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EGN 3420 Project I

Individual Work

Due by April 20th 11:59 pm

One of the tool that a lot of Electrical Engineers use when it comes to Circuit Analysis is DELTA-WYE Conversion.

Create a C-Script, a Python Script OR a Matlab Script that will perform DELTA-WYE Conversion.

Here are the requirements

1. ask the user whether it is a Delta or Wye network.

2. ask the user to type in values (for impedances)

3. make the conversion (Delta to Wye or Wye to Delta)

4. Prompt the user for repetition of the process.

You are to turn it

1. Your Script

2. Demo Screenshot

3. Your opinion on the Project

4. A Youtube Video with your explanations on Your Approach, Your Scripts, and Demonstration. You should give detailed explanations on the scripts – that would show you actually understand what you were doing.

Place all First 3 items and the link to Youtube Video on a single word document (and upload please. Also

· The Pages in the attached PDF FILE that explains the process of Delta – Wye Conversion are from is from Schaum’s Outline of Basic Electricity Second Edition by Milton Gussow, M.S.

(ISBN: 978-0-07-170250-8)

Please, do not forget your impedances are Complex Numbers!