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The TitanicPassengersDemo.xlsx and TitanicPassengersOnBoard.xlsx* are sample datasets which contain demographics and trip-related information of passengers on the tragic journey in 1912. Data include passengers’ names, age at the time of the accident, ticket number, class, their survival status, etc. You are asked to write a short paper which provides descriptive statistics about the survivors and the victims of the accidents as well as explanations of possible causes of the fatalities.

• You have to answer all the questions listed below and include snippets of SAS codes that support your work. Explain your codes when needed. In case you use the same code for multiple questions, you don’t need to repeat the coding but can write a comment indicating all the questions for which such code is written.

• You should include the appropriate results (which are shown in the Results Viewer window) and figures where necessary.

• Your paper should be no more than 3 double-spaced pages with an introduction, a body, a conclusion, and/or an appendix. Snippets of your codes should be placed in the appendix at the end of your paper (you can place the codes inside the body if you prefer). An example is given on the next page.

• You are NOT allowed to make any modifications to the spreadsheets. All the tasks must be completed in SAS.

1- Merge 2 data files.

2- What is the number of the passengers included in the dataset?

3- What is the average age of the passengers on the Titanic ship?

4- Name the oldest and the youngest on the ship. What are their ages at the time of the accident?

5- What are the number of survivors (survived=Yes) and the victims (survived=No)?

6- What are the average ages of the survivors and the victims?

7- Which passenger class has the most survivors? Among men and women, who have a higher survival rate?

8- If you look at the values of the Lifeboat variable, you will see the number or letter of the lifeboat if a passenger had one or missing values if he/she didn’t. However, to examine if lifeboats have any role in the survival rate, it might be more helpful if the data values are Yes (if that passenger has a lifeboat) and No (if he/she didn’t). Create a new variable called “LifeboatYN” indicating “N” if there is missing value for the Lifeboat variable and “Y” if otherwise.

9- Drop the Lifeboat variable to make the current dataset more compact.

10- How many survivors have lifeboats? How many victims have lifeboats?

11- Find the number of missing values for variables "Survived", "Sex", "Passenger_Class", "Age" and "Fare". Comment on how these missing values might affect the results of your analysis.

12- Use mosaic plots to display the demographics of the survivors and the victims of the accident by sex and passenger class.

13- Given your answers to previous questions, explain the relationship between Passenger Class, Sex, Lifeboat and Survivor Rate? Provide evidence (output or figures) when needed.


 List of skills needed for this project:

In this project you are asked to demonstrate some of your skills in data management and analysis using SAS. A list of those skills are given below. Refer back to the SAS_Documentation and Help and class slides on Moodle when needed.

• Import Excel files into SAS

• Use the existing dataset/create a new dataset from the existing dataset.

• Subset a dataset

• Drop/Keep variables

• Create a new variable (using the IF-statements)

• Look for missing values of character and numeric variables

• Merge Files

• Sort the datasets

• Summarize data: means and frequency

• Cross-tabulate

• Mosaic graph

 Submission guideline:

a. Deadline: Check Moodle

b. One submission in a form of a word file for each group. You can attach your .sas program if you want, but it’s optional (since we already have the snippets of your codes in the appendix).

c. Submission through Moodle.

 Grading Note: Your grade will be based on your teammates’ peer evaluation. Here is an example of how your grade will be: If your group gets 100 points for this whole project and your team evaluates your contribution at 70% , then your final grade for this project is 100*70%=70 points.

 An example of the structure of this paper:

(Introduction) This paper presented some key findings of demographic characteristics of Titanic passengers. We also examined the causes of fatalities in this tragic accident….

(Body) According to the dataset, (how many?) passengers were onboard……




Mosaic graphs.




The study showed that most of the survivors were from Passenger Class…, wore lifeboats, …….Our results suggested that a high death toll might be caused by ……….


Below are the snippets of our codes.