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MGTS7523 (System Dynamics) – Systems Thinking Report

11 July 2023

Page limit

10 pages including diagrams.

This page limit does not include:

.    Title page

.    Table of Contents (this is optional only and will not be assessed)

.    Reference list (bibliography)

.    Appendix or Supplementary material section (this is optional only and material in this section will not be assessed].

Please ensure that you include a Title Page that includes:

.    Provide a title that reflects the focus of your report.

.    Name + Student number

.    Course (i.e. MGTS7523 System Dynamics)

.    Do not include any of your report contents on the title page.

Figures and Tables

.    Must have a meaningful title and include a reference where applicable (e.g. Figure 1. Australia’s population, 1900 – 2022. Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


.    All figures and tables in your report must be referred to in the main text e.g. “Figure 1

highlights how Australia’s population has grown exponentially since the start of the 20th century.”

Please use the following titles for your report structure as these align with the Rubric.

Abstract (approximately 250 words)

Provide an overview of the report’s contents. Make sure that this includes a statement

about the problem’, any findings (e.g. the number of feedback loops, what type of loops, how these loops influence the system).


Outline the general context of the problem being reported on (including references where appropriate), general context for the problem, the approach used (hint: you are using the  first two stages of Sterman’s five stage ‘systems method’), and what the aim of this report is.

Problem Articulation

Key questions that must be answered in this section:

•    What is the problem?

•    Why is it a (dynamic) problem?

•    What is the ‘time horizon’ for your problem?

•    What are the key variables?

•    What are the dynamic properties of the key variables? (show behaviour over time

•    graphs, and describe what these behaviours mean in terms of feedback loops). Note:

•    you must show actual data for at least two of your variables.

•    note: key variables can include existing decisions/interventions

•    note: cite literature where applicable

•    note: if you are finding it difficult to find behaviour over time data for your key variables then you can construct your own behaviour over time charts (i.e. free-form draw), but    you still need to provide evidence that this behaviour occurs.

Dynamic Hypothesis

Key questions that must be answered in this section:

• What are the sub-components of your system (sub-system diagram)?

• What does the dynamic hypothesis look like (CLD diagram)?

• What are the key feedback loops in your dynamic hypothesis and how do these relate to the key variables identified in the Problem Articulation stage.

.    How do these key feedback loops link back to the dynamic behaviour of your key variables?


A concluding paragraph that summarises the key findings of your report.


Place all references that are used here. There must be at least two peer-reviewed journal

articles here. [hint: Include John Sterman’s core text (i.e. the text used in this course) as one of your references – note that this isn’t a peer-reviewed journal article]