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Nov 2021 – Feb 2022

Written Assignment


Submission instructions:

1.  You are supposed to submit only one .doc file via the NTU-learn blackboard site.

2.  You must keep a copy of the final version of your submission and be prepared to

i. provide it on request,

ii. be interviewed to validate your submission.


The University treats plagiarism, collusion, theft of other students’ work and other forms of dishonesty in assessment seriously. Students shared out their answers or copied answers from others shall receive a zero score.



The due date is fixed and non submission by due date will receive a 0 grading.


With reference from https://sg.asiatatler.com/society/how-to-register-for-covid-19-vaccine-in-singapore


To avoid long queues outside vaccination centres and ensure all citizens are well protected, a proper system has been implemented to ensure the smooth execution of the vaccination processes. Some sub-systems that contribute to the success of this nationwide projects are:

- Vaccination Appointment

o Allow registration of interest in taking the vaccination

o Validate the identity of the applicant and allow booking for both doses

o Suggest appropriate vaccination centres with earliest available vacancy and nearby applicant’s residence for choice of vaccination centres

o Allow change of appointment dates


- Vaccination Tracking

o Validate the pre-registration or follow-up dose details

o Update of any allergies after first dose

o Handle the walk-in registration and vaccination

- Vaccination Verification

o Update the vaccination status to “1 dose taken” after first jab

o Update the vaccination status to “In progress” after 2nd jab

o Update the vaccination status to “Vaccinated” 14 days after 2nd jab

- Vaccination Follow Up

o For people who are allergic to mRNA jabs

Govt offering Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine to some of those allergic to mRNA jabs as part of study, Singapore News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

o Senior Citizens

Ong Ye Kung: Mobile vaccination for seniors 'quite effective' - Mothership.SG - News from Singapore, Asia and around the world

o Home Bound persons

MOH seeks 'light vaccination teams' to provide Covid-19 jabs for homebound persons, Singapore News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

Some of the profile data that are needed in this project are as follows.

· Vaccination Centres: locationID, centre name, postal code, capacity, location on map.

· Booking: BookingID, location ID, applicant ID, applicant Name, Age, Phone, email, Address postal code, Jab Number, Date, Time   

· Vaccinated: NRIC, name, phone, email, vaccination, status, remark

· Vaccination: NRIC, Vaccination location ID, date, time, comment, report to centre time, left centre time,  Dose Type, Jab Number

· SpecialCareGroup: Case ID, NRIC, name, address, Date of Birth,  NOK name, NOK address, Reason For Care, Recommender Name, Recommender Organisation, Recommender contact.


You are engaged by a company to study the feasibility and complexity of the various sub-systems in terms of the data structures deployed to ensure the effectiveness of the entire system. You can make use of the above examples or suggest your own operations the project may need.

Below are your requirements.

· Describe 3 different operations.

· The operation must make use of either linear, hierarchical, graph data structure or a combination of these structures.


Submit a report with no more than 2,000 words with the following contents.

· Discuss your detail analysis of the problem

· Propose 3 operations and for each of them:

o Describe the data structure(s) you are using with illustrations (diagrams or models) and the justification of the usage.

o Present the algorithm in pseudo code format to fulfil the operation.

o The complexity analysis of the algorithm and include the time and space trade-off discussion.

· Conclusion

· Include appropriate referencing

*Kindly note that this is NOT a research report, you are NOT required to research on what has happened to Singapore vaccination exercise. Instead, this is an application-based project, focus is on how the various data structures could be deployed, the algorithms used and their efficiencies.


Marking guide

The distribution of marks are as follow.

· Discuss your detail analysis of the problem [10 marks]

· 3 operations x 25marks = 75 marks

o Describe the data structures [10 marks]

o The algorithm in pseudo/python codes format [10 marks]

o The complexity analysis of each algorithm. [5 marks]

· Conclusion [10 marks]

· Report format, layout and reference [5 marks]







Excellent A comprehensive, highly-structured, focused and concise response to the assessment task, consistently demonstrating:

• An extensive and detailed knowledge of the subject matter.

• A highly-developed ability to apply this knowledge to the set task.

• Evidence of extensive background reading.

• Clear, fluent, stimulating and original expression.

• Excellent presentation (spelling, grammar, graphical) with minimal or no presentation errors.




Very Good A thorough and well-organised response to the assessment task, demonstrating:

• A broad knowledge of the subject matter.

• Considerable strength in applying that knowledge to the task set.

• Evidence of substantial background reading.

• Clear and fluent expression.

• Quality presentation with few presentation errors.




Good An adequate and competent response to the assessment task, demonstrating:

• Adequate but not complete knowledge of the subject matter.

• Omission of some important subject matter or the appearance of several minor errors.

• Capacity to apply knowledge appropriately to the task albeit with some errors.

• Evidence of some background reading.

• Clear expression with few areas of confusion.

• Writing of sufficient quality to convey meaning but some lack of fluency and command of suitable vocabulary.

• Good presentation with some presentation errors.




Satisfactory An acceptable response to the assessment task with:

• Basic grasp of subject matter, but somewhat lacking in focus and structure.

• Main points covered but insufficient in detail.

• Some effort to apply knowledge to the task but only a basic capacity or understanding displayed.

• Little or no evidence of background reading.

• Several minor errors or one or more major error.

• Satisfactory presentation with an acceptable level of presentation errors.




Marginal A response to the assessment task which fails to meet the minimum acceptable standards yet

Engages with the subject matter or problem set, despite major deficiencies in structure, relevance or focus.

Has two major error and some minor errors.

Demonstrates the capacity to complete only part of, or the simpler elements of, the task

An incomplete answer.




Unacceptable A response to the assessment task that is unacceptable, with

A failure to address the question resulting in a largely irrelevant answer or material of marginal relevance predominating

A display of some knowledge of material relative to the question posted, but with very serious omissions/errors and/or major inaccuracies included in answer

Solutions offered to a very limited portion of the problem set.

An answer unacceptably incomplete.

A random and undisciplined development of argument, layout or presentation.

Evidence of substantial plagiarism.




Wholly unacceptable

Complete failure to address the question resulting in an entirely irrelevant answer.

Little or no knowledge displayed relative to the question posed

Little or no solution offered for the problem set

Evidence of extensive plagiarism




No Grade

No work was submitted by the student, or the student was absent from the assessment, or work submitted did not merit a grade.