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Weekly Topics

1.   Data Abstraction: The Walls

2.   Recursion: The Mirrors

3.   Array-Based Implementations

4.   Link-Based Implementations

5.   Recursion as a Problem-Solving Technique

6.   Stacks

7.   Stack Implementations

8.   Lists

9.   List Implementations

10. Algorithm Efficiency

11. Sorting Algorithms and Their Efficiency

12. Sorted Lists and Their Implementations

13. Queues and Priority Queues

14. Queue Implementations

15. Trees

16. Tree Implementations

17. Heaps

18. Dictionaries and Their Implementations

19. Balanced Search Trees

20. Graphs

21. Processing Data in External Storage

Big Ideas and Essential Questions

Big Ideas

•   Apply basic software engineering principles

•   Develop and implement simple data types and structured data types

•   Apply principles of Object Oriented Development and Programming

•   Demonstrate the ability to use principles of recursion to solve problems.

•   Implementation of Advanced programming techniques and Principles

Essential Questions

1.   How to apply Basic software engineering principles and algorithms in writing professional programs to solve problems?

2.   How to use arrays and apply their logic in developing software programs?

3.   How to apply the principles of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism including function and operating overloading to improve program functionality?

4.   What is the relationship between pointers and classes?

5.   How to use principles of recursion to solve problems?

6.   How to implement stacks and queues?

7.   How to construct various types of linked lists?

8.   How to research, design, develop, test, run, debug, and implement an advanced-level C++ program?