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COMP90059 Introduction to Programming

Summer Semester, 2019

Sample Exam Questions: Suggested Solutions

Instructions to students: All questions should be answered by writing a brief response or explanation.  These questions provide a sample of exam style questions for COMP90059. The structure and number of questions is not indicative of the exam.

Q1 (5 × 1 = 5 marks): Evaluate each of the following expressions; what is the output in each case?

1.  ‘tom’ not  in  ‘optimist’ A: True

2.  (‘{}  was  a door number,  {}  was  one too’.format(11,  22)) A: ‘11 was  a door number,  22 was  one too’

3.  ‘COMP90059’.find(‘95’[::-1])

A: 7

4.  ‘testing  123’.index(‘1’)

A: 8

5.  sorted([x for x  in range(4,  -4,  -2)], reverse=True)[2:] A: [0,  -2]

Q2 (4 marks): Consider the following piece of code. Briefly explain what this code does? If the variable s =  ‘student  23’, what is the output produced by this code?

s =  input(‘Input a  string:  ’)

d = 0

l  =  0

for  c  in  s:

if  c .isdigit():

d  =  d  +  1

elif  c .isalpha():

l  =  l  +  1

print(‘l:’,  l)

print(‘d:’, d)

A: It counts how many digits and how many alphabetic characters are in the string, into the int variables d and l respectively. Sample output is:

Input  a  string:  student  23

l:  7

d:  2

Q3 (6 marks):  Rewrite the following program code, replacing the two for loops with while loops, while preserving the remainder of the original code structure and output:

n =  10

sum = 0

for  i  in  range(0,  n):

for  j  in  range(0,  n):

print(‘{}{}  ’.format(i,  j),  end=‘’)

sum  =  sum  +  i  +  j


print(‘End  of program’)

A: Change

for  var  in range(start ,  stop ):


var  =  start

while  var  <  stop :


var  +=  1

as follows:

n =  10

sum = 0

i = 0

j  =  0

while  i  <  10:

while  j  <  10:

print("{}{}  " .format(i,  j),  end="")

sum  =  sum  +  i  +  j

j=  j  +  1


i  =  i  +  1

j  =  0

print("End  of program")

Q4 (6 marks): The following is intended to print out the number of letters which occur a single time (“hapax” letters) in the given document.  Provide a single statement to insert into each of the numbered boxes to complete the code.  Note that your code should run at the indentation level indicated for each box.



1  -  char_dict  =  {}

2  -  if  char_dict[char]  ==  1:

3  -  return  len(hapax_letters)

4  -  (hapax_letters(text))


1  -  char_dict  =  dict()

2  -  if  char_dict[char]  ==  1:

3  -  return  hapax_letters

4  -  (len(hapax_letters(text)))

Q5 (6 Marks): For any element in a list, we define it as frequent element, if it appears more than once in the list. For example, common elements in list [1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 3] should be 1 and 3. Write a function FrequentElements(A) which takes a list A as input, and returns a list containing all frequent elements in the input. Note that the returned list shouldn’t have repeated elements.


def  common_elements(lstA):

counts  =  {}

for  num  in  lstA:

if  num  in  counts:

counts[num]  +=  1


counts[num]  =  1

common  =  []

for  k,  v  in  counts .items():

if  v  >  1:

common .append(k)

return  common


from  collections  import defaultdict as dd

def  common_items(lstA):

counts  =  dd(int)

for  num  in  lstA:

counts[num]  +=  1

return  [k  for k, v  in  counts .items()  if v  >  1]