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MGMT5904 Assessment 2

Individual Critical Review

(Case Analysis)

Purpose: The purpose of this Assessment is for you to think about the role of change leadership and it’s impact on how change is considered and implemented in a specific industry and organisational setting.

You will use two key resources:

1.   the McKinsey Interview with Prakash Bhatt (link below), and

2.   the Hayes (2022) Text Chapter 16 Framing Theory (ie Table 16.2 and supporting explanations)


government-owned-giant-an-interview-with-the-chairman-of-the-state-bank-of-india Format: Case Report (submitted as a word.doc, double-spaced, 12-font, 2.5cm margins) Due: no later than 4pm on Friday 30 June 2023 (Week 5)

Submission: via the Turnitin link available on the MGMT5904 Course Moodle Site. This will include an online declaration as to the authenticity of your work. Also note the AI-related policy outlined below.

Weighting: 30% of your total course mark.

Length: 1,500 words +/- 10%. The word count includes all in-text citations, tables or other exhibits. The reference list (required at the end of your report) is outside this word limit.

Description :  Review the Interview with Prakash Bhatt then:

1.   Using course concepts provide an overview of the complexities of this specific change management context and the change-related challenges in the case (as it is presented) (30%),

2.   Use related course concepts to analyse and critique the specific change leadership approach taken by Prakash Bhatt (and other leaders) at the Bank (50%).

3.   If you were advising the Management Team at the Bank, what other actions would you recommend for them going forward given your MGMT5904 studies-to-date?   (20%)

Marking Criteria:




1. Use of Course Concepts


Demonstrate an understanding of          related course concepts (from lectures, readings and workshops), and how        effectively they are used to frame the   specific question(s) or context under     analysis.

2. Level of Critical Thinking and Insight evident


The level of critical thinking evident in    the richness and depth of analysis done, and the insights gained via the                  conclusions drawn from the analysis.

3. Quality of Writing


The structure, flow and logic of the          writing. The accuracy of language and     grammar used, including the correct use of citation techniques to acknowledge    sources as they are used.

Note 1: We use the Harvard Referencing Method unless otherwise stated.

Note 2: Use of AI in assessments:

In November 2022 the world of education changed when ChatGPT changed the conversation about Generative AI! The shock to traditional ways of learning may match that of pocket calculators in the seventies, spreadsheets in the eighties, and Internet search engines in the  late nineties/ early 2000s combined.

UNSW accepts the potential of these tools and are excited to explore ways to use AI to enrich your learning experience while maintaining the integrity of our programs and therefore of your degrees.

We expect that, as we learn about how best to do this, our policies will adapt. To provide clarity, UNSW set the following general guidelines for the current term :

•    Unless explicitly specified, you are permitted to use ChatGPT etc., just like Google search, calculators, etc.

•    You must avoid overdependence on any one tool, and independent thought and knowledge remains essential.

•    If authorized use is explicitly limited for a particular assessment, unauthorised use might be treated as serious student misconduct and might include failure in the  course, suspension, or exclusion from UNSW. In this course, you can use generative

AI software in all your assessments as long as any output within your assessment is attributed with full referencing (for example, [OpenAI (2023). ChatGPT.

OpenAI.com]. If the outputs of generative AI such as ChatGPT form part of your submission and is not appropriately attributed, it will be regarded as serious academic misconduct and subject to the standard penalties, which may include 00FL, suspension, and exclusion.

Make sure you are aware of AI’s limits. Please note that the outputs from these tools are not always accurate, appropriate, nor properly referenced. You should ensure      that you have moderated and critically evaluated the outputs from generative AI        tools such as ChatGPT before submission.

Mollick & Mollick (2023) provide some useful pointers:

•     “If you provide minimum-effort prompts, you will get low-quality results. You will need to refine your prompts in order to get good outcomes. This will take work.

Dont trust anything it says. If it gives you a number or fact, assume its wrong unless you either know the answer or can check with another source. You will be responsible for any errors or omissions provided by the tool. It works best for topics you understand.

Be thoughtful about when this tool is useful. Dont use it if it isnt appropriate for the case or circumstance.”

Ref: Mollick E., Mollick, L., ‘Why all our classes suddenly became AI classes: Strategies for teaching and learning in a ChatGPT world’, Harvard Business Publishing, February 9, 2023.

LIC, MGMT 5904

T2 2023