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CS777 – Week  3 Homework Submission Template

Task 1 – Simple Linear Regression

● Calculate the m slope and the b intercept for the small dataset

● Calculate the m slope and the b intercept for the large dataset

Your output should go here.

Task 2 – Find the Parameters using Gradient Descent

● Print out the costs and model parameters in each iteration. The maximum number of iterations is 50.

Your output should go here.

● Calculate the m slope and the b intercept based on your calculations

Your output should go here.

● Comment on how you can interpret the parameters of the model. What is the meaning of m and b in this case?

Your comment should go here.

Task 3 – Fit Multiple Linear Regression using Gradient Descent

● Print out the costs and model parameters in each iteration.

Your output should go here.

● What are m and b values based on your calculations?

Your output should go here.

● Comment on how you can interpret the parameters of the model. What is the meaning of mi and b in this case

Your comment should go here.

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Task 1:

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Task 2:

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Task 3:

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