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STAT7055 Introductory Statistics for Business and Finance


Due Date

● Thassignment idua6:00poFridaOctober 22. Note that this is different to thtimandatstateithclassummary.

● LatsubmissioothassignmeninopermittedAassignment submitted without an extensioaftethdudate wilreceivmaro0.

Obtaining your Assignment

● Therardifferenversionothassignment and each student will be assigned a particulaversioothassignment.

● Thereforeyomust loito Wattlwith your own ANU credentials and download youassignment directly from Wattle.

Writing your Assignment

● Thassignment is an individual piece of assessment and must be completed on your own.

● Yowill brequireto write reporin aMarkdowdocument that containcode, outpuanwrittetextAexample of aMarkdowdocument, whicyou can use as a template, has been provided on Wattle.

● When answerinthe assignmenquestions in youreport, yowill neetinclude alyoucodanoutputhayoused to calculatanansweranyomust alswrite your answers in proper sentences. For example, if you are required to calculate a sample mean, then you would include your R code and R output for calculating the sample mean and you would also write a proper sentence in the report such as “The sample mean is equal to ...”.

● Make sure to be clear and concise in your answers.

● gooway to approacwritinyoureport ito imaginthayoarstatisticaconsultananthaclienhaasked yotdsomstatisticaanalysesWhepresenting the results of your analyses to the client, you wouldn’t just give them pages of R code or pages of R output. Rather, you should give them a proper report which clearly outlines and explains the results of the analyses and which also includes the R code and R output used to produce the results.

● Oncyohavfinishewritinyoureporin youMarkdowdocumentyou will neetrendethdocumenbpressinthKnit button iRStudio to creatHTMfile of your report.

● Further tthe abovpointit igood practice tregularly KniyouMarkdowdocumenayowrityoureport. Thiis usefufocheckinthait’s renderinproperly.

Submitting your Assignment

● Submissioothassignment will be through Wattle viTurnitin.

● Turnitin linwitfurthedetails regarding assignmensubmission will be provided on Wattle.

● Fosubmissioyowill neeto submitwfilesthMarkdowfile of youreport (i.e., .Rmd” fileanthrendereHTMfiloyour reporproducebpressinthe Knit button in RStudio (i.e., a “.html” file).

● PleasnamyoutwfileauNNNNNNN.Rmd” and “uNNNNNNN.html”, where uNNNNNNiyoustudennumber.

● Nother filtypecan bsubmittede.g..R”, “.docx.RData”.zip”, etc., files will nobacceptedIn particulardnosubmit ancompressefiles.

Other Important Details

● Yomaonlusbuilt-ifunctionavailable in basand you are not permitted to usfunctionin anadditionapackage(e.g., ggplot2).

● Yomususthappropriate function(annot thstatistical tables) to calculate critical valueop-valuefothnormalandistributions.

 Round all final numeric answers to 4 decimal places. However, as you will be using R, keep all decimals during all intermediate steps to ensure the accuracy of your final numeric answer.

● Please use the help function if you want to learn more about a particular R function, e.g., enter help(mean) in the R console to learn more about the mean function.

● For questions that require writing mathematical symbols, you are welcome to use shorthand notation, provided you make the meaning clear (e.g., using “Mu” for µ, or “!=” for ).

● Answers need to be written in the text of the R Markdown document and not in the comments of code chunks.

● Do not print out the entire data sets in your R Markdown document, as this will only take up unnecessary space.

Question 1 [14 marks]

A streaming service provider would like to better understand the weekday viewing habits of their subscribers. In each year from 2015 to 2019, the provider conducted a short survey where they randomly selected 200 subscribers and asked each subscriber the following two questions:

1. The weekday on which they used the streaming service the most.

2. Their age.

Note that each year, a new random sample of subscribers was selected for the survey. The data are stored in the file AssignmentData.RData in the data frame Q1.df. The data frame contains two columns for each year, one for the weekday on which the subscriber used the streaming service the most and one for the subscribers’s age . For example, for the year 2015 there are two columns, Weekday2015 and Age2015.

For parts (a), (b) and (c), you will be analysing data from the 2017 survey.

(a) [4 marksCreate a boxplot and a histogram of the subscribers’ ages for the 2017 survey. Make sure to give each plot a proper descriptive title and label the x-axis of the histogram appropriately (do not just use the default title or labels). Based on these plots, describe the distribution of the subscribers’ ages for the 2017 survey. Be specific in your description, making sure to mention any interesting and/or important aspects of the distribution.

(b) [3 marksTest whether the population proportion of subscribers in 2017 that are at least 33 years old is less than 0.4. Clearly state your hypotheses, making sure to define any parameters, and use a significance level of α = 1%. Do not use any R functions that are designed to perform hypothesis tests.

(c) [3 marks] Create a bar chart describing the weekdays on which subscribers used the streaming service the most for the 2017 survey. Think carefully about how to appropriately present this data in the bar chart. Make sure to give the bar chart a proper desc