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SECTION 1: GENERAL CONCEPTS (10 True/FaIse questions, 1 mark each)

These are aII True/FaIse questions on basic concepts. In aII questions in this section, you have to determine whether the underIined statement is true or faIse.

TitIe: Q1

1) consider the foIIowing arrow diagram:

You know that aII inferences are vaIid and (1) is true but (2) and (3) are faIse. So, (5) must be faIse.

The underIined statement is:

a.        True

b.        FaIse

TitIe: Q2

2) onIy inconsiderate peopIe do not wear masks in pubIic spaces. Some inconsiderate peopIe aIso smoke in non-smoking spaces. So, some peopIe who smoke in non- smoking spaces do not wear masks in pubIic spaces.

The above argument is vaIid.

The underIined statement is:

a.        True

b.        FaIse

TitIe: Q3

3) consider this argument:

onIy if you Iike whisky, do you Iike Scotch whisky. And, if you Iike whisky, you are an alcoholic. So, unless you are an alcoholic, you don,t like Scotch whisky.

AII inferences in this passage are vaIid.

The underIined statement is:

a.        True

b.        FaIse

TitIe: Q4

4) Lee Hsien Loong:

If enough  peopIe  vote  for  the  opposition  whiIe  wanting  a  pAp  government  and depending on others to ensure that outcome (i.e., if enough people ‘free ride,), then the country will have a government that people didn,t want. lf that happens, then democracy wiII faiI. So, if enough peopIe free ride, then democracy wiII faiI. It is wrong to want democracy to faiI. So, it is wrong to encourage peopIe to free ride. So, the opposition is wrong to encourage peopIe to free ride.

AII inferences in the above passage are vaIid.

The underIined statement is:

a.        True

b.        FaIse

TitIe: Q5

5) pritam Singh (in response to Lee Hsien Loong):

peopIe who vote for the opposition are not free riders because peopIe vote for the opposition knowing that an opposition in parIiament is uItimateIy good.

pritam Singh attacks an unsupported premise or the finaI concIusion of Lee Hsien Loong,s argument.

The underIined statement is:

a.        True

b.        FaIse

TitIe: Q6

6) consider the foIIowing passage:

onIy if Indonesia is doing aII it can to stop the spread of covid-19, wiII we be abIe to visit BaIi again next year. But we know that Indonesia does not have enough testing capabiIity, so they are not doing aII they can to stop the spread. It therefore means we wiII not be abIe to traveI to BaIi next year.

This passage contains onIy vaIid inferences.

The underIined statement is:

a.        True

b.        FaIse

TitIe: Q7

7) consider the foIIowing passages:

X) whenever there has been an effort so far to stop DonaId Trump, it has onIy made him stronger. And it,s clear that all these efforts to stop him are orchestrated by the

Democratic party. So this means that The Democrats are onIy making DonaId Trump stronger.

Y) DonaId Trump has said that nobody respects women more than him. He has aIso caIIed various women nasty,mean,ugIy and other bad names. It is inconsistent to say that you respect women when you have caIIed them nasty,and other bad names.

whoever is inconsistent is unfit to be president. So Trump is unfit to be president.

At Ieast one of these arguments has aII vaIid inferences.

The underIined statement is:

a.       True

b.       FaIse

TitIe: Q8

8) consider the foIIowing argument:

This argument is inductiveIy strong. An inductiveIy strong argument with true premises wiII have a concIusion that is most IikeIy true. So the concIusion of this argument wiII most IikeIy be true.

Given that we don,t know any other information about this argument that couId be reIevant,we can say that this argument is cogent.

The underIined statement is:

a.       True

b.       FaIse

TitIe: Q9

9) An inductive argument can be considered vaIid under the condition that it has true premises and a true concIusion.

The underIined statement is:

a.       True

b.       FaIse

TitIe: Q10

10) consider the foIIowing argument diagram.

suppose that you know that the arguments from (2) to (4) and from (3) + (4) to (5) are cogent,and that the argument from (1) to (3) is vaIid.

It therefore foIIows that (1) is true and (5) is IikeIy true.

The underIined statement is:

a.       True

b.       FaIse

SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS (5 MCQs,2 marks each)

Note that for Questions 11 一 15,the underIined term in the definition is the term being defined.

TitIe: Q11

11) which of the foIIowing is the best definition of‘investment banker,?

a.        someone who shouId be trusted to invest your money.

b.        someone who works at an investment bank.

c.        someone  who  uses your money to try to generate  income for you and for him/herseIf.

d.        someone whose occupation invoIves investing money from cIients.

e.        someone who provides cIients with financiaI services.

TitIe: Q12

12) Consider the foIIowing definition. A hairdryer is a machine that women use to dry their hair.

which of the foIIowing is true?

a.        This definition is circuIar.

b.        This definition is too broad but not too narrow.

c.        This definition is too narrow and too broad.

d.        This definition is unfairIy emotive.

e.        More than one of the above.

TitIe: Q13

13) which of the foIIowing is the best definition of‘dictatorship,?

a.        A form of government that is typified by the ruIe of one person.

b.        A poIiticaI system in which citizens have no rights.

c.        A  poIiticaI  system  in  which  citizens  have  no reaI power  to  chaIIenge  their government.

d.        A state governed under a dictatoriaI system.

e.        A state Iike that of the Russia of putin or the Turkey of Erdogan.

TitIe: Q14

14) A conspiracY theorY is an unproven theorY that is mostIY unsubstantiated,not correct,and aims at denigrating common opinion.

which of the foIIowing statements is faIse?

a.        This definition can be construed as a genus-species-difference definition.

b.        This definition can be understood as unfairIY emotive.

c.        This definition maY be too narrow.

d.        This definition maY be too broad.

e.        None of the above.

TitIe: Q15

15) A dress code is a set of ruIes stipuIating how much skin one can reveaI in a certain sociaI setting.

which of the foIIowing statements is true?

a.        This definition is obscure.

b.        This definition is unfairIY emotive.

c.        This definition is too narrow.

d.        This definition is not too broad.

e.        This definition cannot be made more precise.

SECTION 3: DIAGRAMMING (5 MCQs,2 marks each)

These are aII on diagramming reasons for something.

using onIY the given numbers,diagram the foIIowing passage using onIY soIid arrows and then answer the questions that foIIow.

Since (1) Iockdowns Iead to a cessation of aII sociaI interaction and bring an end to aII, but  essentiaI, in-person  economic  interaction, (2)  Iockdowns  Iead  to  immense  economic and mentaI distress. (3) AnYthing that causes Iarge scaIe economic and  mentaI distress is,to some extent,sociaIIY undesirabIe. So (4) Iockdowns are,to some  extent,sociaIIY undesirabIe. But,for the same reasons that Iockdowns cause distress, (5) Iockdowns are the onIY waY of getting peopIe to staY at home and (6) getting peopIe  to staY at home is the onIY waY to stop the transmission of COVID-19,because (7) we  don,t have a vaccine for it. lt follows that (8) lockdowns are the only way of stopping  the  spread  of  COVID-19.  And  (9) stopping the  spread  of COVID-19  is  sociaIIY  desirabIe,so (10) in at Ieast one respect,Iockdowns are sociaIIY desirabIe. So,(11)  Iockdowns can for different reasons be sociaIIY desirabIe and undesirabIe. Of course, all said and done, (12) l still don,t like lockdowns.

TitIe: Q16

16) How many instances of convergent reasoning does this passage contain?

a.        0

b.        1

c.        2

d.        3

e.        4

TitIe: Q17

17) How many instances of Iinked reasoning does this passage contain?

a.        0

b.        1

c.        2

d.        3

e.        4

TitIe: Q18

18) FiII in the bIank.

The passage contains onIy one instance of                      , and onIy one  instance of   reasoning.

a.        seriaI, convergent

b.        divergent, convergent

c.        seriaI, divergent

d.        seriaI, Iinked

e.        None of the above

TitIe: Q19

19) How many instances of vaIid inferences does this passage contain?

a.        0

b.        1

c.        2

d.        3

e.        4

TitIe: Q20

20) FiII in the bIank.

The statement, “people can be given economic incentives to stay at home” attacks a/an                      in the passage.

a.        unsupported premise

b.        intermediate concIusion

c.        finaI concIusion

d.        AII of the above a, b, and c.

e.        None of the above a, b, and c.