CSE-112 • Winter 2021 • Program 1 • Functionally Scheme

$Id: asg1-scheme-mbir.mm,v 1.18 2020-12-25 15:41:40-08 - - $

PWD: /afs/cats.ucsc.edu/courses/cse112-wm/Assignments/asg1-scheme-mbir

URL: https://www2.ucsc.edu/courses/cse112-wm/:/Assignments/asg1-scheme-mbir/

1. Overview

Scheme is a dynamically typed (mostly) functional language with a very simple syntax. In this assignment, you will write a Mini Basic language interpreter in Scheme. The interpreter will read in an intermediate language program, parse it, and then interpret it. No looping constructs may be used, so it is critical that certain parts use proper tail-recursion to avoid function call stack overflow.

2. Examples Directory and Readme


Also look at the references in README.html or README.text in this directory for some tutorials and references. When using google, be sure to look for references to Racket and Mzscheme. There are other implementations of Scheme which are not necessarily exactly compatible.

3. Running mzscheme Interactively

It will be very convenient for you to run mzscheme interactively for testing purposes simply by invoking it from the command line, as in :

-bash$ mzscheme

Welcome to Racket v7.4.

(expt 2 128)


(sqrt -1)


(acos -1)



To do this, be sure to put it in your $PATH. This can be done by putting the following lines in your .bash_profile :

export PATH=$PATH:/afs/cats.ucsc.edu/courses/cse112-wm/usr/racket/bin

Of course, you may prefer to collapse these multiple shell commands into a single line. If you use a different shell, then setting your $PATH will be done differently.

To use the arrow keys on the keyboard to edit previous lines in interactive mode, put the following line in a file $HOME/.racketrc :

(require readline)

Or, after starting mzscheme, enter the above command before any other interaction.

Or, put the following line in your .bash_profile :

alias wscheme=’rlwrap mzscheme’

Then start mzscheme with the command wscheme instead. This only works at the command line, so don’t use it in the #! line of the program script. rlwrap is a program that wraps another program in the readline utility, allowing use of common terminal editing facilities, such as the use of the arrow keys.

4. A Mini Basic Interpreter


mbir.scm — a Mini Basic Interpreter


mbir.scm [-d] filename


The mbir interpreter reads in an mbir program from the file whose name is specified in the argument list, stores it in a list, and then interprets that intermediate representation. During interpretation, numbers are read from the standard input and results written to the standard output.

Error messages are printed to the standard error. The first error, whether during compilation or interpretation, causes a message to be printed and the program to exit with an exit code of 1.




The single filename argument specifies an mbir program to be run.


If the program completes without error, 0 is returned. If not, 1 is returned.


BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was designed at Dartmouth College, NH, by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz in 1965. A variation of that language was ROM BASIC, distributed by IBM on their original PC in 1980.

Mini Basic is somewhat related. This description of the Mini Basic programming language, assumes that certain things are intuitively obvious. There are only two data types in the language : strings and numbers. Strings are used only in print statements. There are no string variables. Variables are floating point numbers.

Edsger W. Dijkstra : ‘‘It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC : as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.’’ — EWD498.

EWD manuscripts are archived at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~EWD/.


This is a top-down definition of the mbir language, specified using a variation of Backus-Naur Form (BNF), the format used to specify Algol-60, yet another one of the ancient languages. In the metanotation, brackets indicate that what they enclose is optional, braces indicate that what they enclose is repeated zero or more times, and a bar indicates alternation. Italics indicate nonterminal symbols and token classes, while quoted courier bold indicates literal tokens.

(a) Program → ‘(’{‘(’ Linenr [ Label ] [ Statement ] ‘)’ }... ‘)’

     A program consists of zero or more statements, each of which might be identified by a label. Labels are kept in a namespace separate from the Variable namespace and do not conflict with each other. The program terminates when control flows off the last statement. A statement with neither a label nor a statement is considered just a comment and not put into the statement list.


Statements are the only organizational structure in the language and are executed one by one in sequence, except when a control transfer occurs. There is no block structure or nesting.

(a) Statement → ‘(’ ‘dim’ Arrayref ‘)’

     Arrayref → ‘(’ ‘asub’ Variable Expression ‘)’

     The dim statement creates an array given by the variable name and inserts it into the array table, replacing any previous array already in the array table. The dimension of the array is given by the expression. All values in the array are initialized to 0.0 (as a real). The expression is rounded to the nearest integer before being used as the bound, which must be positive. Since the size of the vector must be an integer, use (make-vector (exact-round size) 0.0) to create the array. A subscript i must be in the range 0 ≤ i < n, where n is the dimension.

(b) Statement → ‘(’ ‘let’ Memory Expression ‘)’

     Memory → Arrayref | Variable

     A let statement makes an assignment to a variable. The expression is first evaluated. For a Variable, its value is stored into the Symbol table, replacing whatever was there previously. For an Arrayref , the store message is sent to the vector representing the array. If the Symbol table entry is not an array, an error occurs.

(c) Statement → ‘(’ ‘goto’ Label ‘)’

     Control transfers to the statement referred to by the Label. An error occurs if the Label is not defined.

(d) Statement → ‘(’ ‘if’ ‘(’ Relop Expression Expression ‘)’ Label ‘)’

     Relop → ‘=|<|>|!=|>=|<=

     The two Expressions are compared according to the given Relop, and if the comparison is true, control transfers to the statement, as for the goto statement.

(e) Statement → ‘(’ ‘print’ { Printable }... ‘)’

     Printable → String | Expression

     Each of the operands is printed in sequence. A space is printed before each expression in the list of values, but not before strings. Expresions are evaluated to a number before being printed. A newline is output at the end of the printstatement. print statements are the only place Strings may occur in mbir.

(f) Statement → ‘(’ ‘input’ Memory { Memory }... ‘)’

     Numeric values are read in and assigned to the input variables in sequence. Arguments might be elements of an array. For each value read into a Memory, the value is inserted into the Symbol table under that variable’s key. For arrays, the array must already exist and the subscript not be out of bounds.

     If an invalid value (anything that is not a number?) is read, the value returned is nan. If end of file is encountered, the value returned is nan and the variable eofis entered into the symbol table with the value 1. The value of nan can be computed using the expression (/ 0.0 0.0)Counterintuitively, the expression (= nan nan) is false.


Expressions consistitute the computational part of the language. All values dealt with at the expression level are real numbers. Invalid computations, such as division by zero and infinite results do not cause computation to stop. The value just propagates according to the rules of real or complex arithmetic or produces not a number (nan). The result of using complex numbers is undefined.

(a) Expression → ‘(’ Binop Expression Expression ‘)’

     Expression → ‘(’ Unop Expression ‘)’

     Expression → ‘(’ Function Expression ‘)’

     Expression → Constant

     Expression → Memory

     Binop → ‘+’|‘−’|‘*’|‘/’|‘`’

     Unop → ‘+’|‘−’

     Constants are numbers. Names of Functions, Arrayref s, and Variables all look like identifiers and their meaning is given by context. (^ x y) is exponentiation (xy)


Comments being with a semi-colon and end at the end of a line. Strings are delimited by double-quote marks ("). Numbers consist of digits, an optional decimal point, and an optional exponent. Keywords and Variable names are atoms. All of this is taken care of by Scheme’s builtin read.


In addition to the operators that are part of the language, the following functions are part of the function table : abs, acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos, exp, floor, log, log10, round, sin, sqrt, tan, trunc.

The following are part of the initial variable table :

nan = (/ 0.0 0.0) ; eof = 0.0 ; pi = (acos -1.0) ; e = (exp 1.0).

5. Program Structure

The program will be read in by Scheme’s read function, and represented internally as a list of statements, each statement having its own structure. After reading in the program, all labels must be put into a hash table, the key being the label itself and the value being the particular statement it refers to.

Interpretation will then proceed down the list from the first statement to the last. The interpreter stops when it runs off the end of the list. A control transfer is executed by fetching the address of a statement from the label table.

All variables are either real numbers or vectors of real numbers. Another hash table is used whose keys are variable names and whose values are real numbers, vectors of real numbers, or single parameter functions. An array subscript operation and a function call are syntactically ambiguous, but are disambiguated at run time by checking the symbol table. An uninitialized variable should be treated as 0.

Your program should not crash, no matter what the input. If a detectable unforseen condition happens due to user error,amessage should be printed, giving the name of the file and the statement number.

The usual arithmetic results for infinities are printed by the runtime system, and these should be generated wherever possible. Division by zero, for example, should produce one of these quantities (+inf.0, -inf.0, +nan.0). Add 0.0 to all input numbers to ensure that they are converted to real numbers. Also look at the functions to see which ones need special treatment.

You may ignore the directory mini-basic.d/mb-programs.d which contains source code and a translator from Mini Basic to mbir. You may also ignore the directory translator, which contains the mb to mbir translator itself, written in Ocaml.

6. Functional Style

Programming should be done in entirely functional style, except for maintenance of the symbol tables. That means do not use any imperative functions except as outlined below. In Scheme, imperative functions end with a bang (!) to indicate that an assignment is being made. Symbol tables are created with make-hash and updated with hash-set!. The symbol tables are as follows :

(a) *stmt-table* contains all of the individual statement interpreters. It is initialized at the beginning of execution and thereafter never modified.

(b) *function-table* is used to hold all of the functions, which include the operators. This is initialized when the program begins using a for-each loop containing a lambda. (See the example symbols.scm).

(c) *variable-table* holds the value of all variables, and is updated as needed during interpretation of the program. Whenever a variable in the symbol table is not found, the value 0 is returned. The variable table is initialized with the variables described in the section ‘‘builtin symbols’’.

(d) *array-table* is used to hold all arrays defined in the program. Arrays and variables are in separate namespaces. Arrays are created with make-vector and updated with vector-set!.

(e) *label-table* is used to hold addresses of each line, one level up from statements. This is initialized by scanning the list returned by (read) when the program begins.

Except for hash-set! and vector-set! as outlined above, no imperative functions are permitted. Use functional style only.

7. Pseudocode Outline

The data structure consists of a recursively nested list :

(a) The top level list consists of a sequence of lines. Each line is pointed at by the car of a cell in the top level list.

(b) Each line consists of a line number, an optional label, which is always a symbol?, and an optional statement, which is always a pair?. Use null? to determine whether not something exists. Do not use list?.

(c) A statement consists of a keyword followed by operands, mostly expressions.

(d) An expression uses prefix notation in standard Scheme format.

A suggested outline and description of some of the functions follows :

(a) After reading in the program, make one pass over the top level, checking for a label in each line. Each label should be inserted into the label hash with a pointer to the top level node (not the line).

(b) Write a function interpret-program takes the top level list as an argument and checks to see if there is a statement.

(i) If there is no statement, call interpret-program recursively with the cdr of the top level node as the continuation.

(ii) If there is a statement, look up the keyword in the statement hash and call interpret-statement, where statement is the keyword found in the statement.

(iii) This function should then call interpret-program with its continuation for a statement that is not a control transfer, or for a statement that is a control transfer that is not taken.

(iv) If this function has a control transfer, or if it is a statement that has a control transfer that is taken, call interpret-program recursively with the cdr, as explained above.

(c) Write separate functions interpret-statement for each one of the keyword in the language.

(d) The function evaluate-expression is called by a statement interpreter.

(i) It looks up the function in the function table.

(ii) It uses map to call evaluate-expression for each of the arguments to the function.

(iii) Then use apply to apply the function to the list of results obtained.

(iv) Subscripting arrays will require a special case.

8. What to Submit

Submit files : README and mbir.scm. (And PARTNER if you are doing pair programming.) mbir.scm must be runnable by using it as the command word of any shell command, and hence the execute bit must be turned on (chmod +x). It will be run as a shell script, and hence the first line must be the following hashbang :

#!/afs/cats.ucsc.edu/courses/cse112-wm/usr/racket/bin/mzscheme -qr

Make sure that the Unix command which mzscheme responds with the same executable. Important note : This must be the first line in your script, and your id should be after it. Be sure there are no carriage return characters in the file.

If you are doing pair programming, one partner should submit mbir.scm, but both should submit the README and PARTNER files, as specified in the pair programming guidelines. If you are not pair programming, read the section ‘‘Solo programming’’.

Be sure to use checksource to verify basic formatting. This script, and other scripts, such as cid and elimcr, are in


which should also be put in your $PATH environment variable.

The .score/ subdirectory contains instructions to the graders. Be sure your program runs with the test script. If your program runs when typed in manually from the command line, but not using the script, you will receive no points for execution and testing.

9. Debugging

To make it easier to debug, run the program interactively and call functions directly from the interactive REPL (read eval print loop). This can be done in several ways :

(a) Use interactive mode in mzscheme and call individual functions interactively at the prompt :

-bash$ mzscheme

(load "mbir.scm")

> ...

(b) Put the following line in your .bash_profile :

alias debug-mbir=’mzscheme -f mbir.scm -i -- -d’

     Then, for debugging purposes only, you may use the command

debug-mbir program.mbir

     to run the program. After loading mbir.scm, it turns on the *DEBUG* flag and then runs the program. After that you see the interactive prompt for the REPL (read eval print loop) which you can then use to call functions directly from the command line.

(c) Another alternative is to put the definition of *DEBUG* in the file itself and comment out the call to main. Then call main or other functions directly from the REPL.

When running the program in producton mode, call it directly from the command line using the command mbir.scm, without using the name mzscheme at the command line.