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BEng, BSc, MEng and MMath Degree Examinations 2020-21

Computer Science

Software 3

1       (45 marks)     Short questions

(i)     [1 mark]     Write a function isHaskell that takes a string and returns True if the string is

"Haskell" and False otherwise.

Your solution should satisfy:

testHaskell   ::  Bool

testHaskell  =

(isHaskell  "Haskell"  ==  True)  &&

(isHaskell  "Software"  ==  False)  &&

(isHaskell  ""      ==  False)  &&

(isHaskell  "haskell"  ==  False)

(ii)    [1 mark]     Write a function lowerVowel that takes a string and returns True if the string

has only lowercase vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and False otherwise.

Your solution should satisfy:

testlv::  Bool

testlv  =   (lowerVowel  "ue"  ==  True)  &&

(lowerVowel  "ueA"  ==  False)  &&

(lowerVowel  "uea"  ==  True)

(iii)    [2 marks]     Write a function prodCube that computes the product of the cube of numbers

in a list that are divisible by 2 but not divisible by 4. Your solution should satisfy: Your solution should satisfy:

testprodCube   ::  Bool

testprodCube  =   (prodCube   []           ==  1)

&&   (prodCube   [4,  8]                  ==  1)

&&   (prodCube   [4,  6,  8]           ==  216)

&&   (prodCube   [4,  6,  8,  12]  ==  216)

&&   (prodCube   [2 . . 11]                ==  1728000)

(iv)    [2 marks]     Write a function consDiff that computes the difference between the number

of consonants "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ" and the number of digit characters in a string. Your solution should satisfy:

testconsDiff   ::  Bool

testconsDiff  =

(consDiff  ""                                    ==  0)

&&   (consDiff  "SOf3in2021"            ==  -2)

&&   (consDiff  "Software123andTheory123"  ==  5)

&&   (consDiff  "HASkellprogramming2021"    ==  9)

(v)     [4 marks]     The International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Location Identifier is a unique and all uppercase 3-letter code used in aviation to identify an airport, for example LHR, JFK and BHX. For the purposes of this question, IATA location identifier should consist of only             consonants "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ".

(a)  [2 marks]    Write a function isIATA that tests whether or not a string is an IATA

location identifier.

Your solution should satisfy:

testisIATA   ::  Bool

testisIATA  =

(isIATA  ""           ==  False)  &&

(isIATA  "MAN"    ==  False)  &&

(isIATA  "LHR"    ==  True)  &&

(isIATA  "LHRT"  ==  False)  &&

(isIATA  "lhr"    ==  False)  &&

(isIATA  "JFK"    ==  True)  &&

(isIATA  "BHX"    ==  True)

(b)  [2 marks]    Write a function countIATA that counts the number of IATA location

identifiers in a list of strings.

Your solution should satisfy:

testcountIATA   ::  Bool

testcountIATA  =

(countIATA   ["LHR"]                                                                                   ==  1)  && (countIATA   ["LHR",  "Lhr",  "MAN",  "JFK",  "",  "jfk"]           ==  2)  && (countIATA   ["LHR",  "BHX",  "MAN",  "JFK",  "ACC",  "LRHT"]  ==  3)

(vi)    [5 marks]

Consider the type of students record ‘Students‘:

type  Students  =   [(Name,  Age,  College)]

type  Name  =  String

type  Age  =  Int

type  College  =  String

A bus will normally carry students between campuses and records of all the students travelling on a particular bus are maintained. If a student boards the bus, his/her record is added to the bus database and the record is removed when the student gets off the bus. Below is the        current state of bus 66 in a form of a database with students records onBus66.

onBus66   ::  Students

onBus66  =

[("Zain",  18,  "Halifax"),   ("Julia",  20,  "Constantine"),

("Mandy",  22,  "Goodricke"),   ("Jack",  24,  "Constantine"),

("Emma",  21,  "Langwith"),   ("Zack",  19,  "Halifax"),

("Alice",  21,  "Halifax"),   ("Bob",  19,  "Alcuin"),

("Lui",  22,  "Goodricke")]

(a)  [1 mark]    Write a function colleges that takes an age and returns a list of all

colleges with students currently onboard bus 66 with that age.

(b)  [2 marks]    Write a function joinBus that adds the record of a student to the

database once the student gets onboard the bus.

(c)  [2 marks]    Write a function offBus that removes the record of a student from the   database once he/she gets off the bus. There shouldn’t be any change to the database if the record does not exist.

(vii)   [5 marks]     Consider the type

type  BoolD  a  =   (Bool,  a)

A value (True,  x) is to be interpreted as x is a valid result and (False,  x) as x is invalid and should not be used. A better way of representing such values is to use a Maybe type.

(a)  [1 mark]    Write a function bd2m that converts BoolD  a to Maybe  a.

(b)  [3 marks]    Write a function bDSum that returns a BoolD  Int; the sum of all digits in

a list of characters. Assume the sum is zero for a list without digits.

(c)  [1 mark]    Write a function mBSum which uses the function bd2m and bDSum to return a Maybe type from the sum of all digits in a list of characters as described in question  (b).

(viii)  [9 marks]     Consider

data  TreeP  a  =  Leaf  Int   |  Node   (TreeP  a)  a   (TreeP  a)  deriving   (Eq,  Show)

In a regular tree the value in a leaf is the length of the path from the root to the leaf. Hence we define:

emptyTreeP   ::  TreeP  a

emptyTreeP  =  Leaf  0

In an ordered tree, all the values in the left-hand subtree are strictly smaller than the value at the root, all the values in the right-hand subtree are strictly greater than the value at the root, and both subtrees are ordered.

(a)  [6 marks]    Write a function itp to insert a value into a regular, ordered tree.

(b)  [3 marks]   Write a function treeList that returns a list with the values of a regular,

ordered tree in ascending order.

(ix)    [8 marks]     Consider

data  DBTree  =  DBLeaf   |  DBNode  DBTree   (Int,  String)  DBTree  deriving   (Eq,  Show)

In a binary search tree if k is the key in a node, then all keys in the left subtree must be less    than k, and all the keys in the right subtree must be greater than k. Consider a database table (like smallDB) with student-id and name pair, represented as a binary search tree.

smallDB   ::  DBTree

smallDB  =  DBNode   (DBNode  DBLeaf   (2,"James")  DBLeaf)   (3,"Maxwell") (DBNode  DBLeaf   (6,"Helen")  DBLeaf)

Write a function stdUpdate which takes a student-id, a new name and a database organised as a binary search tree, and returns a new tree with the student’s new name. However, you are expected to return an error message if a valid record with the provided student-id does not   exist in the database. You will need to define an appropriate type for Error‘, as part of    your solution.

Your solution should satisfy:

testUpdate   ::  Bool

testUpdate  =

(stdUpdate  6  "Abi"  smallDB  ==  Right   (DBNode   (DBNode  DBLeaf   (2,"James") DBLeaf)   (3,"Maxwell")   (DBNode  DBLeaf   (6,"Abi")  DBLeaf)))  &&

(stdUpdate  8  "Mandy"  smallDB  ==  Left  "There  is  no  such  student  with  ID:  8")

(x)     [8 marks]

Recall the definition of the ‘ProofLayout‘ type constructor:

infixr  0   :=:  --  the  fixity  and  priority  of  the  operator

data  ProofLayout  a  =  QED   |  a   :=:  ProofLayout  a  deriving  Show

Consider the definitions of the Prelude functions:

head   ::   [a]  ->  a

head   (x:_ )  =  x             --  head . 0

foldr   ::   (a->b->b)  ->  b  ->   [a]  ->  b

foldr  _  z   []           =  z                                         --  foldr . 0

foldr  f  z   (x:xs)  =  f  x   (foldr  f  z  xs)  --  foldr . 1

const   ::  a  ->  b  ->  a

const  x  y  =  x  --  const . 0


caput   ::   [a]  ->  a

caput  =  foldr  const  undefined  --  caput . 0

Give a value of type ProofLayout a that captures the proof of

A  x::a,  xs   ::     [a],  caput   (x:xs)  ==  head   (x:xs)

For full marks, each step must be annotated with the rule that justifies the step.

caputHead   ::  a  ->   [a]  ->  ProofLayout  a

caputHead  =  undefined

2       (45 marks)     Extended example

It is not necessary to know anything about the card game Contract Bridge (or just Bridge) for this question. Anything needed will be explained. Where you may be familiar with different  rules to those described in the accompanying files, the rules and tests in the accompanying les take precedence.

(i)     [2 marks]     Define a pack of cards as a list of ‘Card‘, containing each card exactly once. The suits must be arranged in the order: Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades; within each suit the  cards must be arranged in the order Two, Three, ..., Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace.

Types Card , ‘Suit‘ and ‘Value‘ are defined in the imported module ‘Pack‘, which you are       recommended to read (but must not modify) as well as utility functions for printing structures containing cards.

Your solution should satisfy:

packTest   ::  Bool

packTest  =

pack!!3  ==  Card  Clubs  Five

&&  pack!!4  ==  Card  Clubs  Six

&&  pack!!16  ==  Card  Diamonds  Five

&&  pack!!31  ==  Card  Hearts  Seven

&&  pack!!48  ==  Card  Spades  Jack

To gain full marks your solution should take advantage of the fact that the types used to describe ‘Card‘ are instances of ‘Enum .

In the next group of questions you will build a function that mimics the way that people prepare the game, by shuing the pack and then dealing the pack.

(ii)    [3 marks]     A stream of pseudorandom natural numbers can be generated by the linear

congruential method. Given any element of the stream, n, the next element is: a *n+c   mod‘  m

for suitable values of a , c, and ‘m‘ . Picking these values can be difficult, but one reasonable assignment is a == 75, c == 0, and m == 231 - 1 .

Define psrn to compute the next element of the stream by the linear congruential method, using these values.

Your solution should satisfy:

psrnTest   ::  Bool

psrnTest  =  psrn  1234567890  ==  395529916  &&  psrn  2468013579  ==  1257580448 (iii)    [5 marks]     Implement a function, ‘insertMod‘, to insert an element into a list at a given position. If the given position is larger than the length of the list then insertion should be at the position found by taking the input modulo the number of insertion positions.

Your solution should satify:

insertModTest   ::  Bool

insertModTest  =         insertMod         0  "hello"  ’x’  ==  "xhello"

&&  insertMod         5  "hello"  ’x’  ==  "hellox"

&&  insertMod         3   [0 . .4]     9      ==   [0,  1,  2,  9,  3,  4]

&&  insertMod       24  "hello"  ’x’  ==  "xhello"

&&  insertMod    131  "hello"  ’x’  ==  "hellox"

&&  insertMod  1011   [0 . .4]     9      ==   [0,  1  ,2,  9,  3  ,4]

(iv)    [6 marks]     Implement a function, shueStep‘ that calculates a single step of a shuffle (the next question asks for the whole shuffle). The function ‘shuffleStep‘ takes a function over      numbers, a number– list pair, and an element. The result is also a number-list pair. The number in the output pair is given by applying the first argument to the input number. The list in the  output pair is obtained by inserting the potential element into the list at the position given by

the number in the input pair, following the same rules that ‘insertMod‘ follows.

Your solution should satisfy:

shuffleStepTest   ::  Bool

shuffleStepTest  =

shuffleStep  id       (                    3,  "hello")     ’x’  ==   (                    3,  "helxlo")

&&  shuffleStep  psrn   (1234567890,   [0   . .  4])  9      ==   (  395529916,   [9,0,1,2,3,4])

&&  shuffleStep  psrn   (2468013579,   [0   . .  4])  9      ==   (1257580448,   [0,1,2,9,3,4])

(v)     [10 marks]     We can get the effect of randomising, or shuffling, of a list, by repeatedly taking an element of a list and inserting it into a second, initially empty, list at a random position. To obtain the stream of random numbers, a seed, or starting point, and a next–number function

are parameters of the function. Implement the ‘shuffle‘ function.

Your solution should satisfy:

shuffleTest   ::  Bool

shuffleTest  =

shuffle  psrn  1234567890   [0   . .  9]  ==   [9,4,1,0,3,7,6,5,8,2]

&&  shuffle  psrn  2468013579   [0   . .  9]  ==   [2,4,1,3,5,8,9,6,0,7]

&&  shuffle  id                           0   [0   . .  9]  ==   [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]

&&  shuffle   (+1)                       0   [0   . .  9]  ==   [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

(vi)    [7 marks]     Implement a function, ‘deal‘, to distribute a list as evenly as possible into four ordered sublists.

Your function should satisfy:

dealTest   ::  Bool

dealTest  =

deal   [0 . . 9]                    ==   ([0,4,8],[1,5,9],[2,6],[3,7])

&&  deal  "hello  world!"  ==   ("hor","  el","dlw","!lo")

You may use the function ‘insertOrd‘ in your solutions:

insertOrd   ::  Ord  a  =>  a  ->   [a]  ->   [a]

insertOrd  w  =  foldr  f   [w]


f  x  ys@(z:zs)   |  x  >  w           =  z:x:zs

|  otherwise  =  x:ys

deal   ::  Ord  a  =>   [a]  ->   ([a],   [a],   [a],   [a])

deal  =  undefined

Using your function deal , implement a function, shueDeal‘ that, given a seed, and a next number function, shuffles and deals a full pack of cards for a game of bridge.

When pretty printed using the function ‘pp‘ defined in module ‘Pack‘ available in Pack.hs, your function should print as shown in Q2vi.hs. Note: the pretty print ‘pp‘ output on Windows OS may use different fonts.

(vii)   [12 marks]     A game of bridge is played either with

*  one suit being designated the trump suit, or

*  no suit being designated the trump suit.

Give a suitable data type to represent the current trump suit, or that there is no trump suit. Define the special value noTrumpSuit::Trumps which represents there being no trump suit, and the function ‘theTrumpSuit :: Suit -> Trumps‘, so that ‘theTrumpSuit s‘ is a value that      represents ‘s‘ being the trump suit.

noTrumpSuit   ::  Trumps

theTrumpSuit   ::  Suit  ->  Trumps

type  Trumps  =   ()


you  may  replace   type‘  by   newtype‘  or   data‘

noTrumpSuit  =  undefined

theTrumpSuit  =  undefined

In each round one player leads, and then the other players follow the lead, in rotation. The following rules are used to decide the winner of the round, or trick:

*  if there is no trump suit, or there is a trump suit but no cards of that suit have been     exposed, then the highest card of the same suit as the led card (the first card exposed) wins.

*  if there is a trump suit, and cards of that suit have been exposed, then the highest card of the trump suit wins.

* The type Card is declared as deriving ‘Ord‘, in a way such that the maximum card in a list matches the Bridge notion of highest card in a trick.

Implement a function, trickWinner‘, that takes:

*  a trump suit, or no trumps,

*  a led card, and

*  a list of three following cards,

and determines the winning card of the four.

Your solution should satisfy

trickWinnerTest   ::  Bool

trickWinnerTest  =         twh  noTrumpSuit                             ==  Card  Spades  Ace &&  twh   (theTrumpSuit  Diamonds)  ==  Card  Spades  Ace

&&  twh   (theTrumpSuit  Hearts)      ==  Card  Hearts  Four


twh  t  =  trickWinner  t   (Card  Spades  Two)

[Card  Hearts  Four,  Card  Spades  Ace,  Card  Spades  King]