Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit

Welcome to EEL5737/4736 Fall 2023!

As per the course registrar, this class is coded as Online (80-99%). To make the most effective use of asynchronous and synchronous instruction, this class has been structured as follows (please refer to the syllabus for more details):

Asynchronous (pre-recorded) lectures:

· Conceptual class material, closely following the textbook, has been pre-recorded in a classroom and is available for viewing from the links below, and can also be downloaded for offline viewingLinks to an external site.

· Students are required to watch these asynchronous pre-recorded lectures in advance - prior to our scheduled synchronous lecture time 

Synchronous lectures (MWF 5th period; also recorded and streamed via Zoom):

· Synchronous lecture time will be used for demos, questions/answers, discussions, working out problems, going over practical examples of computer systems and the assignment/project code,  

· All synchronous in-class lectures will be recorded and posted on Canvas

· Synchronous lectures will be primarily delivered in the classroom (MAEA 0303) while also being simultaneously streamed with Zoom. Remote Zoom participants will be able to ask questions. The Zoom link is available under "Zoom conferences" on the left panel.

· It's possible some synchronous lectures will be given via Zoom only (not in classroom) I will post an announcement if that is the case

Assignments and programming:

This class covers practical computer systems design issues, and as such the assignments and final project involve programming of a non-trivial computer system - a file system increasing in complexity from in-memory local file system to a replicated, fault-tolerant disk distributed file system. All programming assignments will be in Python, on your own computer. While you do not need prior experience with Python to complete the assignments, it is expected that you have practical experience with other programming languages and basic data structures. The assignments will involve a substantial time commitment. 

Useful Python resources for assignments:

Google for Education Python material and exercises (Links to an external site.)

Python cheat sheets

(Links to an external site.)Another Python cheat sheetLinks to an external site.

Office hours: (note: office hours may change as the semester's schedule settle, and will be online via Zoom)

(Links to an external site.)

Dr. Figueiredo's office hours:

· Mon 1-2pm, Tue 10-11am, Thu 2-3pm

· Click here for the Zoom room for Dr. Figueiredo's office hours

· Please message Dr. Figueiredo for an appointment if you need to schedule an alternate time Click here for Dr. Figueiredo's calendar (Links to an external site.)

Sungjae Park's office hours:

· Mon 4:30-5:30pm, Tue 11am-noon, Wed 10-11am

· Click here for the Zoom room for Sungjae's office hoursLinks to an external site.

Yun-Jung Ku's office hours:

· Wed 2-3pm, Thu 4-5pm, Fri 10-11am

· Click here for the Zoom room for Yun-Jung's office hoursLinks to an external site.

Course Roadmap:

Week 1:

Wednesday 08/23: Lecture 1

· Reading: Chapter 1

· Slides: Slideset1_Systems_and_Complexity.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_001_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:

Topic: Class overview

Zoom recording: Lecture 1 ZoomLinks to an external site.

iPad notes: N/A

· Additional information:

HW#0 assigned - due 08/28

Friday 08/25: Lecture 2

· Reading: Chapter 2, section 2.1

· Slides: Slideset2_Fundamental_abstractions.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_002_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:

Topic: Core abstractions (interpreter, memory, link) and review of prerequisites (basics of microprocessors)

Zoom recording: Lecture 2 ZoomLinks to an external site.

iPad notes: PoCSD_Notes_08_25_23


· Additional information:

Again, we will not use 8085 assembly in this class, sim8085.comLinks to an external site. is a simple/easy resource if you want to brush up on basics of microprocessors

Week 2:

Monday 08/28: Lecture 3

· Reading: Chapter 2, section 2.2

· Slides: Slideset3_Naming-introduction.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_003_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:

Topic: Discussion/practical examples of naming

Zoom recording: Lecture 3 ZoomLinks to an external site.

iPad notes: PoCSD_Notes_08_28_23


· Additional information:

HW#0 is due!

Wednesday 08/30: Lecture 4

· Reading: Chapter 2, section 2.3

· Slides: Slideset4_Names_and_Layers.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_004_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:

Topic: N/A hurricane day

Zoom recording: N/A hurricane day

iPad notes: N/A hurricane day

· Additional information:

Friday 09/01: Lecture 5

· Reading: Chapter 2, section 2.5

· Slides: Slideset5_UNIX_FS_Case_Study.pdf


Slides 1-21

· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_005_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:

Topic: Examples of layers in O/S and file systems

Zoom recording: Lecture 5 ZoomLinks to an external site.

iPad notes: PoCSD_Notes_09_01_23


· Additional information:

HW#1 assigned - due 9/13

HW#2 assigned - due 9/22

Week 3:

Monday 09/04: Holiday - no classes

Wednesday 09/06: Lecture 6

· Reading: Chapter 2, section 2.5, Chapter 4 sections 4.1, 4.2

· Slides:

Slides 18-31: Slideset5_UNIX_FS_Case_Study.pdf


Slides 1-5: Slideset6_Client-Service-Modularity.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_006_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Friday 09/08: Lecture 7

· Reading: Chapter 4 sections 4.1, 4.2

· Slides: Slideset6_Client-Service-Modularity.pdf


Slides 5-26

· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_007_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Chapter 2 quiz due!

Week 4:

Monday 09/11: Lecture 8

· Reading: Chapter 4 sections 4.3, 4.5

· Slides:

Slides 27-35: Slideset6_Client-Service-Modularity.pdf


Slides 1-14: Slideset7_Case-Study-NFS.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_008_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Wednesday 09/13: Lecture 9

· Reading: Chapter 4 section 4.5

· Slides: Slideset7_Case-Study-NFS.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_009_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

HW#1 is due!

Friday 09/15: Lecture 10

· Reading: Chapter 5 sections 5.1, 5.2

· Slides:

Slides 1-16: Slideset8_Virtualization-Abstractions.pdf


Slides 1-12: Slideset9_Virtual-Links.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_010_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Week 5:

Monday 09/18: Lecture 11

· Reading: Chapter 5 sections 5.2, 5.3

· Slides:

Slides 12-36: Slideset9_Virtual-Links.pdf


Slides 1-14: Slideset10_Memory-Modularity.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_011_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Chapter 4 quiz due!

Wednesday 09/20: Lecture 12

· Reading: Chapter 5 sections 5.3, 5.4

· Slides:

Slides 14-31: Slideset10_Memory-Modularity.pdf


Slides 1-5: Slideset11_Virtual-Memory.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_012_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Friday 09/22: Lecture 13

· Reading: Chapter 5 section 5.4

· Slides: Slideset11_Virtual-Memory.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_013_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

HW#3 assigned - due 10/9

HW#2 is due!

Week 6:

Monday 09/25: Midterm review/prep

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Chapter 5 quiz (part 1) due!

Wednesday 09/27: Midterm review/prep

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Friday 09/29: Midterm #1

Week 7:

Monday 10/02: Lecture 14

· Reading: Chapter 5 section 5.5

· Slides: Slideset12_Virtual-processor-threads.pdf


Slides 1-22

· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_014_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Wednesday 10/04: Lecture 15

· Reading: Chapter 5 section 5.5

· Slides: Slideset12_Virtual-processor-threads.pdf


Slides 22-48

· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_015_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Friday 10/06: Holiday - no lecture

Week 8:

Monday 10/09: Lecture 16

· Reading: Chapter 6 section 6.1

· Slides: Slideset13_Designing-Performance.pdf


Slides 1-21

· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_016_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Chapter 5 quiz (part 2) is due!

HW#4 assigned - due 10/27

HW#3 is due!

Wednesday 10/11: Lecture 17

· Reading: Chapter 6 section 6.1

· Slides: Slideset13_Designing-Performance.pdf


Slides 21-47

· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_017_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion:


Zoom recording:

iPad notes:

· Additional information:

Friday 10/13: Lecture 18

· Reading: Chapter 6 section 6.3

· Slides: Slideset14_Scheduling.pdf


· Pre-recorded lecture: EEL5737_EEL4736_018_F2020.mp4

· Class discussion: