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Data Science – Data Collection and Data cleaning

You are asked to create Python programs to process the file kaggle_survey.zip which includes the answers from the respondents who participated 2019-2021 in the very famous Data Science    Kaggle Survey. Use seaborn (Other visualization liberalises are not allowed, except for using  Matplotlib to specify figures’ size) and pandas to support the data processing and analysis.

In addition to the codes for Problem 1-5, you also need to submit a concise report (no       more than 5 pages, no including references) to explain how to solve Problem 2-5. You can mention your codes with the cell/line numbers but do not include raw codes. Please          comment your code properly.

Total: 100%

Problem 1. (10%)

Extract all the files from Kaggle_Survey.zip using Python code into a folder named “Kaggle” . Make sure none of the files inside “Kaggle” folder is a zip file.

Problem 2. (30%)

Study the extracted files and observe the questions that appears in all the three surveys.  Then write a python program to create a new csv call “Kaggle_survey 2019-2021.csv” to   save the corresponding data of those questions, also add a new column “year of the          answer” . Note: some questions may slightly change the expression or the options. Explain in you report how you deal with the data merging.

Problem 3. (30%)

Use the data cleaning methods you learned in the lectures to clean and process the data “Kaggle_survey 2019-2021.csv” and save to another csv called Kaggle_survey 2019-        2021_cleaned.csv” .

Problem 4. (10%)

Based on the data in Kaggle_survey 2019-2021_cleaned.csv”, investigate the top 5 programming languages (5%) and the top 5 visualization libraries/ tools (5%) used by the senior (more than 5-    year programming experience) Data Scientists. Display the results of 2019,2020 and 2021               separately in visual graphs and make your conclusion.

Problem 5. (20%)

Based on the data in Kaggle_survey 2019-2021_cleaned.csv”, explain the world-wide situation of Woman in Data Science with the support of visual graphs.

Plagiarism: You must not plagiarise your work. Attempts to hide plagiarism by

To submit your work, create a directory named as your username (e.g. cxfh123). Place all required files in this directory using, ZIP compress/archive this entire directory structure (not .rar or .z7 or anything else - as this breaks the automated extract/test tools).