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CS 120 (Fall 21): Introduction to Computer Programming II

Short Project #8 - Annoying Recursion (Short)

Go ahead and mock.

Yes, this project is silly.

But you will learn much.

1   Overview

In this project, you will be practicing recursion. You will turn in two files. In annoying_recursion.py , you will write several recursive functions - but you’re going to write them in a very strange form - the “annoying” version! I’ll describe the functions, and tell you exactly what I mean by “annoying,” later in this spec.

        In the second file, linked_list_recursion.py , you will write one pair of functions, which performs an operation on linked lists: they will both do the same thing, but one version will use loops and the other will use recursion. (But you’ll be happy to hear that the recursive one does not have to follow the Annoying Requirements!)

1.1   Loops Banned

In every function in this project (except for is_sorted(), where loops are re-quired) loops are banned! (You are allowed to use string/list multiplication, however.)

1.2   Helper Functions Banned

In every function in this project - whether “annoying” or not - helper functions are banned. Every one of these functions can be completed with only a single, recursive function. (And you have to use exactly the parameters I require, or you won’t pass the testcases.)

        Some of you may know about default arguments in Python (if not, that’s OK) - these are banned as well! Default arguments are a cool feature - but they are basically just a way to write a helper function, so they aren’t allowed in this project, either.

2   Make Recursion Annoying Again

What’s weird about the “annoying” functions? What’s annoying is that you are going to have to implement lots of different cases for each one - and the various cases will have very specific limitations.

        For simplicity, every one of these functions will take exactly one integer argu-ment; they will either print things to the screen, or return something. Every one can be called with any non-negative integer (that is, zero or anything positive).

        And just to make clear that these are “annoying” functions (that is, you would never write them like this in the Real World!) the name of every one begins with annoying_ .

2.1   4 Base Cases

Every “annoying” function must have special cases for the values 0,1,2,3. For each of these values, you must implement it as a base case - that is, simply return (or print) the answer - without any recursion at all.

2.2   3 Hard-Coded, but Recursive Cases

Every “annoying” function must also have special cases for the values 4,5,6. These must be implemented recursively, but you must hard-code what you recursively call. That is, don’t use the value n in those cases at all (except to figure out that you are in that case). So, for instance, the factorial function might include this snippet:

2.3   The General-Purpose Case

Finally, every “annoying” function must have a general case. (This is what would be the body of the recursive in a more typical solution.) This general case:

● Must not execute except for n ≥ 7. (But it must work properly for all such large values!)

● Must recurse

3   annoying_factorial(n)

In annoying_recursion.py , write the function annoying_factorial(n) , which takes a single integer parameter (which must be non-negative). It must return n! - that is,

        It must obey the Annoying Requirements.

REMEMBER: 0! (that is, “zero, factorial”) is equal to 1.

4   annoying_fibonacci(n)

In annoying_recursion.py , write the function annoying_fibonacci(n) , which takes a single integer parameter (which must be non-negative). It must return the Fibonacci Number (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number).

        The first two Fibonacci Numbers are fixed:

and from then on, all Fibonacci Numbers are defined recursively:

        However, your function must obey the Annoying Requirements. This means that you must hardcode the answer for 0,1,2,3. For 4,5,6 you must recurse, but you must hardcode the arguments that you pass to the recursive calls. Of course, you will use the general formula, as well - but only on the last case!

5   annoying_climbUp(n), annoying_climbDownUp(n)

These two functions each return an array, which contains a sequence of intgers; if n = 0, then they return an empty array, and if n = 1 they return a single value, [1].

        However, if n is larger, they return a sequence that counts through the nub-mers 1 to n. In climbUp(), the sequence simply counts up; in climbDownUp(), it starts at n, counts down to 1, and then counts back up to n. For example, if n = 4, then annoying_climbUp() will return [1,2,3,4], while annoying_climbDownUp() will return [4,3,2,1,2,3,4].


Helper functions are banned! Thus, while it would be easy to solve the climbDownUp() problem by calling climbDown() and then doing a little slicing, this isn’t allowed!

6   is_sorted(head), is_sorted_recursive(head)

In linked_list_recursion.py , you will write two functions, both of which do exactly the same thing: but one must be recursive, and the other must not be. (The recursive problem is not required to follow the Annoying Requirements, though.)

        Each of these functions take a linked list (which might be empty) and checks to see if the values are sorted; if so, it returns True; if not, it returns False. (If the list is empty or has a single node, they must return True.)

7   Turning in Your Solution

You must turn in your code using GradeScope.