-50.

b) Cite source.  

c) Explain what each variable represents.       

d) Write a paragraph explaining the reasons why variation in dependent variable may be explained by variation in independent variables.  Answer for each independent variable.  



2. Using Data Analysis in Excel, run Descriptive Statistics for Dependent Variable (Y) and both Independent Variables (X1, X2), with labels.

Consider the data presentation.    


3. Run Simple Regression for each independent variable separately:   X1   Y            and then    X2   Y.

Consider the data presentation.

a) Write regression equation and coefficient of determination for each.

b) Explain equation for each.    


4. Run Multiple Regression Analysis:    X1 X2 Y

Consider the data presentation.

a) Write regression equation and coefficient of determination.

b) Explain equation.    


5. a) Select best model from the 3 possibilities (from Steps 3 and 4), considering F significance, pvalues, and coefficient of determination. (from Steps 3 and 4).  

b) Select 2 sets of X values and predict the Y values.  (Remember the range.)     


6. a) Using best model, calculate Z values for independent variable(s)     

b) Calculate +-1, +-2, and +-3 standard deviations from the mean for independent variable(s) for    best model.   State actual percentages.  Identify outliers.

c) Calculate 5 number summary.     


7. a) Discuss results comparing to explanation you wrote for Requirement 1.

   b) Discuss the selection of the best model in Requirement 5:  F, pvalue, r2

 c) Discuss positive aspects and/or drawbacks of the model.   Evaluate the variables.

 d) Discuss suggestions for improvement in results.

 e) Would the final model be a reliable predictor?  Why or why not?  


8.  Project must be submitted as pdf file.  There is only one submission.

  *Title Page for either Word or Excel file

  *Step 1 and 7 will be submitted in Word, pdf.

  *Steps 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 will be submitted in Excel, pdf.

  *Report must be complete, clearly presented, ready to be printed and prepared for in-person  presentation.  





Negative standard deviations from mean

Positive standard deviations from mean

Actual percentage between +-1, +-2, +- 3 standard deviations from mean


µ - 1s

µ + 1s



µ - 2s

µ + 2s



µ - 3s

µ + 3s


6c.   Use Quartile function 





