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The purpose of this lab is to practice coding data and organizing your codes into higher order themes. This lab will mirror the group data analysis example we did in class.

INSTRUCTIONS: You will be reading transcripts from four participants in response to questions asked to each of them during in depth interviews. You will be coding the transcript, identifying higher order themes, and summarizing your data analysis.

1) Read the transcripts here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G736kApS5FpdUfrs4n5M2Z5gmvBHF-1y/copy

2) Click the following link to create a local copy of the codebook template you will be using for this lab: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oF_sUF554G2ln0X59VQb7eLNYG9vmZGZ02AcQt4TUvI/copy

3) Develop your code key by identifying, labeling, and defining codes. (See first tab in codebook template, “Code Key”)

4) Code the transcripts using your established codes, identifying the quote, participant, and which code is being assigned to that quote. (See second tab in codebook template, “Initial Codes”)

5) Organize your codes into higher order themes. (See third tab in codebook template, “Organizing into Higher Order.” HINT- it is helpful to group all quotes in the same code together to help you identify higher order themes).

6) Provide a summary of your higher order themes by listing the name of each final theme, the subthemes (these are your initial codes) that fit into each final theme, and a sample quote. Then write a narrative paragraph summarizing your themes. (See fourth tab in codebook template, “Summary”).

7) Answer the following questions:

a) How did you go about coding the transcript? Which type of elemental coding method(s) did you use (e.g., descriptive, in vivo, process, concept)?

b) What was challenging about this coding exercise? What remaining questions do you have about qualitative data analysis?

SUBMISSION: Submit 1) your completed codebook (either as .xcl document or share link to Google Sheets file) and 2) responses to reflection prompts.

*Reflection prompts should be detailed- a substantive paragraph for each question.