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Homework 4

Mini-project (130 points)

For the mini-project we use a public data set, the Airline On-Time Statistics and Delay Causes data set, published by the United States Department of Transportation at:  http://www.transtats.bts.gov/.

The On-Time Performance dataset contains records of flights by date, airline, originating airport,

destination airport, and many other flight details. Data is available for flights since 1987. The FAA uses the data to calculate statistics such as the percent of flights that depart or arrive on time by origin,

destination, and airline.

Goals of the mini-project:

1. Get experience to work with real data

2. Perform main database related tasks: explore the data, create schema, load the data, analyze the data using SQL.

3. Work in AWS cloud using MySQL RDS.

3. Lookup technical information in the external sources, as needed.

1. Data Model for the project

The data is organized in a so-called star schema. The star schema consists of one (or more) fact tables referencing any number of dimension tables.

Fact Table

Fact tables record measurements or metrics for a specific event. In our case it is one table containing     data about flights by date, airline, originating airport, destination airport, and many other flight details.

Fact tables generally consist of numeric values, and foreign keys to dimensional data where descriptive information is kept. Glossary of Terms used in the On-Time Performance dataset can be found here:


You need to download the fact table for this project from the FAA website according to the provided instructions for the specific year and month assigned to you.

Dimension tables

Dimension tables usually have a relatively small number of records compared to fact tables, and each record may have attributes to describe the fact data.

You will have the following dimension data describing some attributes of the fact table:






(ID, Name) DOT_ID_Reporting_Airline


(Code, Name) Dest


(Code, Name) Origin


(ID, Name) DestAirportID


(ID, Name) OriginAirportID


(Code, Reason) CancellationCode


(Code, Day) DayOfWeek

You need to download the Dimension tables for this project from Canvas, folder Mini-project.

2. Download CSV file with fact table data

You will be downloading data for the fact table from the websitehttps://www.transtats.bts.gov/

Details follow:

-  In the “By Subject” list, goto “Passenger Travel”, as highlighted below:


- Then click on “Airline On-Time Performance Data” .


- Finally, in the section for "Reporting Carrier On-Time Performance (1987-present)", click on Download, as highlighted below:


On the screen below, check "Prezipped File" check box and Filter on your Year and Month


Next, click on the blue “Download” button to download a zip file, that contain a csv file with the name


Unzip the file and rename the file to "al_perf.csv" for easier handling.

3. Create a schema

Open MySQL Workbench and Create a new schema called 'FAA' for your project. Don’t forget to set the charset as UTF8 and make it the default schema.

Once you have created the FAA schema, open a new tab and run the following SQL statement to grant access from AWS EC2mwhich you’ll create later on (you can copy and paste it):


4. Load the data

Given the size of this dataset, you will need to use different methods to load the data into your database. Follow the steps listed below. Follow them very carefully.

4.1) Create and Load the Fact table

MySQL provides a utility mysqlimport to load large datasets into tables that we are going to learn how to use. You will run mysqlimport from an AWS EC2. Follow these steps to load the fact table data:

a) Using MySQL workbench,create table 'al_perf' in schema FAA using CreateFactTable.sql script provided in Canvas, folder Mini-project.

b) Create EC2 Instance on AWS.

The Document "Create_EC2_Instance_on_AWS_instructions.docx" available in Canvas, folder

Mini_project, contains the instructions.

c) Secure copy(scp) your csv file from your laptop to your home directory of the EC2 instance:

Note: Make sure you have logged out of your EC2. This command is to be run from your local computer (Power Shell or Terminal)

Using the code below from your computer (Power shell on Windows or Terminal on Macs), type

$scp  -i  ec2-user@:/home/ec2-user

The structure of this command is explained below with color-code::

$scp -i : this is the command to secure copy a file from your computer to the EC2 .

 : This is the path to your key pair file and your keypair filename

 : This is the path and the file name that you want to copy to the EC2. The file   name is al_perf.csv but the path will be different for you because it depends on where you saved this file.

ec2-user@:/home/ec2-user : is broken down in three parts:

ec2-user@ : This never changes. It is the default user for any EC2 that you created (unless you create another one).

 : This is the Publicc IPv4 address of you EC2 instance on AWS that you copied before and used previously to connect.

:/home/ec2-user: This is the location on the EC2 where the file will be saved.

This command will copy the csv file from your computer to the EC2 instance on AWS and should look

like this one below: (in this case, I saved the al_perf.csv file inside the ssh folder for simplicity so I didn’t need to specify the path to it).


You should see the following screen, with the status, during the upload:


d) After the upload is completed, connect to your EC2 instance with:

$ssh -issh/your_keypair_name.pemec2-user@your_public_IPv4

Note: detailed instructions are in the previously mentioned document.

e) Run the following command to install MySQL on your EC2 instance:

$sudo yum install mysql

f) After you have connected to your EC2 instance and installed MySQL, run mysqlimport utility to move the file in your EC2 instance to AWS RDS (your MySQL database) with the code provided below. Notice  the options that are used below.

$ mysqlimport

--local \

--compress \


--password= \


--fields-terminated-by=',' \

--fields-optionally-enclosed-by=’”’ \


The easiest way to do this is to copy this code to a text editor, make the necessary modifications there and when ready, copy and paste it on the terminal. You can use this sample below:

mysqlimport --local --compress --user=admin --password= --host=

your_mysql_database_aws_server.rds.amazonaws.com --fields-terminated-by=',' --fields-optionally- enclosed-by='"' FAA al_perf.csv


The host here IS NOT the EC2 IPv4 address. It is the database address. You can get it from the hostname in MySQL workbench, as shown in the next page.

g) Troubleshooting user and password

(you can skip to 4.2 if you successfully logged in):

user = admin will only work if your have set admin as the root user of your MySQL database. If you have used a different root user when setting up your database, you will need to use the same here. To check  the user you set up, open MySQL workbench, on the initial screen (below), high click on grey rectangle    and selectedit connection.


You’ll see the screen below. The user you set up before will be in the field “username” (in theis case, “admin”). You need to sue the same value in the “user” parameter when running mysqlimport.


Password – This is the password that you used before when setting up your MySQL server.

If for any reason you cannot remember the user or password, you’ll need to reset themon AWS. To do so, goto your database on AWS (you will need to start the lab on AWS) and on the screen below, click   on “Modify”, as shown below.


You will see the screen below.  Enter your new master password in the highlighted area.


Once you have entered the new master password, re-enter it for confirmation, goto the end of the page, click on “Continue” and on the next page, select “Apply Immediately” .

4.2) Create and Load dimension tables

Use Table Data Import Wizard on the Workbench to import the dimension tables listed below (that you   downloaded from Canvas). The Wizard does not require to create tables in advance, it creates a table if   it does not exist. However, if it takes too long you can load the tables using mysqlinport. In that case you will need to create the dimension tables first. You will only need these 6 tables.








5. Analyze the data

Create and run SQL queries to do the following.

1) Find maximal departure delay in minutes for each airline. Sort results from smallest to largest maximum delay. Output airline names and values of the delay.

2) Find maximal early departures in minutes for each airline. Sort results from largest to smallest. Output airline names.

3)Rank days of the week by the number of flights performed by all airlines on that day (1 is the busiest). Output the day of the week names, number of flights and ranks in the rank increasing order.

4) Find the airport that has the highest average departure delay among all airports. Consider 0 minutes delay for flights that departed early. Output one line of results: the airport name, code, and average


5) For each airline find an airport where it has the highest average departure delay. Output an airline name,a name of the airport that has the highest average delay, and the value of that average delay.

6a) Check if your dataset has any canceled flights.

6b) If it does, what was the most frequent reason for each departure airport? Output airport name,

the most frequent reason, and the number of cancelations for that reason.

7) Build a report that for each day, output the average number of flights over the preceding 3 days.

6) Submission

Submit one SQL file with the question number, your query and the number of rows returned for each question, exactly as you submitted all assignments before.

Submit on CSV file for the output of each question.

Please do not submit a zip file.