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CSCI 4220 Lab 5

Lab 5: gRPC

Setting up gRPC with Python

The following instructions are for Linux/WSL, you can find instructions for other platforms as well as these instructions here.

Python module install

First, make sure pip is up to date by running:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip --user

If the above command fails due to /usr/bin/python: No module named pip then you must first run:

sudo apt install python3-pip

If you get 404 errors trying to run the apt install, first run:

sudo apt update

The --user in the next few steps ensures that you can run the module without installing it system-wide. Install the base module by running:

python3 -m pip install grpcio --user

Next install the gRPC tools needed for handling protoc:

python3 -m pip install grpcio-tools googleapis-common-protos --user

Finally, navigate to a directory that’s easy to reach, and then download the example code:

git clone -b v1.41.0 https://github.com/grpc/grpc

To rebuild/regenerate the gRPC code for the helloworld example from inside grpc/examples/python/helloworld run the following command, in the PDF it is two separate lines but you must run it as one command (be careful when copy-pasting):

python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I../../protos --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=.

To run the helloworld program, from inside grpc/examples/python/helloworld, in one terminal run python3 greeter_server.py and then in a second terminal run python3 greeter_client.py

Modifying the Route Guide Example

For this lab, you will modify the code in examples/python/route_guide_server.py, examples/python/route_guide_client.py, and examples/protos/route_guide.proto

First, add capability for the server to remember all routes that are passed in through RecordRoute() . Each route should be associated with an incremental ID number decided by the server: it will simply start with ID 0 for the first route, ID 1 for the next route, and so on. Remember that a route is a sequence of Points.

Next, extend the RouteSummary message so that RecordRoute() also reports back the ID number it has assigned to the recorded route. Have the client print this new information in addition to what it was already printing in guide_record_route().

Add a new method called RouteRetrieve() that takes in a route ID, and returns either a list of Points corresponding to the route that was recorded earlier with the given ID, or an empty list if the ID was invalid. The client should print the route ID out, and then print the received route in order. Remember that this may be a route that was recorded by a different client than the one making the RouteRetrieve() call.

Finally, add a new function to the client called guide_route_retrieve() that has some tests for your new function. Make sure to modify run() to call your tests!


Submit your team’s solution as two Python files called route_guide_server.py and route_guide_client.py, as well as the modified proto file route_guide.proto. The TAs will grade your code manually, there is no autograding beyond checking that the files exist in your submission.