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STAT679: Computing for Data Science and Statistics

2 Relational Databases and SQL (7 points)

In this problem, you’ll interact with a toy SQL database using Python’s built-in sqlite3 package. Documentation can be found at https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3. html. For this problem, we’ll use a popular toy SQLite database, called Chinook, which represents a digital music collection. See the documentation at https://github.com/lerocha/chinook-database/blob/master/ChinookDatabase/DataSources/Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite for a more detailed explanation. We’ll use the .sqlite file Chinook Sqlite.sqlite, which you should download from the GitHub page above. Note: Don’t forget to save the file in the directory that you’re going to compress and hand in, and make sure that you use a relative path when referring to the file, so that when we try to run your code on our machines the file path will still work!

1. Load the database using the Python sqlite3 package. How many tables are in the database? Save the answer in the variable n_tables.

2. What are the names of the tables in the database? Save the answer as a list of strings, table_names. Note: you should write Python sqlite3 code to answer this; don’t just look up the answer in the documentation!

3. Write a function list_album_ids_by_letter that takes as an argument a single character (i.e., a string of length one) and returns a list of the primary keys of all the albums whose titles start with that character. Your function should ignore case, so that the inputs “a” and “A” yield the same results. Include error checking that raises an appropriate error in the event that the input is of the wrong type or if it is not a single character.

4. Write a function list_song_ids_by_album_letter that takes as an argument a single character and returns a list of the primary keys of all the songs whose album names begin with that letter (again ignoring case). As in list_album_ids_by_letter, your function should ignore case and perform error checking as appropriate. Hint: you’ll need a JOIN statement here. You can use the cursor.description attribute to find out about tables and the names of their columns.

5. Write a function total_cost_by_album_letter that takes as an argument a single character and returns the total cost of buying all the songs whose album begins with that letter. This cost should be based on the tracks’ unit prices, so that the cost of buying a set of tracks is simply the sum of the unit prices of all the tracks in the set. Again your function should ignore case and perform appropriate error checking.

3 Warmup: interacting with the Yelp API (5 points)

In this problem, you’ll get some practice working with the Yelp API, which we already saw in lecture.

1. First, you need to obtain an API key in order to authenticate to the Yelp API. Follow the instructions at https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3/authentication under the section titled “Create an app on Yelp’s Developers site”. Note that if you do not have a Yelp account, you will need to create one in order to create an API key. If you do not feel comfortable doing this, please let me know promptly by email.

2. Write a function called near_msc that takes three arguments: a string, a non-negative integer and another string, in that order, representing a search string, a distance in meters and a Yelp API key, respectively. near_msc( s, d, key ) should return a list of strings, representing the Yelp aliases of all of the establish-ments matching the given search string s that are within d meters meters of the statistics department (1300 University Ave, Madison WI), using the given API key.

The distance argument should default to 1000. You may have the key argument default however you want. Note that we are including this optional key argument so that when it comes time to test your code, we can swap out your API key for that of the instructor or the grader. It will be most convenient for you to have this argument default to your API key, but be sure to change this behavior before submitting the assignment if you do not wish to share your API key with the in structor and grader (we will use our own keys to test your code, anyway, of course).

Your function should perform error checking to ensure that the arguments are of the right type, and you should raise an appropriate error in the event that the distance argument is negative. Hint: you have my permission to modify the code from the slides, which already essentially carries out this operation.

3. Write a function called best_near_msc that has the same signature as near_msc (i.e., takes the same arguments and has the same default behavior) and returns a string representing the alias of the highest-rated establishment matching the given search string and within the given distance of the statistics department. If no busi-nesses exist inside the given distance, your function should return None. Note that the ratings of the businesses are rounded to the nearest half star, so you will likely have ties, which you may break arbitrarily. Hint: see the documentation at https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3/business to see the attributes of the JSON object representing a Yelp business. One of these will correspond to a rating. That’s the one you want, here.

4 Tracking Asteroids with NASA’s NeoWs API (10 points)

In this problem, you’ll get more practice working with APIs, this time using one main-tained by NASA for retrieving information about near earth objects (NEOs), asteroids that pass close to Earth. The documentation is available at https://api.nasa.gov/ (scroll down to the API titled Asteroids NeoWs).

1. First and foremost, you’ll need an API key for accessing the service. You can get one at https://api.nasa.gov/. You’ll need to supply an email address, which can be either your Wisconsin email or a personal email address.

2. We’ll use the Asteroids NeoWs Feed to retrieve Near Earth Objects based on the date of their closest approach to Earth. This can be done using the Feed service. If you read the documentation, you’ll see that the Feed API is accessible at https://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/feed and takes three URL parameters: start_date, end_date and api_key. This last parameter just specifies the API key that you requested previously. start_date and end_date specify the start and end of a date range, both formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Retrieve a JSON object from the NASA NeoWs Feed API for January 1st, 2015 (i.e., set start_date and end_date to be ’2015-01-01’). You’ll notice that the JSON object has three attributes:

• element_count: the number of near earth objects that had their nearest approach during the time spanned by start_date and end_date.

• near_earth_objects : a JSON object whose attributes are the dates (represented by strings of the form YYYY-MM-DD) in the time spanned by start_date and end_date. Each such date attribute has as its value an array of JSON objects, each of which represents a near Earth object.

• links: URLs pointing to the “current” day, and the days before and after The JSON object for January 1st, 2015 should have element_count attribute equal to 12. That is, if your JSON object is stored in neo_json, evaluating neo_json[’element_count’] should return 9. JSON objects representing the NEOs are stored in the array neo_json[’near_earth_objects’][’2015-01-01’] .

If you pick out one of the JSON objects in this array, it should have attributes that include strings like ’estimated_diameter’ and ’is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid’.

Extract the names of all of these attributes and store them in a Python list called neo_attrs.

3. We’re going to write a function to retrieve all the near Earth objects from a particular day. To start, write a function called get_neos_response that takes three positive integers, yyyy, mm and dd, and a string key, in that order. yyyy, mm and dd will encode a year, a month and a date, respectively, and the string key will be an API key. get_neos_response should return the JSON object that is returned by the NASA NeoWs Feed for the specifified day. yyyy should be a required argument, but mm and dd should be optional, with both defaulting to 1. The key argument should also be optional, and you may have it default however you like (see our discussion in Problem 1 regarding leaving your API key in the code). You may assume that the first three arguments are all of the appropriate type (i.e., integers), that they are all positive and that yyyy-mm-dd specifies a valid date. That is, the grader script will not try to do something funny like get the objects from October 32 by calling get_neos_response(2022,10,32) or get a day in the year 0 or -70, or get the objects from February 29 in a non-leap year. You also do not need to worry about the fact that this data set only goes goes back to about 1900. Hint: Break the problem down into simple steps:

(a) Use the supplied year, month and day to construct the start_date and end_date  string arguments (which should be the same!). Hint: you may want to write a helper function to do this.

(b) Use start_date and end_date along with the API key to create a dictionary of URL parameters, and use the Python requests module to submit an HTTP GET request to the NASA NeoWs Feed API.

(c) Extract the JSON object stored in the resulting requests object and return it.

Note: your function should return a JSON object (i.e., a Python dictionary), not its string representation. The JSON object your return should have attributes ’links’, ’near_earth_objects’ and ’element_count’.

4. So we’re in the process of writing a function to retrieve the near Earth objects from a given day. Before moving on, though, it will be useful to have a function for checking that the year, month and date supplied by the user actually encode a real date. Write a function is_valid_date that takes three integer arguments, yyyy, mm and dd, in that order, and returns a Boolean that is true if and only if the arguments specify a valid date (that is, a date that actually happens in the

Gregorian calendar). For example, yyyy=1900,mm=13,dd=2 is invalid, because there is no thirteenth month. yyyy=2020,mm=10,dd=32 is invalid because there is no October 32nd. yyyy=2020,mm=0,dd=1 is invalid because there is no month zero.

Your function should return False if any of the arguments are not positive. You need not perform any error checking in this function. That is, there is no need to check that the arguments are integers– we will do that “upstream” in our code, before passing arguments into is_valid_date. Hint: you may find it useful to create a dictionary that maps the numbers 1 through 12 to the number of days in the corresponding months (i.e., 1 maps to 31, the number of days in January, 2 maps to 28, the number of days in February during a non-leap year, 3 maps to 31, the number of days in March, etc.).

5. Our function get_neos_response gets us a JSON object, but we’re really just interested in the asteroids, not the extra information included in the JSON object. Write a function get_neos that has the same signature as get_neos_response (i.e., takes the same arguments and has the same default behavior), in which the three integer arguments specify a date and the key argument specifies an API key, and returns a list of JSON objects that represent the near Earth objects that made their closest approach on the specifified date. Your function should check that the arguments are of the appropriate type and that they are all positive, and raise an appropriate error if they are not. Your function should use is_valid_date to check that the arguments jointly describe a valid date and raise an appropriate error if they do not. You do not need to worry about the fact that this data set only goes back to about 1900.

You should raise an error if any of the three integer arguments are not positive, but otherwise, so long as the arguments specify a valid date, there is no need to raise an error, even though the specified date might not have any data, or might even be a day in the future! Indeed, if you write this code in a reasonable way, it will happen automatically that if the user specifies a valid date that has no data associated to it, your code will just return an empty list. Hint: once again, you may find it helpful to break the problem down into simpler steps:

(a) Perform error checking.

(b) Use get_neos_response to get the JSON object for the given date from the NASA API.

(c) Extract the array of near Earth objects.

(d) Return that array as a Python list.

6. Each near Earth object that we get from the API has a number of attributes describing the asteroid. Among these is the ’estimated_diameter’ attribute, whose value is another JSON object that gives the maximum and minimum (estimated) diameter of the asteroid in several dierent units (e.g., miles, kilometers, etc.). Write a function get_neos_avg_maxdiam_km that has the same signature as get_neos_response and get_neos and the same default values, and returns the average maximum diameter in kilometers of all the near Earth objects that made their closest approach on the given day. If no near earth objects made their nearest approach on the given day, your function should return None. Your function should perform error checking as described in get_neos, but if you’re careful, you won’t need to write any error checking in this function— get_neos already does error checking for us!

7. One thing we might like to explore is how the number of near Earth objects per day changes from day to day. Is this number correlated from one day to the next? Does it vary seasonally (i.e., does it have a time-varying component)? Write a function count_neos that has the same signature as get_neos_response and get_neos and returns a nonnegative integer corresponding to the number of near Earth objects that made their closest approach on the given day. Your function should perform error checking as described in get_neos, but once again, you should be able to rely on get_neos to do that for you.

8. Bonus (not worth any points, just bragging rights): Use your new-found knowledge of this API to find the object discussed in this news story from last year (and which was the inspiration for this homework problem), noting that the API does indeed support retrieving closest approach data for dates in the future: https://www.npr.org/2021/03/27/981917655