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PHY254H1S – Classical Mechanics

Summer 2023

Land Acknowledgement:

We wish to acknowledge this land on which the University of Toronto operates. For thousands of years, it has been the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this   land.

Course information:

Instructor: Nicolas Grisouard (he/him)

Course Meeting Schedule:     Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2-4 pm, Room MP137

Tutorials: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-5 pm, Room MP137 Course Website: Quercus and Piazza

Contact Information: Office: MP703


Telephone: 416-978-6824

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:30-2 pm, Room MP137 TA Contact Information:

– Kayhan Momeni (MP602,kayhan.momeni@mail.utoronto.ca)

– Thomas Morrison (MP1318,morrison@physics.utoronto.ca)

Course Overview/Course Objectives:

The course analyzes the linear, nonlinear and chaotic behaviour of classical mechanical systems such as harmonic oscillators, rotating bodies, and central field systems.  The course will develop analytical and numerical tools to solve such systems and determine their basic properties.  The  course will include mathematical analysis, numerical exercises using Python, and demonstrations of mechanical systems.

This course will in large part build off the material in 151/2 or 131/2, or the equivalent 1st-year course you took: Newton’s laws, mechanical oscillations, wave dynamics, mechanical energy   and the concept of work for example are concepts you saw in these courses.

Prerequisite: PHY132H1/152H1 (PHY152H1 recommended),

(MAT135H1,MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1 .

Tutorials Overview/Objectives:

Short set of problems, distributed before each session, and discussed during the tutorial hour.


Required textbooks: They are available online at no cost via the UofT library, just follow the links to download them:

•   “Introduction to Classical Mechanics with problems and solutions”, by David Morin

(New York; Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 2008):

https://librarysearch.library.utoronto.ca/permalink/01UTORONTO_INST/14bjeso/alma9 91106885319906196

•   “Vibrations and Waves” by A.P. French (CRC Press 1971):

https://librarysearch.library.utoronto.ca/permalink/01UTORONTO_INST/1ok811d/alma 991106932182706196


•   Another classically recommended textbook is Classical mechanics” by John R. Taylor  (Mill Valley, California: University Science Books 2005). It is as good as it is expensive,  and not available online via the UofT library . This course will only require one chapter, which N.G. will (legally) provide in pdf form.

•   “Chaotic dynamics: an introduction”, by Gregory L. Baker and Jerry P. Gollub (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1996) is a bit advanced but can be useful for the non-linear section:

https://librarysearch.library.utoronto.ca/permalink/01UTORONTO_INST/14bjeso/alma9 91106886042606196

•   This course will occasionally make use of some mathematical concepts from courses that are not pre-requisites for this course, such as eigenvalues, eigenvectors and their orthogonality properties, or Fourier series and the orthogonality properties of Fourier modes. I will introduce them as if you had never seen them and I will not require you to master these concepts, or to have even seen them for that matter. I will also often recommend that you watch other resources online. They may be public videos, demos I recorded myself in the Physics building, or else. They should ease you into a given topic, maybe brush up on those 1st-year concepts without the associated trauma…

Marking Scheme/Grading:



Due Dates

Homework assignments


July 13

July 20

August 1

August 10

Computational assignment


August 13

Weekly online quizzes


July 9

July 16

July 23

July 30

August 6

August 13

Online Surveys


July 16

July 30

Final Exam


Scheduled by the Office of the Faculty Registrar in the Final Exam Period

Homework assignments: 8% each, due a 2:10 pm each time. A mix of problems covering

the contents of the pervious few lectures. You are encouraged to work together to solve the problems. However, what you submit must be your own copy, explanations and reasonings  must be written in your own words . Markers will be ruthlessly chasing any signs of cross-student plagiarism. It is OK to struggle to solve a problem and work with a colleague or three to figure out a solution. But once everyone has figured out how to solve the problem,  each must couch it on paper, and explain the reasoning steps, by themselves.

Computational assignment: this homework assignment will be exclusively dedicated to coding a problem in Python. It will be due on the last Sunday before the finals period at 11:59 pm and you must upload it on Quercus . You will receive the set of questions at least two weeks before the due date.

Online quizzes: 2% each, due one minute before midnight every Sunday. They will be available on Fridays at 5 pm, to give N.G. time to adjust the quiz after the Thursday lecture if needed. Each will cover the contents of the previous two lectures.

Online surveys: 1% each, due at 11:59 pm each time. These involve graded surveys, meaning that you get the points if you fill them up, no matter what you write. This is for me to gauge participation and receive feedback on the lectures. Answer all questions and you get the corresponding marks, no matter what you answer (you can always write “don’t know” or N/A”).

Lecture Schedule:

The table below shows a tentative timeline for this course. (Contents may vary as the course

progresses.) CPW =Computational Physics Website.


Text chp.



4 Jul.

Selections from Morin 1-3; CPW tutorials 1-2

Introduction; Using = m in Cartesian and Polar coordinates


6 Jul.

CPW tutorials 3-5

French 1-2

The Euler-Cromer method to solve ODEs

numerically; Complex exponentials


11 Jul.

Morin 4.1-3, French 3

Simple, then damped harmonic oscillators


13 Jul.

Morin 4.3-4, French 4 (Gollub & Baker 4.2)

Damped or driven harmonic oscillators: resonance curves, Q-factor


18 Jul.

Morin 4.4, French 4

Damped and driven harmonic oscillators: resonance curves, transients, power absorbed


20 Jul.

Morin 5.1-2



25 Jul.

Morin 4.5, French 5

Coupled oscillators: normal modes, energetics, orthogonality


27 Jul.

French 6

From 2 to n to oscillators: waves; standing waves and their normal modes;


1 Aug.

Fourier analysis


3 Aug.

Taylor 12 (will provide PDF)

Damped and driven pendulum: road to chaos


8 Aug.

Morin 7

Central forces


10 Aug.


Non-inertial reference frames (time permitting)

Technical Requirements:

We will use Python in this course. Make sure you are familiar with content of the tutorials on the computational physics webpage to get started at


This website is still relatively recent, and Python itself keeps evolving. If you notice missing or incorrect elements, please let us know.

The programming language for this course is python 3. Not python 2! If your code fails to execute on your marker’s machine because you used python 2, you will lose marks. If you don’t know how to check your python version, use your favourite search engine.

Physics Academic Advising:

For academic advising or any undergraduate inquiries, please consult with the Physics Undergraduate Coordinator, Hala Larizza-Ali (ugcoord@physics.utoronto.ca; 416 978-7057; MP301).

Course Policies:

Academic Integrity:

All students, faculty and staff are expected to follow the University's guidelines and policies on  academic integrity. For students, this means following the standards of academic honesty when writing assignments, collaborating with fellow students, and writing tests and exams. Ensure that the work you submit for grading represents your own honest efforts. Plagiarism representing someone else's work as your own or submitting work that you have previously submitted for marks in another class or program is a serious offence that can result in sanctions. Speak to me or your TA for advice on anything that you find unclear. To learn more  about how to cite and use source material appropriately and for other writing support, see the U of T writing support website athttp://www.writing.utoronto.ca. Consult the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters for a complete outline of the University's policy and

expectations. For more information, please see

https://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/academic-advising-and-support/student-academic- integrityandhttps://www.academicintegrity.utoronto.ca/.

Policy on Late/Missed Assignments:

In the absence of justification, we will multiply the marks on late homework and computational assignments by:

•   0.75 if handed in between zero and 24h late

•   0.5 if handed in between 24 and 48h late

•   0 afterward.

Online quizzes and surveys will close at the deadline and late entries will not be accepted.

Make-Up Quizzes:

There will be no make-up quizzes.

University's Plagiarism Detection Tool:

The statement below only applies to certain assignments, such as the computational assignment.

Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to the University's plagiarism  detection tool for a review of textual similarity and detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their essays to be included as source documents in the tool's reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that

apply to the University's use of this tool are described on the Centre for Teaching Support &

Innovation website (https://uoft.me/pdt-faq).

Religious Accommodations:

As a student at the University of Toronto, you are part of a diverse community that welcomes  and includes students and faculty from a wide range of cultural and religious traditions. For my part, I will make every reasonable effort to avoid scheduling tests, examinations, or other compulsory activities on religious holy days not captured by statutory holidays. Further to University Policy, if you anticipate being absent from class or missing a major course activity (such as a test or in-class assignment) due to a religious observance, please let me know as early in the course as possible, and with sufficient notice (at least two to three weeks), so that we can work together to make alternate arrangements.

Students with Disabilities or Accommodation Requirements:

Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. If you have an acute or ongoing disability issue or accommodation need, you should register with Accessibility Services (AS) at the beginning of the academic year by visiting


requirements/. Without registration, you will not be able to verify your situation with your instructors, and instructors will not be advised about your accommodation needs. AS will assess your situation, develop an accommodation plan with you, and support you in requesting accommodation for your course work. Remember that the process of accommodation is private: AS will not share details of your needs or condition with any instructor, and your instructors will not reveal that you are registered with AS.

Specific Medical Circumstances:

A Verification of Illness (also known as a "doctor’s note") is temporarily not required. Students who are absent from academic participation for any reason (e.g., COVID, cold, flu and other illness or injury, family situation) and who require consideration for missed academic work should report their absence through the online absence declaration. The declaration is available onACORNunder the Profile and Settings menu. Students should also advise their instructor of   their absence.

If an absence extends beyond 7 consecutive days in the future (from the date declared in ACORN), you should connect with your College Registrar. They can provide advice and assistance reaching out to instructors on your behalf. If you get a concussion, break your hand, or suffer some other acute injury, you should register with Accessibility Services as soon as possible.

Accommodation for Personal Reasons:

There may be times when you are unable to complete course work on time due to non-medical reasons. If you have concerns, speak to me or to an advisor in your College Registrar's office; they can help you to decide if you want to request an extension or accommodation. They may  be able to provide you with a College Registrar's letter of support to give to your instructors, and importantly, connect you with other resources on campus for help with your situation.

Quercus Info:

This course uses the University's learning management system, Quercus, to post information about the course. This includes posting readings and other materials required to complete class activities and course assignments, as well as sharing important announcements and updates. The site is dynamic and new information and resources will be posted regularly as we move through the term, so please make it a habit to log in to the site on a regular, even daily, basis.

To access the course website, go to the U of T Quercus log-in page athttps://q.utoronto.ca. Once you have logged in to Quercus using your UTORid and password, you should see the link or "card" for “PHY254H1 S LEC0101” . You may need to scroll through o